My eyes widened at her admission, because they were plus sized?

"He said and I quote, 'I can't have girls like you ruining our reputation as a gentleman's club' is this a fucking joke? We're the fucking highest earners here Lush, how can he just kick us out like this?" She ranted, her hand clenching into fists as Angel started crying harder.

I let out a sigh, dropping my head down and tuning out her ever growing rant as I tried to keep a handle on my anger.

Warm, clammy hands clasped onto my wrists, "Lush, we all know you have some kind of influence over him-," Crystal snorted aloud, causing Angel to pause.

"Influence? We all know you sucked his dick, just do it again so Angel can stay," Crystal admitted, rolling her eyes.

"What do you mean Angel? What about me?" Brandi spat, clearly irritated with Crystal.

"Brandi, I don't give a flying fuck where you end up, in fact, I hope that only Angel stays and you end up dead in a ditch somewhere."

Brandi opened her mouth to retort but I cut her off, "Crystal, what the fuck did you just say?"

She looked over to me, seemingly unbothered by Brandi's death glare.

"What? Brandi fucking deserves it."

I could feel my anger bubble inside me whenever she opened her mouth and it was getting harder to control by the second.

"Crystal," I interrupted, "How dare you accuse me of giving head to the boss?"

I stood up, my jaw clenching.

"Do you all think this?" I asked, not being able to keep the venom out of my voice.

Silence settled over the room aside from Angel's quiet sniffling, giving me my answer.

Crystal cleared her throat before speaking, her voice quiet, "It's what Robin told us, and you're close so we thought-"

"Well you thought wrong." I interrupted her and turning her silent.

I sighed, running my hand through my hair as I contemplated my decision, why would Robin spread a lie like that? Did she think I wouldn't find out?

"Lush, please help us, I'll be evicted if I can't make my payment by the end of the week, I have nowhere to go," Angel pleaded with me, her voice soft and broken.

"I'll try my hardest, honey," I said before turning around and walking to his office, not bothering to knock.

I found him engrossed behind his computer screen, various documents lying askew on his desk though not a hair was out of place on his head.

"I was expecting you, Ophelia, though I do wish you had knocked," He said, not even looking up to check if it was me.

I sat down in the chair, anger fizzling inside of me.

I slammed my hand on his desk, gaining his attention as his eyes travelled to me, unimpressed.

Slowly, he closed his laptop and leaned back into his chair, watching me as a predator watches their prey.

"You know why I'm here, why'd you do it?"

He held my gaze, arching his fingers into a triangle over his lap, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, exposing the intricate tattoos that climbed up them.

"They don't fit the aesthetic and they'll turn away new customers," He stated, no trace of emotion in his voice.

I scoffed, "They book the most private dances and earn the most money out of all the girls here, fuck your new aesthetic."

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