Chapter 25: Star Light, Star Bright

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything associated with Fruits Basket.

What does it take to set the Sohmas free after Akito's death?

Warning: Foul language.

The Puppet Master's Last Testament

Chapter Twenty-Five: Star Light, Star Bright

One week later...

Tohru returned home at six-thirty. She unlocked the door quietly and set down the groceries on the kitchen counter. She poured herself a cup of Shigure's favorite bitter oolong tea. She sat down at the nook table and laid her head down on the cold surface. She was so tired. She could barely keep her eyes open on the bus.

Shigure pranced out from the shower and said, "Good evening, Tohru-chan!" The past few week, he had been depressed the whole morning, afternoon, and early evening. He had done nothing productive since writing the beginning of his latest story, which still didn't have a title. He waited for her everyday, starting at six. Last Thursday, she had gone to work and returned at midnight, and he was about the explode from the lack of communication, from seeing her. He yelled at her and made her feel like the scum of the world ("How dare you not tell me you were going to stay at work for so long! I am starving!" She had been going to work on Thursday for the past few months, what made it so different today? What a moody guy. Also, dinner was in the fridge. He must have been to worried to look. Heart over stomach?) He hated this dependence. It was a drug. And he was euphoric when she was with him. And withdrawn when she wasn't.


"For what?"

"Oh, nevermind."

She wasn't even thinking straight and thought that Shigure had just offered her something… She hoped she wasn't getting sick. That would ruin everything, her job, school, cooking, cleaning, shopping…

"What's for dinner?"

"I bought some shrimp. I'm going to cook it with some eggs and tomatoes. I will also boil some edamame beans."

"Sounds good. Can you make dumplings this weekend?"



Shigure flitted off to the couch to watch some television, never bothering to ask if she needed any help.

After Tohru cleared the table and washed the dirty dishes, she started up the stairs for a warm shower. Shigure laid an arm around her shoulder and asked sweetly, "Tohru-kun, do you think you can meet up on the roof at eight tonight?"

"For what?"

"Star-gazing of course!"

"Hmm, okay. Nine it is."


"Okay. Sorry."

She stumbled off to her room and stripped off her clothing. She was absolutely tired, and her leg still pained. This was a result of a mixture of lack of sleep, too much energy spent at the beach moping after someone who didn't show any of the same affection toward her, and her own weakness. It was her own fault. As usual, she blamed herself for not being able to handle anything.

She turned on the warm water, and slid down the floor to take a rest… it would only be a minute… as the water crashed onto her skin with the force of icicles.

Shigure had already printed a few pictures and memorized what each of the seven 'things' looked like and their locations in the sky, so he could spot them easily.

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