Band Names: Chapter 19?? KIRISHIMA'S POV

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We were at band rehearsal, but today was a bit different then usual. Usually we just play a couple songs and hang out for a bit after, but since Catastrophe is getting closer, currently it is September 14th, 2 weeks ago we had the pride party, and in about 2 weeks from now, October 3rd, is when it is.

I'm actually very excited about it, but also really nervous.
What if I mess up?
What if I can't do something right?
What if I get a cold??? Or worse, lose my voice!
I continued to ask myself about all the things that could go wrong.
I'm the lead singer after all... there is just so much pressure and I'm not sure if I will be able to do it right-

My thoughts were interrupted when I noticed Bakugou giving me a concerned look.

"Oi, dumbass, you alright? You look like you just saw a fucking ghost." He said, with his same usual scowl. But I've known him long enough to know that he isn't really angry at me, rather that is just how he is. Looks angry, actually a sweetheart. All bark, only a little bite with him.

Though I will admit he bit my hand when I tried to high five him once.

"Huh? Oh, just thinking" I said, putting my thoughts to a halt. "I'm a bit nervous about Catastrophe. I mean what if I can't hit the right notes..? Or if i fail..? Or if I-"

"You'll do fucking amazing, Kiri."

I admit his stern tone scared me a bit, but most of all encouraged me. My thoughts more then stopped by now. They had completely vanished. I'll do fucking amazing. I bit my lip slightly in embarrassment as I felt a strong blush rose up my cheecks.

I'll do fucking amazing.

"Thanks, Kats."

Bakugou doesn't mind the name, in fact I think he may secretly like it.

Anyways it was the end of rehearsal and the rest of the band members packed up and left by now. Sero was driving Denki back up to his house, oh, and they are dating now! Bakugou's plan worked and they got together that night. Jirou and Momo and Mina went to go meet up with some of their friends, Toru, Ochacko, and I believe Tsu was her name? I don't know but they left early to go meet with them. And so it was just me, Bakugou, and Mitsuki here in the store.

When I tell you Bakugou looks exactly like his mother I'm not lying, in fact they look so much alike that when I turned to face Bakugou, I actually faced Mitsuki at first and just barley realized it was her and not Bakugou. Though I guess technically she is a Bakugou as well.

"Oh right Bakugou! Before I forget, don't we need a band name to enter the contest? We don't have one yet do we??"

"No we don-"

Bakugou let out a sigh and pulled out his phone, opening the band group chat.

Band Group Chat: Everyone online.
Lord Explodo Murder💥: We need a fucking band name. I forgot about that, so any suggestions, dumbasses?
Human Pikachu⚡: How about shocker? Like one of the hand shocker things!
Lord Explodo Murder💥: No, fucking dumbass.
Human Pikachu⚡: Rude.
Local Spotify🖤🎵: I agree. That's stupid af denks. How about beats? Like the headphones idk.
Ducktape's second cousin🙊: Sorey babes, but yeah that's stupid. And Jirou maybe if we added something to it? Sounds a bit to bland if
Human Pikachu⚡: When you say that your fine but your not really fine and and it hurts because nobody will understa-
Rock💪Hard🤘: Careful with the boy you guys, he is fragile. Lmao
Lord Explodo Murder💥: Pft Kiri. Anyways I was thinking something to do with explosions. But I also think that Kirisjima should have the most say in it since he is the lead singer.

Life is good. Life is great. I made Bakugou laugh :)

I forgot to mention, by the time we had started the conversation, I had already started walking back to my apartment, Bakugou stayed behind because his mom needed him for something though, so I didn't get to walk home with him today. I'm home now, on my couch, being lazy as fuck even though I should probably shower.

That One Pink Bitch🙄👽💋👾😽: Course u wantz explosions you explodohoe. Say it with me yall, bakuhoe is a slut for explosions.
Ducktape's second cousin🙊: Bakuhoe is a slut for explosions
Human Pikachu⚡: Bakuhoe is a slit for explosions
Local Spotify🖤🎵: Yep. Bakuhoe is a slut for explosions.
Rock💪Hard🤘: I'm so confused but anyways
Lord Explodo Murder💥: Props to Kirishima for being the only decent human being
Rock💪Hard🤘: Chile Anyways Soo 😽🙄
Human Pikachu ⚡: How about The Survivor? doesn't sound super cringy tbh so I think it culd work?
Ducktape's Second cousin🙊: Actually... not to bad babe! That could actually work!
Local Spotify🖤🎵: Ohh and for the night of Catastrophe we got a smoke machine! It fits the name and it's just overall dope af, Bakugou, Kiri what do you think?
Rock💪Hard🤘: Hell yeah! Sounds great!! Smoke machine is a definite. Bakubro?
Lord Explodo Murder💥:.... yeah. Sounds.. not awful. Let's go with that one then.
So then it was decided. We are now the Survivors. I like it, it fits. Especially since most of the band has kind of that protag-backstory. Y'know, my mom/dad died/abandoned/abused me, mental issues, the usual. I like it. A lot.

Hi. Meet my friend Jermey, say Hi Jermey.


Lol bye guys

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