Chapter 29

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I called Niles at 2 pm and made sure he was still coming over. A lot had happened and I needed my best friend. I was also worried about him and Ryder. Ryder blamed himself for Silas and Moms death. And it would be easy to blame Niles too. Infact, even if he didn't straight out say it, he was still regretting his mating with Niles and I was sure he was devastated. So I wanted to make sure he was okay and life him plenty if time to talk to me.

I had Aries watch the babies so I could focus on Niles. He was more than happy to, understanding that Niles needed me. He just pulled out the formula and prepared a few bottles and put them in the fridge until he needed them. He kissed my forehead and told me good luck.
I had just showered and was wearing one if Aries oversized shirt when Niles got here. He walked into my room and looked at me with a smirk. "Now that's sexy. Are you wearing that today?" I laughed and shook my head. "No. Only you and Aries get to see me like this. Come here." I demanded and patted the bed next to me. He crawled into the bed and sat next to me. I cuddled up next to him and asked quietly. "How are you doing?" Tears started to fall and he cried into my shoulder. I hugged him and rubbed his back softly.
He sobbed so painfully. I could feel his heart breaking. And I just held on. "My poor baby. My Sweet little baby boy. I'm so sorry." I murmured and he cried against me. "Make it stop. Make the pain stop." I cried with him. Because I knew I couldn't. Ryder was all but rejecting him right now, and nothing could stop that pain. Only Ryder could stop the pain. But he was in so much pain himself that he didn't see what he was doing to everyone around him. His self-hatred wouldn't allow him to look beyond himself at how he was tormenting the one he loved most of all. And as much as I wanted to fix everything, Ryder wasn't ready to fix what he was breaking. He couldn't. Not yet anyway.

I found myself laying on the bed and Niles pinning me down, he was kissing me frantically. I hugged him and kissed him back. He pulled my shirt off and groaned. "Do you always go without underwear?" He asked. I smiled. "I try to. It's an unnecessary accessory." I smirked. He groaned and began kissing down my body. I pulled his clothes off. If my body would give him a moment of reprieve I was happy to give it to him. Anything to make my best friend feel better. I licked and sucked my nipples and I grabbed his hair and moaned, arching my back. I loved the way his mouth sucked and stimulated my breast. Nobody brought pleasure to my sensitive nipples like he did. Aries would suck too hard, and it would hurt. But Niles knew just how to tease them make me beg for more. I desperately pulled his pants and underwear off. "Maybe you should stop wearing underwear too. It makes you easier to access when someone desires you." I panted. He chuckled. "I learn all the best slutty tips from you." I mewled and pulled him on top of me. I grabbed his ass and rocked my hard dick against him. Tryin to bring more stimulation to my needy little cock. I moaned as he rubbed his hard cock against me. "Oh God. What do you want. I'll give you anything you want right now." I moaned. I wanted him to fuck me so bad, but this was for him. "Fuck. And you know that means something because I want you to fuck me so bad right now." I groaned. He smirked, "that's fine. I love fucking your sweet ass." I hadn't know that. He was definitely a bottom and I wouldn't have guess he liked to fuck me. I sucked on his neck and bit lightly. I knew he wasn't mine, but I like the idea of claiming him anyway. I wouldn't out of respect for Ryder, but I wanted to. He moaned loudly. "You want to bite me doesn't you?" I groaned and thrust against his body. "Fuck yes, so badly! I want you all to myself." He gripped my hair and thrust into my ass. I mewled loudly and wrapped my legs around him. I loved that he wasn't being gentle. He was taking all his pain and frustration out on me, and it felt great. I pushed two fingers into him, then added another when he didn't scream. I wanted him to lose himself. He fucked me, ramming into my body as hard as he could. I pushed another finger into him. Stretching his ass out further. He groaned loudly and started to fuck me more erratically. I threw my head back and he began yanking on my cock. He bit my neck, but not hard enough to break skin. I screamed and came. He quickly found his own completion. And collapsed onto me. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight.
We took turns fucking each other for the next 4 hours. By the time we finished we were both exhausted. I grabbed my catnip and had him sit in front of me. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and he lay back against my chest. "So tell me everything."
He was too tired to resist. He didn't even pause to breath.
"I know it's part of the grief. I know it. But I feel so rejected. He blames himself, because he chose to mate me, even though he knew Silas would get mad. So he thinks if he just had rejected me, everything would be fine. And so he's been ignoring me and I think he blames me. And it's like he doesn't even see me anymore. He see the cause of all his problems. I'm carrying his pups, and I want him more than anything, and in return he hates me. I hope it's temporary, but right now I don't know. And that terrifies me."
I hugged him tight. "Is it bad that part of me hopes I can keep you and mark you and make you my mate? That's not what you want or need to hear, but I love you and I would do anything to keep you. I tell Aries I want any omega, but that's not true. I want you. And only you." I said quietly. He tilted head back on my shoulder. "God were so fucked up.  I want you too. I think I love you. Maybe more than anyone. I have the pull to Ryder, and I am sexually attracted to Ryder. He can fuck me like nobody else can. But when it comes to love, It's you. It's always you. Your my first love." I chuckled. "I love Aries. He's my knight in shining armor. The love of my life. But if I'm honest, I love you equally. I want every part of you. And I want to give you every part of me. I know they don't see you as a threat, and me as a threat, because I can't meet all your needs and vise versa, but they should be concerned. My love for you is beyond boundaries, beyond comprehension. I love you as much as I've ever loved anyone. And if Ryder forgets you or wants to reject you, know that I will mark you and Fuck you and own you by the end of the day. And nobody is going to stop me. I will make Aries own you and Fuck you, and you'll never have to doubt my love. Never. I will love you far beyond anything Ryder ever was able to. Just because the goddess didn't give you as my mate doesn't stop me from needing you. And I can guarantee that nobody, not even Ryder can love you as much as I want to. Nobody needs you as much as I do. And I will live the rest of my life proving I can be as good a mate as that asshole. Just watch me." Niles turned around and straddled my waist. "I believe you. And I will come running to you, if Ryder desires to move on. I will remind myself how much you love me when I feel despair and brokenness from Ryder's rejection. I won't let myself break because I will know you are waiting for me, longing to give me everything I ever needed". I nodded. "Please, I want to love you so bad. I want to be your everything. I want to give you my soul. And I want you as my mate. My chosen mate. Please." I whispered hoarsely. We both had tears in our eyes and he kissed me softly. He nodded. "I won't reject your brother. I can't. Too big a part of me still wants him, and hopes he'll finally want me back. But that doesn't change the fact that I need you. I want you. And I wish with everything in me, that you had been my soul mate." I nodded and hugged him tight.
I looked at the time, we had an hour to get ready. I grabbed his hand And dragged him to the shower. I washed both of us quickly,making sure we both smelled fantastic. Then I ran into my room and started pulling stuff out of the dresser. I found a cute little white pair of shorts. His ass was peeking out of the bottom. Then I grabbed a tight teal blue crop top. It was short. Real fucking shirt. His swollen breast were showing our of the bottom. And it just covered his nipples. I smirked and grabbed some flat knee high boots. I tossed all of that to him and found a similar outfit for myself. I grab dark blue jean shorts, a light purple crop that that fit just like his and then some boots, just like his but dark brown instead of light. I pulled us both to my desk and mirror, and quickly made his makeup amazing. Then did the same for myself. I made sure to accent his hazel eyes. And then I pulled my hair in a ponytail and styles his hair to look unisex. I kissed his lips quick and pulled him out of the room to collect the babies and Aries. He smiled at kissed my lips and kissed Niles cheek.
I was surprised when Aries hugged Niles and looked down tenderly at him. "I overheard you and Skyler's conversation on accident. I was going to ask about if you were coming to the potluck tonight." He smiles and kissed Niles forehead. "So, I guess I better get more accustomed to you. Because I would do anything for Skyler. And if he want you as our second mate. Then I guess you'll be my second mate." Niles smiled with unshed tears in his eyes. "Your not mad at how much we love each other?" Aries kissed his forehead again, lingering a little too long. His hands slowly began rubbing up and down Niles side "How could I be mad. I have know for a while how close you are. I just let it go because I knew I want my lover happy more than I want anything else. And I still feel the same. I know he loves me. But he can't help but love you too. And I can't even blame him. You are a remarkable, sex, beautiful person with such a sweet, pure heart. I will never steal you away from Ryder. And Skyler won't either. But if he's stupid enough to toss you aside, know that I am with Skyler 100%. I would love to make you mine. I know I don't love you like Sky does. But that's just because I haven't allowed myself to go there. I am sure I am more than capable of loving you and treasuring you the way you deserve. If he leaves you, know that Skyler loves you unreservedly. But that my love will follow soon after." Aries kissed him softly on his cheek. Maybe a little too close to his lips. And pulled away. Looking deep in his eyes.
Niles bit his lip and nodded. His "Thank you." Came out little more than a whisper. A small smile slowly slipped on to his face.

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