Chapter 42

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After eating we took the babies out to the backyard. There wasn't enough room for everyone to sit comfortably indoors.
I smiled. "We found out that Niles is having two little girls and a little boy!" Timmy and Reagan squealed and congratulated us. Giving Niles a hug. I smiled watching them.
I nodded. "And I think I will have enough money to buy an older house by the time the babies are born. Of course I will need to get your help to fix it up but everything seems like it's starting to coming together." Tyler smiled at me. "I'm happy to hear that." Ryder looked less enthusiastic. "Where's Aries?" I shrugged. "I don't know, he's never home anymore." Ryder looked pissed. "Why do you mean, never home?" I shrugged again. "He's busy with pack shit. And we almost never see him. He didn't even come home last night. It's really just Niles and I most of the time."
Niles nodded sadly. "Ya, Sky has been taking care of me and making sure I am getting enough rest, when he's already completely overworked and exhausted. I feel horrible about it. But with working all day, being pregnant with triplets, and trying to maintain the house and watch the babies, and overlook the children and families in our pack, I am not able to keep up with everything. So Skyler has been having to pick up the slack. Sky and I are ready to implode. Poor Skyler is overworking himself, not eating right, not getting enough sleep, helping me take care of the house and babies and then also making me rest, massage my feet and taking care of the family. We don't have enough energy to do anything but collapsed in bed at the end of the day. I think Aries has been cheating on us. But we just don't have the energy to meet his needs after we finish getting everything done at the end of the day." I nodded sadly. "I agree. I'm almost positive he's found happiness outside of us, but I am honestly too tired to even care most days. I suspected for a while, but when he didn't come home last night, that really confirmed it for me." Niles sighed and nodded. "Ya, me too. I wanted to be in denial. But there's no reason not to come home. And especially right after hearing your mate is having triplets. But we still haven't even seen him. We almost never see him during the week anymore. He comes to bed after we fall a sleep and we leave before he gets up. We only see him on the weekends. And I wish I could be a better mate but with everything expected of us, we just don't have time to cater to his every whim."
I groaned. "I know it's bad, but I just can't bring myself to care. I am running all day every day, and if he needs to find pleasure outside us to be happy, great. At least I'm not being asked to do one more thing. I always give him sex when he wants it, but I know I am not as engaged and responsive as I should be. And I am kind of glad he's fucking someone else. I can't be bothered to meet his needs right now."
Niles lay his head in my shoulder. "I kind of feel the same. No wonder he found another lover. I feel bad, but I'm just so fucking tired. It's hard to find the energy to care." I nodded.
My brothers were furious. "So he goes to a few trainings and chats with the warriors all day. Sometimes deals with the finances, while you are both being worked to the bone. Then, when you are too tired to function at the end of the day, and he doesn't get all the sex and your look tired and ragged, he finds other lovers to make him happy. When he should be coming home amd lightening the load on you both." Zeke was nearly roaring in fury. I shrugged.
Tyler sighed. "Mom and dad had life insurance. We agreed to put it towards the pack, but it was a lot of money. I want to buy you a house. Then you can focus on your family and each other. I know you have lots of money saved up, use that for food and necessities. Maybe you can get a part time job. This full time gig it killing you both. When we only see you every month or so, it's obvious how warn down you both are. We will help you move out and in a new place as soon as I get you something." I teared up and nodded. Niles started sobbing. "Thank you Ty. I need Sky right now. And we can't keep this pace up much longer."
Ryder looked pissed but not surprised. "I handle the money of the pack, not Aries. We have a large emergency day fund. There is quite a bit of extra money not being used. I want you to both work at the daycare, and I will begin paying you for it. I doubt Aries will even notice. And if he does, fuck him. He can't keep doing this to you two. You are the heart of this pack, everyone loves you and everyone thinks you guys should be payed for your work. I know it's going against the Alpha and your husband's wishes, but if he's not going to take care of you properly, I will." I sighed with relief.
I suddenly stopped and looked at him alarmed, "wait! If you handle all the finances and all the pack relations, what does Aries do?" Ryder looked at us, "he does border rounds and makes sure they are running smoothly, and he oversees the training, and trains all day." I nodded. "So you handle all the paperwork and intellectual shit, and he overlooks the  physical shit." Ryder nodded. "Basically."
I nodded. "So nothing is really required. Like if Niles needed to, he could leave the daycare for any reason, he could, since we are just volunteering. So, he should have been able to make it to the ultrasound and he should never be home late." Ryder looked at my brothers and back at me. "Yes. He has all the time in the world for you. If he wants." I bit my lips to keep from crying. This was such a deep blow. He just didn't want to be with us anymore.
I squared my shoulders and nodded. "Okay. Well, we will keep running the family and if he wants to participate, he's welcome to at any time. At least we still have each other. I am going to put in my two weeks Monday and I will begin working in the daycare with Niles and Timmy after I finish my two weeks. Thank you for helping us out guys."
My brother's smiled sadly. Zeke grabbed my hand "We would do anything for you, and we're happy to help. We will find you guys a great home, and you can worry about the pack full time. We love you" I blinked away tear and smiled. "I love you guys too."
I pulled Niles into my lap, he was crying and I needed to comfort him. I began purring loudly and hugged him close. The sound and vibration calmed him and he cuddled more into me. I rubbed his back softly. Soon he fell asleep. I kissed the top of his head. I loved him so much.
"I seriously don't know what I would do without you guys. Thank you for everything." Ryder picked Niles up and he carried him to bed. I gave all my brothers hugs and decided to start laundry. I decided to smell Aries underwear. As gross as it is, I wanted to know for sure one way or another if he was cheating.
I threw all the clothes in the wash and smelled a couple pieces of Aries clothing. I scrunched up my nose. It was definitely sex. But it smelled like a women. Ew. I tried to place who it was, it seemed familiar but no name came to mind. I sighed and threw them in the wash. Well, that was settled, he found another lover. I already knew that but there was no denying it now. I didn't know if I should tell Niles or not. I think we both already knew. But now it was a sure thing.
I decided to tell him in the morning. He had a right to know.

The next morning I woke Niles up with breakfast in bed. He smiled at me and began eating. He was getting pretty big, and he needed plenty of food.
"You should know, I did the laundry, and decided to smell Aries underwear. He clearing cheating on us. It's not with a man, it's a woman. But I can't place who". I walked over to the corner and grabbed a pair I didn't wash and handed it to him. He smelled and made a look if disgust. "Ew, he's sleeping with Courtney." I looked at him confused.
"She was the slut of our year. She's in my old pack. I don't know how he meet up with her, he would have to go out of his way to fuck her." I was so confused. Why? None of it made sense. "Is it possible she's one of his mates?" Niles sighed and shook his head. "Aries would have known right away if she was, they were friends in highschool." Understanding washed over me. "so, she was probably a consistent fling in highschool, and she was an easy lay when he felt deprived by us." Niles nodded. I hugged him and tried to make him feel better. This whole think was fucked. "Should we tell him we know?" I asked Niles. He shrugged. "I don't know if there's a point. He seems to have all but broken up with us, if we say anything he would probably reject us and make it official." I nodded and sighed. "You're right. Let's just worry about the pack and see if he snaps out of it."
Niles hugged me. "Okay, let's take care of our babies. They are starting to get fussy." I followed him to the living room and began cleaning. "I sometimes wonder how long it would take him to notice if we moved out and don't tell him."
Niles laughed quietly, but it lacked joy. "I think it would take a couple weeks at least."
I gave him a forced smile.
After eating breakfast Aries came through the door. I smiled and kissed his lips quick. "Hey babe, I've missed you." He smiled and pulled me into a deep kiss, "I've missed you too. It's been really busy lately." I smiled my brightest smile. "I'm so proud of you for working so hard for the pack" Niles walked up and gave Aries the same fake smile and gave him a kiss. Aries hurried to the shower. Niles and I sat outside with the babies. "it was faint, but you could smell Courtney on him." Niles sighed. I nodded. "I noticed. It sucks. And it is stupid, but I feel like we have been holding the whole family together. Doing all the work. And I don't feel like it I should make myself pretty, and be sexy, and serve him hand in foot, just to make him desire me as a mate. Is that petty?"
Niles shook his head. "No you have valid feeling. We take care of the money, the family, the house, each other, the babies, the pack, and we try to be available for his sexual needs when we can. If that's not enough for him. Fuck him. He could have helped lessen the weight on our shoulders, so we weren't so exhausted, but he's chose to go outside the relationship and leave us with even more responsibility. If he wants to fix this bullshit, he can do the fucking work." Niles was clearly angry. I was too. But I was mostly just resigned. I hugged him and kissed his temple.
The babies were starting to crawl. Well the oldest three. It was so cute. They were mostly scooting on their stomachs. Damon would rock on his stomach back and forth, but he couldn't lift his stomach off the ground. Still they were all adorable. I smiled watching them. And cuddled up to Niles.
"How did we get such cute little kittens?" I asked. Niles smiled and hummed in agreement.

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