Chapter 44

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We didn't ever bother telling everyone what was going on. Though I am sure most could guess. Aries was barely around. Ryder was essentially running the pack. He had set up meetings with a wide range of packs and had working relationships with many of the alphas. We had so many allies now. Me, Niles and I had brought our pack from obscure rogues to a thriving pack. We were always bringing new members in. Ryder would interview them and help them connect and engage in the pack. Most were allowed in. It was very rare for us to turn someone down who wanted to join. They had to be a raging homicidal maniac. Or close to it.
We went on about business. The pack never suffered because of Aries lack of drive and motivation. He was essentially the Alpha in name only. And it seemed the pack was starting to see that. People almost never went to Aries for problems. They always went to Me, Niles or Ryder. And we would address the problem and fix it as quick as possible.
Potlucks were still fun. More and more people would come up and talk to me and Niles. All the parents knew us well, and all the teens would come to us for our thoughts or advise. The kids loved is. They saw us every day, and would scream and run to us when they saw us. It warmed my heart. The job had become so fulfilling. And even with a massive hole in my heart where Aries was supposed to be, my life was actually very satisfying. And I felt like I had purpose.
We saw Aries at the potlucks most weeks, but he didn't bother coming up to us. It was troublesome. I just couldn't figure out what went so wrong. Yes, I worked outside the home for a couple months but that shouldn't have ruined us so completely. I had to think it was Courtney feeding him god knows what doubts and poisonous thoughts. But he had made his choice. He chose his ex girlfriend over his mates and children. And pack. When you looked at him he always looked pissed off. He wasn't the same man I once knew. And it hurt. But there wasn't anything to be done. He had no interest in anything but Courtney. He barely ever showed up for work. And I wouldn't have known, except I heard the trainers begin reporting to Ryder and ask how he wanted to do this or that. He was almost completely absent.
Niles was seven and a half months pregnant now. I was rubbing his feet and setting up baths with bath oils and candles often. I was also running to the store for random foods all the time.
It was just another pot luck. It was January, so we had it in the community building. I looked around and realized with the growth we had had over the last year, we were almost packed in here. I walked over to Ryder, "do you think we will have it in our budget this spring to build on to the building? We are running out of room." he looked around and nodded. "I think so. With the help of the pack, we should be able to get it done in no time, with only the cost of materials. I will look in to it more over the next couple months." I smiled "thanks." He patted my shoulder and I made my way back to Niles. I was shocked when Aries walked in with Courtney on his arm. She was standing smugly and looking at everyone like they were scum beneath her feet. "is that a mate mark on there neck?" I heard a couple people ask each other in shock. I looked and sure as shit, he had mated with Courtney.
I began to tear up. So he wasn't going to come back. I swallowed hard. And ran to Niles, grabbed our babies and dragged him out the door. I wouldn't make Niles act like everything was okay. I just couldn't do this right now.
I drove us home and dragged everyone into the house. I sat in the playroom and set the babies down. Then Niles and I broke down. We were both a sobbing mess. I had really thought he would come back. I had honestly thought he just needed to grow up.

My brother's all showed up within an hour of the incident. Niles and I were still sobbing uncontrollably. I looked outside and saw more and more pack members showing up. Soon nearly the whole pack was here. Me and Niles walked outside. Everyone was trying to make us feel better. I looked up at everyone. "I just don't know how I can stay here if he's going to make her the new luna. I knew he didn't love us. He had been cheating on us for months. and he stopped coming home to us. That's why we bought this house. But we have put so much when into this pack. And I love all of you.
I could easily go to my brothers Pride. Or Ryder could mover our pack to the south of town, but I don't think we can just move everyone. I'm sure you all know that Ryder has been running the entire pack for a long time now. I don't want to leave you guys, I love you. But I can't stay after that. I can't. And none of us can beat Aries in a fight. He's too big and powerful or I would suggest Ryder challenge him. I want to keep all of you. You have become family." I broke down crying. My brothers began fielding questions and thoughts. Everyone was in agreement, they wanted nothing to do with any of this, they all liked the pack we had built together. And they knew Aries and Courtney would ruin it. She was very obviously power hungry.
A man that was of questionable background stood up, "what you we just assassinate him? He can't just ruin everything we've worked so hard for!" I was horrified. Niles was crying. I held him in my arms. Soon everyone was in a frenzy and plotting murdering him. Zeke and Xander pulled me and Niles back in the house.
"You don't need to hear this. I don't think we are going to be able to change there minds. They seem very set on this." I nodded. It had been quite apparently. I could only hope that my love for Niles and my kids would help me keep my sane. Niles was sobbing. I knew I would be strong for him. "have them do what they need to. I won't stand in their way." I hugged. Niles. "I'm sorry baby. Just focus on me and the babies. We lost him months ago and we are still as strong as ever. You and me can get through anything."
I hated the idea of losing him for good. I had convinced myself that he would eventually come back to us. That he would eventually see the error of his ways. I couldn't believe he had decided to move on and make Courtney the new luna. I was in shock. Tommy walked in to the playroom and sat with us. He held us both. I hugged Niles. He had been rejected by two mates now. This was as insane. How could this have happened. Maybe we should have tried to fix things from our end. Maybe we should have sought him out. Instead of wait for him to come to us. Maybe he just needed to see we still cared. I knew one thing we wouldn't be so naive and easily accept another mate. This mate would have to prove they would love us for the long term. Not just in the moment.
"Niles. We are never accepting another mate unless they can prove, without a shadow of a doubt that they can love us unconditionally for the rest of our lives. And that they can love our babies as their own. If they can't do that. We aren't settling. We will find happiness with each other. Because an alpha would be nice, but you are all I need. In the last year, you have proven that over and over. You are my soul and I will be able to do anything with you by my side". I kissed his face.
Niles looked up tearily. "I really thought he would eventually come back. I really thought he loves us and would see the error of his ways. I really thought he was my forever." I nodded. "I did too. He acted so loving in the beginning he showed me how a lover should treat us. And it was amazing. But it was all a facade. Like you. I believed he loved us. He put up such a good act. I really thought he would eventually listen to the mate pull." Niles' lip quivered. "Is there something wrong with me?" I scoffed. "Fuck no, you are absolutely perfect. The fact that he was blinded by whatever witchcraft Courtney was crafting doesn't reflect on you at all. He was a fool for letting you go. Ryder loves you too. But not romantically. He never got past the walls Silas built within him. But he thinks your amazing. Ryder just needed a female mate. But Aries was absolutely idiotic for giving you up. And he will pay for the treachery he has done to you and the pack. Everyone in the pack loves you. You are the heart and soul of the pack. In fact, the pack is so furious about the way Aries wronged us, they are going to avenge us. You are adored. And loved. And you are absolutely perfect. I need you to be strong for the babies and for me and the pack. We all need you. And always remember you are the absolute love of my life. And I would die without you. The world could end, I could lose everyone else in it, and I would be broken, but I would recover. You are my heart, my soul, my everything. And I would die without you. I need you like the air I breathe. Please don't lose yourself in this. Because I will follow you to the ends of the earth, to hell itself." Niles nodded. "I will never forget who is most important. You and the kids. Thank you for reminding me" I smiled softly. "No problem."
I remembered that we didn't eat, so I made sandwiched for the babies and my Niles. It was time for me to be Niles strength like Niles was for me when I almost lost my babies. I should have realized right then and their who was most important to me. Aries couldn't pull me out of my depression, but Niles came and I snapped out of it right away. From that moment on he slowly became my everything. Now I couldn't live without him. Nor would I want to.

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