Chapter 10

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The weekend dragged on forever. I missed Aries like crazy. For the last three or four days I had been with him nearly constantly. And now I felt like I was going through withdrawals. I smoked a lot in order to keep calm. One nice thing was I mostly just slept. I did do my homework and read a couple chapters in my history book, but mostly I rested. Tyler brought soup, oatmeal and other soft foods up for me so I didn't have to leave my room. I think Ryder found it strange but didn't ask questions. Honestly, he might have been too dumb to notice. It became clear very quickly that Tyler is much more observant and a bit smarter than Ryder. All in all, he would make a much better king. He also seems more open minded about the ways of the gods. Ryder just blindly follows what ever Silas says.
Tyler even talked a bit to me, and promised to help me move my stuff to Aries if I got kicked out before I finished grabbing everything. Something I highly appreciated.

I texted back and forth with Aries all weekend and I told him about my conversation with Tyler. He was shocked and happy I was able to mend thing a bit with my brother. We shared a womb and it's been quite lonely without him and Ryder. Thing will never be amazing. And we may never see eye to eye, bit at least it was better than it used to be.

I still wasn't feeling 100% so I put on Doc Martens, skinny jeans with some stretch and an oversized black hoodie. I filled a garbage bag with my favorite clothes and some of my soaps and lotions, before walking out the door. Once the door unlocked and my brothers began running to the car, I slid into the back and waited for them to finish being stupid.
I texted Aries and told him I would leave the bag right behind my car, so he could grab it and throw it in his car. I put my headphones in my ears and listened to music while we drove to school. As I was getting out of the car Tyler grabbed my arm. "Are you coming home tonight?" I shook my head. "No. I need a checkup from the doctor and I need some time to bond with my mate. I miss him like crazy." He fought to keep the disgust from his face and nodded. Then walked off.
I know he is trying to be understanding. But even if he knows about omegas, he has had homophobic ideas drilled into his head all his life. That shit doesn't just leave you over night. At least he's trying.

The day seemed to move at a crawl. I couldn't wait to see Aries again. At least I was moving better now. That was a relief. My stomach only hurt if I moved wrong. Or moved too quickly.

At the end of the day I walked up to Mr. Oliphant and handed in all my late work. He seemed pleased and made me sit down to remake a quiz I had missed. It sucked, but I felt like I knew most of it, which was a first. And I walked out of school about a half hour after school let out.

Aries met me at the doors and walked me to his car. "What too so long?" I groaned "I had to make up a quiz in History." He nodded and helped me into his car.

Soon I found myself in the clinic.
He quickly checked me over to inspect my improvement. "You seem to be healing a bit quicker than before. But I would have liked to have seen you mostly healed by now. Omegas tend to heal a little slower, but usually not this slowly. Even with this kind of damage I would have expected quicker healing. I am still very worried about your reproductive organs. And I think it would be wise to hold off on sex for a couple more weeks yet. You can start eating a small amount of solid food if you make sure to chew thoroughly. But it would be wise to continue eating primarily soft foods."  I nodded. Well, that was disappointing.
"Do you know why I'm healing so slowly?" He shook his head. "If you were part human, I would say that, but you're not. I'm not sure."
I nodded. "So I'm just sort of weak for a Shifter." Aries gave me a glare. Letting me know he didn't like where my thoughts were going. "No, not weak per say. Just not healing like I would expect. I haven't found any real reason for it."

Aries fed me tomato soup and a roll. I made sure to savor every bite, since this was the first solid food if had in a week.

Aries then brought me to bed and we lay naked together. Just bonding. I lay on his chest and he held me close. "you have to stop thinking you're weak. You not baby. I'm sure there's a reason your healing so slowly, the doctor just hasn't found it yet. Have you healed this slow in the past?" I thought about the few times I had been injured. I had healed almost instantly. "No. I healed almost immediately."
"See kitty, it's probably because of how badly you were hurt and because of the infection. I am so sorry kitten. I had a good long talk with my wolf and he promised never to do that again."
My eyes bugged. "Wait! Your wolf talks to you? My cat has never told me anything. I just understand his feeling and emotions." He gave me a sad smile. "There can be a few reasons for that. Either you never fully accepted your cat, and you didn't bond properly. Or sometimes omegas have a weaker connection with their animal side. I would bet it's a combination of the two for you." I nodded. "So if I accepted my Cheetah he might start talking to me?"
"I don't know. The bonding period the first few months, to the first year, after shifting are critically important for a Shifter. It may be too late to rectify your bond. That could also be partially why you heal a bit slower. Though like you said you haven't always healed this slow. I imagine it's a combination of things. But it's not because you're weak. Do you hear me?" He demanded I listen. So I sheepishly agreed.

"On another note. I would like to introduce you to the pack next Monday as the new luna." My heart began to race. Oh fuck. "Do you have a book or some information I can study? I don't have the first clue what a luna does."
He smiled indulgently at me. "Yes. I have some information I can give you. I will tell the pack not to share your status with anyone until you move in with me." I nodded, feeling a little better about everything.
"Plus, it gives you a week to move everything into my house. Do you have much more stuff?" I nodded shyly. "Yes. I have a ton of clothes, lotions, soaps, colognes, and makeup. Oh and candles. I love candles. And I need to go to the bank and pull out all my money. I don't know how much is in there but Silas deposits a few hundred a month. And I haven't bought anything in a while."

He began caressing my back and I buried my head in his chest. "I love you Aries. I would be lost without you." I mumbled quietly.
He kissed the top of my head. "I love you too."
I smiled against his skin and just soaked up all the attention he was giving me. Nothing made me feel happier. How could I be angry with him when he treated me like a queen.
I found myself purring against his chest. He quietly chuckled and continued to stoke my back. "Such a good little kitten." I purred louder. I loved being praised by my mate.
I soon fell asleep in my lovers arm's.
The next morning I woke up to a cold bed. I panicked a moment until I heard him talking in the kitchen. I decided to shower. I tried to be quick. I wanted to spend as much time as possible with Aries. But after feeling a shooting pain through my abdomen when I moved wrong, I slowed down and made sure to be more careful and deliberate with my movements.

Soon I was dressed in a pair of black sweatpants, a long sleeved white shirt and a black hoodie. I pulled on some sneakers and put my hair in a ponytail at the top of my head. I just was too tired to look cute today.
I didn't even bother with makeup. I sprayed myself with cologne and went to the kitchen.

"You look tired Kitten." Aries whispered to me and kissed my forehead. I nodded tiredly. "I am. I don't get why I'm so tired."
"Well kitty, it takes a lot of energy to heal your body. I'm sure you'll be as good as new soon."
I sighed. "I hope so. It seems like I am going to feel this way forever." I sighed melodramatically..

Aries handed me a large bowl of oatmeal with dried fruit in top. I smiled and thanked him before begining to eat. It was delicious. I wasn't usually a fan of oatmeal. But this had honey and cinnamon and a bunch of fruit. It taste great.

Before we left Aries gave me a kiss on the lips. It quickly became heated. It took everything to pull away. I groaned when I had to separate from him. It was so unfair, I just wanted to be with him. Was that really too much to ask?
He gave me one more peck on the lips before bringing me to the car. I slipped out of the car unnoticed and squeezed his hand. "I love you" I whispered before walking away.
It became harder and harder to stay away from him. This week was going to be hell. No amount of texting could make up for the lack of physical contact.  It was pure torture.
I sat in a bench in front of the school and pulled a catnip joint out of my bag. Maybe the sweet chemical relief would help me calm my nerves and ease the persistent pain. It was just a dull throbbing but it wore me down mentally and emotionally. Tyler sat next to me so I handed him the joint. He took a couple drags and handed it back. "Still smoking I see." I rolled my eyes. "Yes. I am a very nervous cat. It helps me function. Plus my stomach still hurts all the time and it dulls the pain."
He looked alarmed. "Your still not healed?"
I shook my head. "No. The doctor said I'm not healing as quick as I should. And he doesn't know why. It could be a mixture of things. I'm not fully connected to my cat. I never bonded properly with it. I got an infection early on and I'm healing quicker with antibiotics but it's still really slow. And I'm an omega so I heal slower. But even with all that I should still be healing better. I'm healing only slightly faster than a human and the doctor is unsure why. I still need to eat mostly soft food and no sex for a few more weeks. It all sucks a lot."

"Maybe you should see our Pride doctor. " I scoffed. "Sure. That would be great. And what excuse am I going to tell them. Because you know they will instantly report to Silas."

He nodded. "I'll see what I can do. I would feel a lot better if you had a second opinion."
I nodded in agreement. The pack doctor was doing his best. But he didn't seem nearly as concerned as he should be about how slow I was healing. Why didn't he look more into why it was happening. Maybe it was nothing. But a second opinion would be very helpful.
"If you can swing something I'll go. I am pretty worried about it. Something's wrong. I just feel it. I am so tired all the time. Too tired. Even for a cat. I would feel a lot better if a second doctor told me the same thing."
He have me a nod of acknowledgment and walked into the school.

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