Chapter 45

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(3 person)

It took 6 days for people to coordinate and plan how they were going to take out their Alpha. He had been uninvolved with the pack nearly since the beginning. And while he hadn't been doing much for the people, his mates and the Beta had been making their pack thrive. They had built a playground for the children, they had brought people together to build a safe room for the most vulnerable. They had made sure everyone was trained, and ready for an attack. They had built alliances and made them well know and prestigious. They had made sure that the whole pack was taken care of. And they had showed compassion, unity, and community to the once rogue packs. They had made the pack what it was. A formidable power, not to be taken lightly. They helped people organize and come together. And now their wayward leader, who was nothing but a figurehead, was on a path to destroy everything they had all been building. One Luna was the son of the Clear Moon Pack, the other Luna was the brother of the Lion Pride. And the Beta was the brother of the Lion Pride. They were all well situated to make the pack strong and give them security. If the Luna's were wronged. They would leave, as would the beta. And they would lose all the power the pack held. You could only do so much with brute strength. You needed cunning, drive, and foresight. Something the Luna's and Beta had in spades. But you also needed compassion and empathy. Something else they possessed. They were the power behind the pack. They made the pack what they were. Who they were. Without them, the pack would still be rogues with no money, and no direction. And no security.
On top of all of that. Those three were greatly loved and the pack was incredibly devoted to them. There loyalty was to those three. And for their figure head and a new, very snobby, power hungry bitch, to come in and try to take the pack over, or to chase off the real power was absolutely unexceptionable. The pack would do anything for their beloved leaders. And right now, they deserved revenge. The alpha had been rejecting the Luna's for a long time, and nobody was dumb enough to not notice. He looked at them with loathing and hatred. Yet the Luna's never spoke negatively. They always looked at the Alpha with hope, and pain. They knew he had left, but you could see their hope and undying faith that he would come back to them. It was a deception. One they told themselves in order to deal with the pain. Both of the Lunas clearly still loved the Alpha and hoped he would come back to them. But he was clearly never going to return to them. Anyone with eyes could see that. He would glare hatefully at them. He would look at his own babies in disgust. And he the saddest part was that 7 babies would grow up without a father. Seven babies had lost a parent. Luckily they were all young enough that they would never remember him.
Nobody knew what happened to the Triad in power. It was rumored that the Alpha had been cheating on his mates for a while. Though that didn't make sense. Because if he was the aggressor, why was he angry and the mates looking at him with hope? Yet all rumors pointed towards him being unfaithful. Then out of the blue, he showed up with a new mate on his arm and the Luna's of the pack ran off in tears. Everyone was furious. She was clearly a bitch. And she was clearly power hungry and using him. Yet, he looked at everyone defiantly, daring anyone to make a negative comment. Then he had a speech about how the pack was supposed to treat the evil woman as the new luna and his old mates would be demoted. This wasn't going to happen. Nobody would stand by for this. And they didn't. Right after the speech nearly everyone left. They flocked to the Lunas' house. The Lunas were clearly distressed. And it made the loyal Pack members brimming with rage. It came to a head when someone suggested murder. It seemed extreme, but the beta and Lunas were considering leaving and the pack wouldn't survive without them. Soon everyone was in a frenzy and planning how to kill him. The alpha may not have held the power, but he was unstoppable in a fight. And nobody would win In a fair fight. They couldn't go head to head. It was impossible. And the alpha knew it, he knew nobody could contradict his words and demands. But what he didn't count on was how angry the pack really were. Sure they had all left the potluck, but nobody confronted him or argued him. Nobody challenged his authority. So he felt victorious. He couldn't have predicted how livid everyone had been. His new mate was whispering in his ear how he was being a strong leader and needed to rule with fear and trembling. He thought he had everyone's respect when they didn't challenge him. But he couldn't have been more wrong. Nearly the entire pack began working out all the details and planning his murder. It was decided that they need to kill the new luna as well, it was possible she could be pregnant with his children, and if she wanted to raise her child/ren to avenge their fathers death, very few could counter that child. As the child would have his alpha and bear genes. It was also agreed that the woman had likely poisoned his mind and was the cause of all the pain their Lunas were in. So they both needed to die.
Frank chose the 5 best trackers because he never slept at his mother's home anymore.
And Theodore picked the 10 best students in Ninjitsu. And over a dozen other people came along with guns with silver bullets. If they couldn't take him out with stealth and silver knives, they would shoot him repeatedly until he was weak enough that they could cut his heart out. And maybe decapitate him. He was rumored to be nearly immortal, and they didn't know how true that was, they wouldn't take that chance. So they decided to take every measure and precaution possible to make sure be didn't heal again. He would be dead, and they would be absolutely curtain of it.
It was Thursday afternoon when the group of three dozen people left to fine their wayward alpha. Thy followed his scent all the way into town. They looked like a rough group of people, and it was well after dusk, so nobody bothered them. They soon found where he was staying, his scent permeated the place. One person stepped forward and silently picked the lock. It was nearing midnight and the house was silent.
The people with ninjitsu training crept in first. When they heard a struggle the rest rushed in. All twenty something people open fired on the alpha.
The new luna was screaming bloody murder. And it was completely chaos. One person got tired of her incessant screaming and shot her in the head. The silence echoed eerily throughout the night air. The alpha roared with rage, and the gunmen began shooting round after round at his head and chest. As he began to slow down and bleed out, the ninjas descended on him and began attacking him with knives. A couple people sliced at his throat. He bleed all over the floor, and a couple more began cutting his chest open. It was enormous and it quickly became apparent that their knifes were ill suited for the job. But they didn't stop. They cut all the way up his chest cavity and a few people grabbed each side of his rib cage and they retched open his chest. His heart was surprisingly still beating. It appeared the rumors were true. He was practicing immortal. A man with a silver knife began hacking away at this heart cutting it out crudely. Once they removed it they threw it aside. He had to be dead. But nobody wanted to find out the hard way that he had somehow lived. So they went over kill and began severing his head. It was almost completely severed when they heard sirens. A very powerful man grabbed the head and yanked as hard as he could. With a sickening crunch the head released from the body, and everyone ran it didn't matter were they went, they all knew how to get home.
It took until dawn for everyone to walk back into their territory.
The assassin's were all exhausted. So they went home and began burning the clothes they had worn. Just one more precaution. Once they were satisfied, they went to bed after a long exhausting night.

There was a strange feeling in the pack. On one hand, there was relief and celebration. On the other, there was a melancholy and grieve. They didn't mourne his death so much, for it was agreed by everyone that he needed to go, but they grieved for his family. No matter how badly he had wronged them, they had loved him and he left behind children. Children who would never know their father. Everyone hoped that the Lunas wouldn't Lose themselves in grieve. The fear was that they may just give up, by this was a chance that needed to be taken. Hopefully their love for each other and their children would help them pull through. Though nobody knew for sure what the future held.
They knew the Beta would make a great alpha and they were in strong secure, hands. But the Lunas were the heart and soul of the pack and though they would thrive without them, as Reagan would make a good Luna, nobody wanted to lose the heart of the pack. They deeply loved their Lunas. And they hoped with time, they would be able to heal.

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