Chapter 47: His and Hers

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything associated with Fruits Basket.

What does it take to set the Sohmas free after Akito's death?

A/N: Thanks for all the fabulous reviews! I appreciate each and every one! Kisses.

The Puppet Master's Last Testament

Chapter Forty-Seven: His and Hers

Manabe did not return to Shigure's house after their double date, except to pick up his belongings. His girlfriend must have noticed his short-term change and taken him back. A month later, Shigure received a 'Fragile' package from the mailman on sunny afternoon. It was the middle of September. The inside had a crudely wrapped gift. There were two mugs inside, blue and pink. One said 'His' and the others 'Hers.' There was a small note with some chicken-scratch. It took him some time to decipher it. 'Hey, thanks for letting me stay over. It was my pleasure helping out. My girlfriend and I are doing well, thank you. I hope these mugs find use; it took me more than ten minutes to find the perfect gift. You guys remind me of an old married couple (in a good way). –Manabe.'

Shigure chuckled at the boy's remarks. Thinking about it now, Manabe was quite similar to himself. He always chased what he wanted.

These past few weeks, he and Tohru had gotten closer. During the day, they visited the city or worked around the house. One morning, they visited his friends (the seven dwarves) at the warehouse.

Tohru had gotten quite good at DDR. She always blushed when they called her the Red Dragon Goddess, AKA Hatsumi, their favorite videogame heroine. She remembered they had not finished the story from last time.


"—she falls in love with a mortal, Izumo. He doesn't know that she is the keeper, and they spent one week together, where she is a normal woman, before she turns back. She flees from him. Not wanting him to think of her as a supernatural being. She wants him to remember her as a woman. While he looks for her in the treacherous mountains, he is taken by the darkest, vilest God… into Yomi…"

A collective silence fell over the group, including Tohru.

Then, Kaito finished in a low whisper, "we haven't been able to find Izumo yet, but I know how the game goes… an old friend told me…"

"What? How?" everyone said in a hushed tone, including Tohru.

He whispered, even lower, "She finds him, but he is in a coma. The only way to awaken him is to find the thirteen enchanted treasures—the silver mirror, the jade and Magatama necklace, the goblet of magma—she finds twelve, but the last one, she can't get her hands on. She doesn't know why. She has fought every creature, done everything, but –"

End Flashback

It had been so intriguing. Fantasy and romance were her favorite genres.

"Have you guys played any more of the game?"

Tenri responded, "We're actually stuck."

Eito continued, "Izumo is stuck in this underground glass cave. Hatsumi can see him, but she can't save him. It's really quite tragic. We don't know if the creators did that on purpose, or if we just can't get through."

"I read in a guide that the last treasure is a tear drop. We think that it's all a bunch of cow manure because how are we supposed to make her cry? I mean it's a game, not reality. A tear will supposedly melt all the glass." Kaito said, rolling his eyes. "It's impossible."

"We've tried everything," the cherub-faced Tenri said. "Anyways, we're over it. We've moved on."

Shigure wasn't really listening to them. They were too caught in the fantasy world. But he did hear the 'tear' thing. It made him think. Would Tohru cry if she found out that he was playing a game? She had done everything right, just like Hatsumi… but would Fate wrong her?

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