You've never used your new convergence technique like that before, but you had to try something.

"Got it."

"GOJO!" You scream, trying to get the man's attention. He is rolling Jogo's head on the ground and talking, though he was too far away to be heard. At the sound of his name, he turns to you. "KEEP PATCH-FACE BUSY!"

He raises his eyebrow, as if asking "Who are you to be giving orders?" but shoots you a thumbs up. You turn away, towards the barrier, and put your hand to the murky grey. You just have to trust that Yuji and Gojo could take care of your back. This next step would require immense energy and concentration. You try your best to shut out all the sound from the pandemonium and clear your mind.

The hum of cursed energy courses through your body, connecting with the cursed energy of the barrier. It is almost vibrating, responding to your touch. In your mind's eye, you can see the flow of the energy in the spherical shape that maintained the barrier.

"Cursed Technique: Convergence." You murmur, willing the energy to converge towards you. As expected, the energy, as if magnetized to your touch, starts to flow towards your hand. You feel as the energy on the opposite side of the barrier begins to pull thin. You are now holding a dangerous amount of energy in your hands. Were you to stop concentrating now, you have a feeling it would blow you up.

Come on, you block out all noise and close your eyes, and the world is just you and this cursed energy barrier. The barrier begins to fight back, reinforcing the opposite side where the cursed energy is sparse. You concentrate even harder, storing some of the barrier's cursed energy into yourself in order to allow for more energy to gather where you are. Your body begins to heat up and sweat runs down your forehead. The energy humming in you feels dangerous but you keep going, keep magnetizing the barrier energy to you. Suddenly-

A tearing sound.

"GO!" A voice yells, then footsteps, stumbling, panic, screaming. You clench your other fist in concentration. Keep this up. We need everyone to get out. Every muscle in your body is tensed up and on fire, but you hold your ground. Cursed energy slides away from your hands, and you know that you're getting tired, but you will the energy to move to you, even if it's a little bit.

A second passes, or two. Or ten minutes. An eternity, maybe. They say when you're concentrating hard enough, time becomes irrelevant in your mind. That's how it felt to you.

"They're out!" Yuji's voice breaks into your concentration and suddenly everything is flowing out of you, and you feel as if it had pulled your guts away too, and the barrier restores itself with a loud BANG! In a second, you're on the floor, vision black, ears ringing, breathing heavily, and sweat pouring from your palms. That took such an immense toll on your mind and physical body.

The bangs and rumbles continue to sound but suddenly Mahito and the volcano's head are jumping over you, probably fleeing. Mahito somehow grows some wings and flies away. Am I hallucinating?

Suddenly the barrier is gone and a heavy feeling sets on your soul. Yuji is standing over you. You smile weakly and try to pull yourself up. The boy reaches out a hand, which you gladly pull as help.

"It looks like all your cursed energy has been drained." He says. You blink away the blurriness in your eyes as your breath finally evens out.

"Yeah. Thanks for helping out." You say to him. Suddenly Gojo's in your sight, and so are Nanami, Nobara, and Megumi. So many people...

You stand up, and a splitting headache seems to strike you, your vision going black once again as you stumble forward into who seems to be Nobara. She holds you up, and suddenly something in you clears up and you stand up straight. All the sorcerers around you are already looking at you but now they're shocked.

"Do you feel that too? My cursed energy is tugging me!" Yuji exclaims. "No, it's being pulled away from me!"

Your vision and mind are still murky, but you find yourself standing up straight. It is to your horror as you feel your body move without your consent.

So heavy... I feel so heavy...

And suddenly you're punching Gojo. What am I doing? I'm so tired. Why am I attacking him now, of all times?

He easily dodges your move, as you are probably too slow in the state you are in. Everyone's watching in shock. You turn around, looking at Gojo through half-closed eyelids.

You feel your knees buckle beneath you and the ground falls towards your swimming vision. Everything goes black.


i'm kinda developing a bad habit of refreshing to check if i have any notifications only to be disappointed when there are none LOLLLL

for those of yall reading, hope you enjoyed : )

Word count: 1489 words

Published May 12, 2021

I do not own any of the characters from Jujutsu Kaisen.

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