"Humpff… wait a moment guys. I have a way."

Shigure went to the back of the exhibit. Hatori looked to Tohru and shook his head. This was going to be interesting. Before they knew it, Shigure would be inside the exhibit howling away with his kin. Zoo – get ready to alarm security…

A moment later, Shigure appeared with a silly grin on his face, like he had just stolen a bag of candy. Hatori was imagining the worse, a loud, cacophonous buzzer going off… but instead a baby wolf came to the edge of the fence and stared at Tohru with big grey eyes.

"Awww. How did you do that Shigure? It is so cute!"

Shigure looked at Hatori and gave him a wink.

Hatori noticed that Shigure was acting very different. He seemed chipper that usual. When he looked at Tohru, he had a look of admiration. He got the wolf to come out, not for himself, but for Tohru. Odd.

Next, they went to see the peacocks. Tohru was sad that their feathers weren't fanned out, but Hatori explained to her that males did it to attract a mate. Tohru questioned no further. In fact she blushed. This made Shigure laugh out loud. She was so innocent sometimes.

He just wanted to corrupt her.

Teach her.

The forbidden knowledge.

For lunch they had ham and tomato sandwiches. Both men did not want any cheese, saying that it gave them gas, but Tohru graciously asked the woman in the sandwich shop for a ham and cheese sandwich.

They spent the afteroon going to the exhibits Shigure planned out for them – the penguins, the polar bears, the flamingos, the pigeons (Hatori was like: What the hell? You can see those in the streets, why do we have to pay to see them in the zoo?), the crocodiles (Tohru hid behind Shigure when it came up close to the glass, Shigure hid behind Hatori – the almighty who merely rolled his eyes), the foxes, the moose, the bunnies, the tropical fishes. Since the zoo was in the middle of the city, it was family-sized, and they finished two rounds around the zoo by six thirty.

The sky darkened as they traversed the city streets. Hatori walked behind Tohru and Shigure. Shigure had his arms around the poor girl. Hatori had wanted to say, 'Hey, loosen up Shigure!' but realized that he couldn't speak. He was eager to rid the curse. He was so sorry. He was prepared to mend the broken girl if Shigure harmed her in anyway.

He always picked up the pieces.

Like a common street sweeper.

They walked passed expensive storefronts, with tall, skinny manniquins in the well-lit window display. Shigure bought Tohru an ice cream. Hatori watched in horror as Shigure wiped her lips with a napkin. How very, very odd.

End Flashback

"Tohru, can I see you after class?"


She went to Mr. Otani's desk after class.

"Tohru, you have not been applying yourself to any of the assignments or quizzes. This is so unlike you. You always turn in the assignments on time. Is there anything going on outside of school that you would like to tell me about? The year is almost ending, and I wouldn't want to see you get a bad grade. You are really one of my most hardworking students."

Tohru looked down at her toes ashamedly. "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry. Just work hard."

"Hai. I promise."

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