Chapter 135: Winner's prize

Start from the beginning

His suspicions rose as theories on Harumi's possible whereabouts formed in his mind.

He glanced over to Lloyd for confirmation, and he too, had given Nix the same unsettling expression.

He sighed when Garmadon raised one of his four-arms to gesture at the ceiling. "I best we take this upstairs, shall we?" He proposed the people whom he was with.

Everyone had agreed without any further remark as well and the four of them all left the room to go upstairs. The path on way to above deck was quiet, it made Nix wonder whether the news they were going to speak about was this bad.

He dreaded the minute he saw the wafting sails and a circle of resistance members all awaiting them.

Master Wu, the ex-generals, Skylor and the rest of the ninjas, they were just as curious as he was with where Harumi had gone to.

Ultra Violet sneered at the green ninja and his father, dangling one of her mini scythes loose. "So let's cut to the chase, yeah? Where in FSM's name is Harumi?" Aggravated and obnoxious as Ultra Violet always is, she immediately interrogated the father and son duo as she knew the white-haired quiet one was fond of them.

Just like Nix, Ultra Violet received silence. It caused an uproar among the resistance members as it led even more people to prompt him like the purple-dressed ex-general had done so.

"Seriously, what's going on? You can tell us." Kai said, a little alarmed, as he had recognized the conflict in his friend's eyes. He noticed how much Lloyd didn't want to keep eye contact with anyone in this circle.

Again, no one among the three answered the fire ninja's concerns. They couldn't.

"Is Harumi, okay? Lloyd..."

They didn't answer Misako's concerns either.

They didn't want to answer anybody in that case, wanting time for themselves. Lloyd had originally wanted to talk things through with the people that were there during the tournament, Garmadon and Mirage, but he did not anticipate Nix being there already.

Now here they, suddenly everybody turning into the Commissioner and interrogating them like they were wanted all over Ninjago city.

Then, one of them spoke up again. It scared Lloyd a little, knowing how much authority this one particular person had not to mention how deeply the green ninja respected him.

"Lloyd," Master Wu kept him in an eye contact that the green ninja couldn't possibly ignore. "Where is Harumi?" He asked again, this time severity in his tone. He had narrowed his eyebrows and didn't try to look away, showing him that he demanded an answer this time around.

The guilt showing in Lloyd's eyes didn't make the master back down any less, it only prompted him to insist even more as the green ninja finally put his resistance to a halt and gave in like clashing tidies at the beach. Lowering his head in defeat, he admitted to the group:

"We don't know where Harumi is."

That was,, a rather anticlimactic response given from the blonde if his teammates had to admit.

Misako was the one to confront him about this. She walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Son, what do you mean you don't know where she is?" She asked, unlike Master Wu, she asked a little softer.

The blonde was ashamed to look at his own mother, knowing that he failed his entire group already by not bringing Harumi back home safely.

He took a deep breath and continued on with his explanations. "She disappeared not too long after the last event, we quickly noticed she wasn't on the boat with us when the tournament ended." He said sadly. He wished he could've noticed sooner, now he knew his lover was in danger because of his lack of attention.

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