Chapter 12; Pride Party Pt. 2: BAKUGOU'S POV:

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HI! Uh sorry I haven't updated I got a little.bit grounded 😂

Anyways I'll try my best to keep on posting regularly but it will be a little hard since I have a bunch of other stuff to do like schoolwork and stuff, not to mention when I do have free time I spend it getting my phone taken :)

Here, have some fluff since I made you wait.

My mother thought it would be good for the band, since they are all a bunch of gaybies, to have some sort or 'Pride Party' or whatever, so I got there around 7AM to help set it up.

We had been planning this for a while now, I think about July, so people knew about it, we didn't tell everyone but the ones we did tell told some of their friends, who told some of their friends, and now its sorta like a neighborhood thing. About 30 people in total are coming.

Shit.. 30 people fully aware of their sexuality and I can't figure mine out!! GODAMNIT!

I don't wanna go if I'm gonna be the only one there who just doesn't know.

"I'm not going. The rest of the band still can but I don't want to." I said, partially knowing my mom would make me anyways.

"Shadup! You're going to go. If will be fun, Katsuki! And maybe it'll help you figure it all out."

"Tch.. Whatever old hag.." I spat back, knowing I was about to get smacked for calling her a hag.

"You brat SHUTUP! I look younger then you do anyways!! You damn demonic pom pom!!"

Pom pom? Wtf-?

"Guys, guys, let's not fight now."
My dad chimed In, with a smile and a jazz hand like motion.

Later that day, about 9 or something the band members showed up, starting with Sero.

Sero has been my.. close-ish friend since I was in high school, I know him pretty well and I've even gone to see his family. His cousins are small and kinda cute honestly. There is one that I relate to quite a bit, and when I come over I help 'em with homework and shit. Anyways I know him well enough to know he has a huge ass crush on Pikachu.

It's noticeable from miles away, so I decided to help 'em out a bit. At the pride party I'll give him a little nudge, possibly metaphorically, possibly physically, either way it'll just be enough so they realize their feelings.

Next, Mina and Denki showed up together, since Dunce can't drive and lives like 20 minutes away, Mina had to go get him. After they showed up it was Jirou and Momo, then Kirishima and some Silver dude.

Is he his... Boyfriend..?
Ugh probably just a friend, why should I care anyways..

"Who's he." I asked the redhead,

"Oh, this is Tetsu!! Well.. His full name is TetsuTetsu TetsuTetsu, but Tetsu is fine" He said, basically dying of laughter.

"Mmk. You guys friends or he just some random gay you picked up?" I questioned, a bit more sternly then intended,

"Oh yeah haha! He is one of my best friends from high school! Tetsu this is the hot one I was- er I mean hotheaded one that I was talking about before, Bakugou" he said, blushing midsentence after he called me hot.


"The pink haired one is Mina, the one wearing the very excessive poncho and flag is Sero, The one eating a M&M box is Denki, And the purple one is Jirou and Momo, they are dating and actually kinda normal! Have fun~!!" Kirishima said, making a slight snicker leak out my mouth.

"What's this!? Did THE Bakugou Katsuki just laugh?? Did I make you laugh!??"

"Tch. Maybe, dumbass. Anyways SHUTUP shitty hair and help me put these streamers up you idiot!!" I said, forcing myself to keep up my angry act and not letting myself smile. I have to admit, this idiot made me want to.

"Oww- shitty hair, idiot, and dumbass all together, words hurt, man" he said, falling dramatically as if he had been shot.

After a bit of messing around and throwing streamers at each other a few more people showed up including, Shinsou, Jirou's friend, Deku, Iida, Todoroki, and Uraraka, from mine and Sero's high school, not long after came Tsuyu, Hagakarei, Tokoyami, and Ojirou, also kids from U.A. Toga, Touya, and Shigaraki came by as well (Friends of my mom).

All of them were wearing some sort of flag.. made me think about my sexuality and what not.

Shit not this again..

"Damnit!" I screamed outloud on accident.

"You good man?" Shitty hair said while placing a hand on my shoulder.

Tetsu or whatever his name was walked over along with Sero, who seemed to be hitting it off.

"Yall good over here? Bakugou ain't killin ya right?? BAD BAKUGOU!! NO! WE JUST GOT HIM WE CAN'T AFFORD FOR YOU TO LOOSE HIM ALREADY!!" Sero joked, making Kirishima, Tetsu, laugh. I gave a slight chuckle and replied with, "Yeah, I'm fine. This whole thing has got me thinking y'know? I'm still confused about some thing-"

I was cut off by none other then the butch queen herself.

Ugh why must she exist.

She bickered with Jirou for a while, got shit on by a bird (Good job hawks.) And then left, thankfully she didn't cause to much drama but of course shitty hair wanted to have a bit of fun, so he and Tetsu held Momo and Jirou on their shoulders, while the girls kissed Ashido threw a bunch of random flags, Denki, Sero, Shinsou, Toga, and Nejire (She came with Mirio and Tamiki, who are also from U.A.) danced on a table with Bi flags.

I think I was honestly having fun... thanks mom.

I then remembered that I needed to play matchmaker today. That can't happen if Sero is hanging with Tetsu and Denki is hanging with Shinsou.

THINK ABOUT IT FOR A MOMENT, SERO AND TETSU WOULD TOTALLY BE BROS 😂 they are both perfect cuddle size prove me wrong. Anyways that's all for today I'll write more tomorrow too since I haven't in the last couple days.

DrumSticks and Microphones: (Kiribaku Band AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant