♫Chapter 3♫

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I ventured further into the night my earphones blaring with loud music, the street was empty and the tall orange lights gave the pavement an eerie glow

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I ventured further into the night my earphones blaring with loud music, the street was empty and the tall orange lights gave the pavement an eerie glow. I hated when I got this way, when I had to keep turning up the music to drown out my intrusive thoughts. I didn't want to think about what would happen if one day, I couldn't turn them off and they got too loud- no I wouldn't let that happen, ever.

I walked further down the road, I was nearing the woods and it wasn't wise to be out this late, there were coyotes and wolves on the prowl this time of year. The fog was thick and the night was cold, I held on tightly to my sweater. I slipped out of my clothes and left them on the sidewalk so I was in my leotard, I slipped into my ballet slippers too. I stepped onto the ledge and watched as the currents of SweetWater River overlapped in the distance, if I overstepped a little further I'd be one with the waves. I leapt onto my toes and danced into the night, maintaining my balance and contorting my body to a pirouette.

I heard a shuffle of steps and shifted my gaze to the the left, and at first I thought that I'd imagine him, that my mind was playing tricks on me but you see, that was when I first saw him. He wore all black, he radiated darkness so much so that one would think that he was one with the night. His skin was a fair porcelain, hair jet black, long and tussled by the wind. I watched in awe as he reached into his pocket for something, he took it out held it in the palm of his hand, shut his eyes and with a shaky breath let go of it into the water. I must've made some human sound because he turned his gaze to me too, his eyes, obsidian, almost completely black.

He was beautiful. But not in the way orchids and daydreams are, but haunting in a manner that resembled a forgotten memory, a hurricane a nightmare of sorts. He appeared almost as destructive as I was and I wanted nothing more than to never awaken.

"You shouldn't be here." He spoke, his voice like molten honey caressing the back of my mind. "You're going to fall."

"I never fall." I assure him with a smirk, "Don't do that" I reply simply taking out one of my earphones, he furrows his eyebrows in question.

"Do what?" He asks walking closer towards me with phantom like stealth.

"Tell me what to do, everyone else already does." I clarify, "don't be everyone else."

"Everyone falls." He retorts and I notice how he looks down at me through his generous pair of eyelashes that make him appear almost feminine.

"Not me," I smirk practicing another pirouette as his gaze follows me along the ledge.

"Do you dance on the edge often?" He queries, the foot of his sneakers tapping my shoes so I maintain my balance, he was challenging me, "or will you ever get the courage to jump?"

"I don't want to jump." I reply, I wonder what led him to that conclusion.

"Exactly you just want everyone to think that you will," he says spitefully and I'm taken aback, no one talks to me like that. "Just as I thought."

"What the hell does that mean?" I ask and he looks me up and down, agonizingly slowly.

"That you're a coward." He spoke and I nearly lost my balance but caught myself in the midst of it. "And unlike everyone else I see right through you."

I shut my eyes and kept on dancing, because that was all I knew how to do, dance. And when I opened my eyes he was gone, and I was glad because something about the way he spoke to me, like for once my shield didn't work and that I'm his eyes I was transparent. I felt bare around him and that shook me to my core but oddly enough I knew deep down I wanted more.

I made my way home and snuck through the bedroom window, where Annie had fallen asleep on the couch with a book in hand, I smiled and shut the book placing it on the desk. I helped her into bed and lay beside her between the heavy cotton sheets. She stores in her sleep and barely opens her eyes when she speaks,

"I waited for you." She whispered leaning her forehead against my own,

"I know." I replied and she shut her eyes once more with a sleepy yawn.

"Where do you go when you disappear?" She asks,

"For a walk." I answer but she reaches upward and taps her gentle finger against the side of my head,

"No, where do you go when you disappear here?" She rephrases and I shut my eyes.

"Somewhere where I can be brave." I confided, so silently I hope she does not hear me.

And then I fell asleep beside her, my sister, my other half and the only one who I love unlike any other.

And then I fell asleep beside her, my sister, my other half and the only one who I love unlike any other

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Ahhh there we go, I wonder who the tall dark mysterious stranger is? Well he's sure to be a force of nature for our protagonist here. Thank you so much for reading as always, as of now I don't have a specific updating schedule, but I will be updating multiple times a week :)

Love you,

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