Chapter 10: The squad: All of them 😎

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My brother reads this now 👁👄👁

H e l p.

Anyways I might be switching to every other day instead of daily because uhhhhh I have other stiiff to du.. (kinda-)

OK bye --

Kirishima POV:

I woke up, maybe an hour after the elevator got stuck, at Mina's house, laying with bakugou on the couch.

We all decided to play truth or dare so we formed a circle on the floor.
I was next to Sero and Bakugou, on the other side of Sero was Denki, and then Mina, and along side Bakugou and Mina was Momo, Jirou's girlfriend who they had said would be around a lot, and Jirou leaning into her lap.

Mina went first as she decided on the game, she asked Sero and he picked truth.

"Uh ok... hmm... have you ever had a wet dream of someone here?" Said the pink haired girl with a smirk as she leaned forward with her hands between her knees.

"Uh what the fuck Ashido-" Sero said, now blushing.

"Ugh just answerrr!!" The girl shot back, "And you have to say who too!!"

"Alright fine. Once I had a wet dream of Denki. Happy now?" He was now flustered and I let off a small laugh, going over the facts and decided that they would actually be pretty cute together.

"What-- But Like- I topped right? Right-?? And no homo by the wayyy!!!"

"You dumbass your litterly gay. You fucking trainwreck." A certain temperamental blonde said with a chuckle, causing me, Jirou, and him to laugh.

A couple of rounds went by, mostly browning as there were some 'Have you ever took candy from a baby?' And some other stuff like that.

Jirou had to lick Sero's arm and then she asked me, which is when things got more eventful.

As I said dare I could see Mina bursting with excitement, as she saw the look Jirou had in her eyes.

I'm debating being scared or laughing at what comes next.

Bakugou's POV:

"I dare you to sit in Bakugou's lap for the rest of the game. And Bakugou you have to let him!! No killing him it's a dare. Plus we would have to find a new lead."

I simply 'tched' and glanced away.

"Whatever goth bitch. C'mere I guess shitty hair, it's a dare."

I switched my position up a bit so he could sit, even though he was about 3 or 4 inches taller, and had a bigger, much stronger looking build.

He blushed a bit and tried to sit down.

"Yeah no this ain't gonna work. This bastard is huge compared to me."
I said with a sigh.

"Then I guess you'll have to sit in his."
Momo chimed in, making Jirou smirk and Mina squeal.

"Tch.. whateverrrrrr. I want drinks first. Pink you got an-"

She threw an entire bottle of vodka at my face.


she simply stuck her tounge out and I opened the bottle, pouring it into my glass. I glanced over to shitty hair and noticed he looked a bit uncomfortable.

"Oi, you good?"
I asked taking a small sip.

"Yeah no it's fine haha! Alchohol makes me uncomfortable.."

I though back to when he told me about his family.. I'll have to bring that up again later.

"K." I replied simply as I stood up, bringing the bottle and my cup with me to the sink.

I dumped them out and set the cup and bottle on the counter.

"I- dude I'm not THAT uncomfortable-! You didn't have to waste it!"

"Oh. Oops. Oh well." I said while going to sit on his lap,

"Uh what are you- oh yeah.. heh-"
He said with a blush.

Tsk, it's not like we are fucking or whatever so I don't know why he's so flustered over my sitting on him.

I slowly sank into his lap, with my hands at my sides and my head barried into his neck. I made myself comfy and growled, noticing the look on Pink's face.

Mina's POV:

The night is going great so far.

Denki had to smack Bakugou, Kirishima was sitting under him and was able to pull him back so nobody died, Jirou had to tackle Denki, Kirishima was taped to a wall by Sero, using trusty turned busty scotch tape we found, and He fell of the wall because of the old tape.

Hes just lucky the wall didn't fall with him my apartment is like... older then my grandma.

Anyways by now it was about 1 in the morning so we decided to watch a movie and settle down.

Sero and Denki played together on the big couch, Bakugou was sitting with Kirishima, because somehow he had convinced him to share the other couch, Momo, Jirou and I were on the floor with a pallet of blankets spread out.

"So what should we watch?"
I asked scrolling through netflix.

"Meh. Something scary."
Jirou said, Bakugou chimed in with a "For once I agree. Make it scary."

Momo nodded, and Denki sighed and said "No stopping yall I guess. Time to puss myself"

We all looked over to Kirishima who then slightly blushed and turned away, "I don't really like horror movies but I'll give it a try!" He said happily.

We decided on 'Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark' knowing Denki and Kiri would probably have nightmares if we watched something worse.

I had set out popcorn and I looked over and Jirou reached for some, As Momo did the same time. Their hands collided and they interlocked their fingers with a laugh.

Now I just feel really, really lonely ;-;

I looked over to notice Denki was laying his head on Sero, and Bakugou had an arm wrapped around Kirishima.

God I want a Boyfriend. Or girlfriend? I JUST WANNA BE LOVED DAMNIT!!

I silently threw a hissy fit before my fujoshi side took over and I realized Bakugou has already put his trust into Kirishima. That's good I'm glad they get along.. I was worried Bakugou wouldnt even want to have another lead after what happened to him.

Haru is a bitch.

Heyyyy fam!!

Ew. I sound like Camie. I lov her, but no. Anyways Haru is a bitch andddd goodbye! Also... spoiler alert. I'm putting Testu in this😏

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