Chapter 14

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The next couple days people from the pack dropped off care packages, gave me helpful advice, and some people just wanted to meet me. People also brought baby clothes, a changed ng table and a hand carved crib. The intricacy was astounding. I was overwhelmed both by their generosity, and kindness. But I was also really overwhelmed by all the new people. People were so excited to meet their new luna.
Others stopped by to give their thoughts and opinions of the idea of being an official pack. Most seemed very excited about it. But some also voiced their concerns and hesitations. We basically had a rotating door to my room.
But I was surprised by how nice everyone seemed. I had a vision of rogues as being violent, dangerous, and dirty. Everyone seemed very normal. I realized I had been as guilty as my brothers in believing Silas' lies.

Sunday evening had arrived and I was finally dressed, bathed, and even felt good enough to add makeup. I looked quite cute in my ripped dark blue jeans, an adorable little light pink sweater, a brown leather jacket (that had a fleece liner) and brown boots. Once I had everything on, I was almost burning up. But I gathered that the meeting room wasn't heated. And even with all the body heat, It would be chilly.  And I hate being cold. Maybe it's because my Cheetah comes from a warmer environment.

Aries kissed me soundly on the lips, "you look beautiful" I beamed up at him, and he pulled me into his arms. He had decided to hold me on his hip like a small child today, which I found wholly embarrassing, but I understood that it would be easier to carry me this way. So I just snuggled in and rested my head on his giant shoulder. His arm easily supported my weight. I had to wonder how strong he really was. I knew I was smaller than some Were's, but I was 5'8 and almost 140 lbs. Yet he seemed to pick me up like I weighed nothing. It blew my mind.

I saw that tables lined the back wall. None of them matched, but I suspected people just brought what they could. What extra they had lying around their houses. It warmed my heart to see it. It seemed to be so much more meaningful when everyone came together and gave of what little they had. Rather than extravagant gifts given from wealth. It seemed like the thoughts behind the gestures was just vastly different. These were simple folk. They all lived in little cabins, some probably lived in the woods in their animal form, and yet, they all gave from what little extra they had. I watched people as they brought food. My heart swelled with compassion and love for them. Many didn't bring much, a big bowl of cooked rice, or apples from a tree in their yard, or mashed potatoes. But some were able to bring more. And when it all was said and done, we had a feast worthy of this pack. I smiled at all of them for their efforts.
"Welcome everyone. Thank you for coming tonight. First I am going to ask Skyler to mark me, because we weren't able to do that earlier." I looked at him with alarm. It would hurt without the act of sex. "Go ahead kitten, I really want to be fully one with you. And any pain I might feel pales in comparison to the pain I have put you through." I nodded and carefully placed my mouth on his neck, right were it joined to his shoulder. I paused a moment to see if he changed his mind, he didn't, so I extracted my Cheetah teeth and bit down. He grunted slightly but never made any other sound. It was strange, I could feel his feelings, and almost hear his thoughts, my heart swelled with love for him. I carefully removed my teeth and licked the wound. His skin naturally healed almost instantly. I smiled up at him and then sat back in his lap.
I looked around and saw that everyone was smiling at us. They had been able to witness a very personal moment between their Alpha and Luna. And it seemed they were grateful for the opportunity.
"Okay. Now I want everyone to line up and come to me. I don't want to move, because my little kitten is safest in my arms, but if you could give me your wrist I will bite everyone so they can be joined together as a true pack." Nobody seemed to bothered by it. After all, this pack was very casual and no extra flair and ceremony was needed.
It took almost half an hour for everyone to make their way through the line. Some elderly women came to Aries afterwards and laid hands on him and asked for blessing from their Goddess. I suspected that this was something other packs had but wasn't sure. It was beautiful none the less. And I could feel a power shift, as the goddess recognized Aries as True Alpha.

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