Chapter 6: Haha Sike: SERO'S POV

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I drove denki back to his house to get his stuff, and when we got to bakugou's house, the two of them were sleeping on the couch, while game of thrones played on the tv.

The position they were in however 😏

Bakugou looked so soft then, I'd honestly never seen him like this.

He was cuddles up in Kirishima's lap, with both of their legs intertwined.

I'm surprised he trusts him enough already, usually he won't trust anybody but the people he has known for YEARS.

Its took me about 6 months before Bakugou would even consider falling asleep near me, granted I'm a dick and wouldve drew on his face, it's still nice to see him trust someone like this.

Me and Denki invited ourselves in, and exchanged "The look".

"We should just let them sleep right, Sero?"

"Yeah they look content."

We then grabbed pots and pans from the kitchen and started to bang them together screaming as loud as we could, "I AINT GET NO SLEEP CAUSE A YOUU, YOU NEVER GONNA SLEEP CAUSEA MEE"

They woke up started as me and Denki started to do fortnite emotes.


"AWW! But you looked so content 5 seconds ago bakubottom!! All cuddles with Kiri!!"

Bakugou and Denki continued to bicker while I sat and talked with Kiri,

"Was he really cuddles up on me..?"

He said somewhat annoyed, but also a little flushed.

"Yep. In your lap, legs intertwined you love birds <3"

"Oh shoosh! Like you werent holding on to denki like he was about to jump off a cliff earli-"

He was cut of by the sound of a chair breaking. Bakugou kicked it while angry and now Denki was falling off a chair. Idiots 😶

I quickly got up, and jumped the couch, like the good person I am, and caught Denki bridal style before he hit the ground.


I didnt think this through.

I'm now holding Denki, bridal style, flushed, and having a panic attack.

I've liked him for a while now...

But I..


"Hell yeah! Sero and I stopped by the store on our way here we brought a shiton of candy!!"

"Ooo! Yeah man!"

Bakugou looked at me and mouthed the words 'You simp... put him down already'

Flustered, I dropped the poor boy on the floor.

"Oww!! You meanie!"

"Pft, sorry man!"

We all went to the couch and began to watch the movie.

About halfway through Denki got up and sat next to me..

"Its cold by the vent!"

"Here. Have some blanket.."

I said, probably blushing but it was dark so nobody saw.

This is fine. This is ok right!?

"Nah.. your warmer then it.."

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