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We got to the after party everyone was already inside but Levi and i stayed back, he said he wanted to talk to me.

"Y/n do you like Hanji?"

"I- I don't know Levi. What's with the question all of the sudden before a party?" He got me by surprise, he never asked me how i feel about anyone he usually waits for me to tell him how i feel about someone.

"I don't want any of you hurt, you're my sister and Hanji is my best friend and I'm not supposed to tell you this but since I know you're oblivious as hell i will but Hanji likes you and if you don't like them back then stop playing around with them that's all I ask of you"

"I'm not playing around with them, yes I did fuck Armin and Hitch but I don't know big brother i just feel different with Hanji more like I can be myself but at the same time I don't want to let my mask drop just to break myself again. Conclusion I don't know if i want to face my feelings for Hanji and if i do I will need time, sorry Levi" I walked away and looked at my hand, it was bleeding from carving my nails on my palm. Maybe I should drop the act and start facing the fact that I do feel something for Hanji and i will talk with Annie about the bet now.

I got in and was looking everywhere for Annie and I couldn't find her.

"Hey Jean have you seen Annie?" He shook his head no and I kept looking.

"Oi Bert you've seen Annie anywhere?" I found him in the backyard with some people that I didn't know.

"Yeah she's in the basement, I think she's with your so beloved Hanji" I widen my eyes and immediately ran to the basement. Fuck why would Annie do that fuck fuck fuck that will kill all the chances of Hanji forgiving me.
I got to the basement and I found an confused Hanji looking at me very innocently.

"W-what are you doing here" I was breathing a little heavy from all the running.

"I was waiting for you... your friend Annie said you needed to talk with me" Their eyes were blinking like it was the cutest thing ever, no y/n focus.

"Oh ummm well she set you up but now that you here i wanna tell you something" Their face expression immediately changed to a worried one "I- You- Do you want to be a thing?" Their eyes widened and they had a smile from ear to ear.

"Are you serious right now? Where is this coming from? A thing? What does that mean? Does it mean you can go around and fuc-" I interrupted her by kissing her, it was intense but not sexually intense it was as if we were both putting our feelings into it.
I stopthe kiss to catch some air.

"It means I like you but I don't know how to face it so i need some space but don't want you with nobody besides me, that's what it means"

"Okay with one condition..." Hanji pushed me away and now we were distant from each other their look also seemed more serious and I knew where she was going with this.

"You can't be with nobody else besides me" Their glasses shined from the reflex of the light, I chuckled and nodded at her statement, they immediately jump onto me and hug me spinning me around. I was getting dizzy from all the spinning.

"Han-Hanjiiiii stop i will literally barf on you" i faked almost vomiting and they immediately stopped giving me a baby look.

"I need to find Annie go enjoy the party i will be with you in a minute okay?" I gave them a kiss on their cheek and went to look for Annie till I finally found her at the living room.

"Hey y/n sit here" Annie said hitting the free spot next to her on the couch softly. I sat there and I immediately knew that Annie was up to something by the look on her face, I really couldn't fall for any of her tricks or Hanji might be furious at me, i'm pretty sure they didn't even forgive my early actions with Hitch and the girl Rico.

"I'm back guysss!!" I look in the voice's direction just to see Hitch, that was trouble.

"Oh hey Hitch we were waiting for you to play truth or dare" Reiner said.

"So lovely, i have such good friends specially when one of them fucks me that's when they're amazing friends" She winked at me and i gave her a smirk.

"Okay let's start" Reiner then spinned the bottle, it ended on Hitch and she chose dare.

"Hm I dare you... I dare you to ride y/n's thigh in this very moment" my eyes widen but I didn't even had time to reply because Hitch was already on top of me grinding again my thigh, I try to stop her but I couldn't somehow i was turned on, but I knew if I didn't Hanji would eventually see this or hear about it from someone else.

"Wait Hi-Hitch stop" I trued to push her away but no luck she just grabbed onto me harder and whispered on my ear

"Why would i stop you're clearly liking it besides everyone knows how this turn you on" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath I needed to focus, once i did i push Hitch to the side and glared at her but she seemed unbothered in fact she wasn't even paying attention to me but to someone behind me and started chuckling to them, i looked at her confused and decided to looked where Hitch was looking and unfortunately I found a mad/sad Hanji, they ran away and I immediately without thinking went after them.

"Hanji wait... its not what it looks like..." Hanji stopped abruptly.

"Oh yeah what's is it like huh tell me cause to me it looked like you said you wouldn't fuck with anyone and 5 minutes later i find you with the same girl you fucked back at the concert place, you really can't dropped it can you? I'm so stupid for even believing you"

"Hanji listen to me, I tried to stop her she wasn't stopping i had to forcefully push her away from me. I wouldn't tell you i want a thing with you and immediately fuck someone else and if you think I would maybe we shouldn't be anything at all" I said mad that she wasn't believing me or having any faith in us.

"Maybe we shouldn't..." They turned their back at me and disappeared, i stood there shocked and I felt like an arrow had been shot through my heart, i clenched my jaw and my fists and walked back to the living room.

"Y/n..." Ymir came in front of me on my way to the living room.

"Ymir what's wrong" She seemed sad and that was something that barely happens.

Reasons why I should hate you ( modern Hanji zoe x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now