Chapter 16

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The last few months have been good and bad. Well, not horrible, but uncomfortable. I have had the worst morning sickness. I ended up needing to be prescribed medication just to keep anything down. It's so bad that it almost makes me glad this will probably be my only pregnancy. It's been a nightmare. But the good news is that I'm still pregnant. I'm almost three months pregnant and still plugging along. Thank the gods.
I am starting to show pretty obviously now. I swear I look almost 9 months pregnant. But, I  suppose when your carrying four babies, yes four, you will look much bigger than normal. I have been adding lotion almost constantly in order to prevent stretch marks. Luckily, I had a wide assortment of lotions to choose from.
Today is my brothers' birthday February 8th. I have been debating whether to call them  or not. I did buy a present for both of them online and had it shipped to their house. I even had them wrapped. They should arrive today some time.
I decided to just text them happy birthday after much deliberation. If they want to take time away from their birthday celebration, they can call me. But this way they know I'm thinking of them.
I am very worried about Ryder. I am almost sure Niles is his mate. I have had a few class mates reporting back to me, and they all agree that he seems suspiciously interested in Niles. Sometimes that happens, you are drawn to your mate before you know for sure who your mate is. Nobody knows why that happens. Because other times, you have no indications as to who your mate will be, and you'll be completely blindsided by who the gods pick for you.
My brother's have come to a few more potlucks. When they come, they bring some food now. I think they've noticed that our pack isn't the most wealthy, though they never mention it. They seem to love our pack. And the kids in the pack have been warming up to them as well.

The pack has seemed to really bond and come together. I think the suggestion of having weekly potlucks was the best thing that could ever have happened. We have been feeling more and more like a big family. Rather than a random group of rogues that kind of have each other's backs.

The training has been going great too. People show up day after day. Aries still goes most mornings and evenings.
Terrence has the more powerful shifters fight multiple partners at once. And this helps everyone involved. It helps the group learn to coordinate. And it helps the one stronger fighter learn to fight from multiple directions.
The morning training focuses on endurance. But also on fighting while in human form. I found out that Theodore has a studio in the city were he teaches ninjitsu and jiu jitsu and a few other martial arts. They focus on both using knives and throwing stars, flexible, and coordinate. Then in Saturdays he has people in human form fighting people in their animal form, using the fighting techniques he has taught. It first it seemed kind of pointless, but if you are in the city or near humans it's best not to shift. And some people take a little while to shift. If you are attacked by surprise, you may not have time to shift. It sounds like people really like his class. And they have learned a lot. I think I might like to learn some stuff from him in the future. I already like being stealthy. But learning ninjitsu would probably be even more beneficial.

My brothers didn't end up calling. They just sent a text back thanking me. I was a little disappointed. I had hoped to talk to them, but I understand that 18 is a big birthday and they were probably really busy.

On my birthday Aries didn't go to training, he spent most the morning with me in bed. He made sausage, eggs, toast, and bacon. It was amazing. Then we watched a movie in bed. He pulled me to his chest and we cuddled together. We have been told that we will need to abstain from sex throughout the whole pregnancy. Which sucked. We had one amazing night together, and then we can't have sex again from nine fucking months. I feel bad for Aries. I am sure he was much more used to regular sex than me. But, I had sex one time. And after experiencing how fantastic it was, I have to resist for months on end. It's practically torture. And my hormones are all over the place, and I want it so fucking bad! But also, I really just want to bond and feel the intimacy. I miss being one with him. Kissing and cuddling, even naked, just isn't the same.

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