Cure For Happiness

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It be a sad one
Happy ending tho

Shouto hummed happily, sinking back into his office chair, iced coffee in hand. He's not much of a coffee drinker, but he absolutely hated the tea the interns made. He also wasn't willing to let them know that he hated it.

Besides, he needed a good wake-up after such a boring patrol. He didn't have an angry, whiny Katsuki bitching about how quiet it is or Izuku excitedly looking around and bouncing about as if seeing everything for the first time. No, today he patrolled with Tenya Iida.

At the thought of his mate, Shouto looked to the newest addition to his desk. Just a small, simple picture, but it meant the world to the Alpha.

An ultrasound of his little pup, growing inside his bubbly mate.

He smiled and grabbed the frame, brushing his thumb over the little garbled shape of his pup. They'd be bigger now, this ultrasound having been taken at eight weeks. Izuku is around thirteen weeks, now, barely showing. Shouto couldn't wait to feel his pup moving around. He already loved talking to them each night.

After two years of trying and nearly giving up, Izuku was finally pregnant. They were finally starting their family.


Shouto yawned and stretched after locking up his shared agency, rubbing his neck as he began to walk away. His phone rang and he blinked as he looked at the contact.

"Hello? Kirishima?"

"Hey, man..."

The duel-quirk user raised a brow, turning his keys over as he walked to his car. "What is it? You don't normally call. Are you still with Izuku and Uraraka?"

"Uhm... Yeah, kind of..."

Shouto chuckled, opening his car door. "Kind of? Did Izuku wander off again? I'm sure he's looking at clothes for the pup."

Eijirou sighed on the other line. "No, that's... Midoriya didn't... Todoroki, there was an incident... We're at the hospital."

He froze, one foot in the car, keys slipping out of his hand and hitting the asphalt. Shouto's throat ran dry, stomach dropping. He swallowed, gripping his phone. "Who... Who got hurt..? Uraraka..?"

"No. It's Midoriya..."


Everything feels so strange. He hurts, but doesn't at the same time. He is definitely in a hospital bed, though. He's been in one enough times to tell. Why he's in one is beyond him, though.

Izuku breathed deeply and shifted as he woke more, blinking slowly and looking to his surroundings. The curtains over the window to the hallway were drawn enough that he could just see through a small sliver. He spotted red hair to one side of the sliver. Eijirou is sitting outside his room. The blinds on the window to the outside were shut. His room was dark, aside from the little light let in through both windows.

His mate sat in a nearby chair, head in his hands and elbows on his knees.

The Omega sighed. He's worried his mate. God, it's going to take a while to settle him. He's fine now, though. Everything is okay.

"Shou," he called out with a quiet croon.

Shouto snapped his head up, Izuku startled by the reaction and whining when he saw tears tracking down his mate's distraught face. He's never seen Shouto so... Hurt and sad.

Izuku crooned again and reached out to him.

The Alpha watched him for a moment, then looked away.

BNHA OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora