Have fun

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Hanji's pov

Y/n was standing there with the door open looking at the spot that her ex-boyfriend was just standing.
I couldn't help and feel sad, I was starting to really like y/n even though I shouldn't.

Armin got closer to y/n making her woke her  up from her trance. She looks so fragile, but at the same time you can't see no emotions, it's like she's trying to hide and everyone is buying it.

I wasn't gonna fall for it. I don't know what happened between Dazai and Y/n but it was something and something big.
I hear from everything about them, good and bad so I can't really tell which one is true.

I'm such a fool,actually...
This girl is a player who's not afraid of hurting anyone and here I am falling for these kind of person again, knowing that they will play with my feelings and leave.
I'm worried about this idiot and I shouldn't. I mean with everything that happened already? If i go further i will end up really hurt.
But I can't help it, it's like she pretends to be this persona who doesn't care and can fuck anyone.

I'm going to stand by her side but I won't fall for her charm so easily, if she wants to play with me she will need to put more effort, and then i will know if she's really interested, but for now she needs me even if she won't admit it she does, she need her friends, her family.

A memory from the past was unlocked.

"Hanji!" I heard y/n from the kitchen and I noticed that i was still in the same spot when y/n was by the door, I hadn't move a muscle. Once again i was so into my messy thoughts that I didn't even realized that Armin and y/n moved and y/n was calling me for a while.

"Earth to Hanji... let's go to my room, I want to show you something..." She made her way to the stairs but was stopped by Armin's voice.

"Y/n, I'm heading home so I'll see you by tje concert" He gave her a comforting smile, one that said 'It's going to be okay, i'm right here' she simply nodded back and said bye.
After that she continued going up the stairs and I followed her to her room.
I wasn't able to say a word, I also didn't know what to say since I don't know tje situation itself.

"You probably confused right now aren't you?" Y/n asked me closing the door behind us.

"A little, I don't know what he meant to you or how was your relationship... Levi only ever told me and Erwin that he didn't like Dazai and you could do better" I turned to face her so I could look in her eyes but once I did I was received with a emotionless face, it's like there was a void, if I recall right Levi mention this before about y/n once but i'm not sure, i'll ask him later.

"Just like everybody else... Dazai wasn't a bad boyfriend, far from that actually but the problem was never him. I was the problem in our relationship, you see I'm not who you think I am at all and I don't want you to know because once you do you'll not be special to me anymore and I won't feel different around you anymore. But Dazai knows it and its not like I didn't love him because i did it's just he felt different to me, he's also not perfect but we weren't there for each other like we should've and the reason why no one likes him it's because he kept asking me this one thing and my answer would always be the same" She gave me a smile, she seemed relieved even though she's not telling me the whole story. That would need to do for now.

"It's okay you don't need to tell me anything, after all it's not like we're a thing" I laughed a little to tale a bit of the tension out and ut worked.

"Ahahahahah, you're right you're right... and here I was getting all sentimental with you for nothing i'm sorry" She got up and started getting naked in front of me "hurry up we need to go Jean must be almost here" she was getting new clothes and I decided to do the same.

"Y/n, it's there going to be an after party?" I asked changing the subject to something more cheerful.

"Not exactly, there's going to be a party at some friends of friends and we all going there after, as usual you're free to come"

"You know i will, I don't miss any party" I wanted to sound cocky, give her the same energy she gives me, fuckgirl energy. My sentence made her raise an eyebrow letting me know she fell for my game.

"Oh really? What you like the most about parties bubs" The pet names need to stop I really get all flustered when she call me with pet names.

"W-well isn't it obvious? Making out with people drunk is the best part" I turned my back to her so I wouldn't see her face expression.

"Is that why you're coming?" She sounded cold, colder than usual.

"Part of it..."

"Hope you have fun then..." This wasn't the Y/n who was talking to me 5 minutes ago, this is not what I expected, I wanted to see if she got jealous but not even a bit.

"I hope you have fun too" With that being said we both made our way downstairs and moments after Jean appeared and we all went to the concert together. I was excited to see Y/n sing

Reasons why I should hate you ( modern Hanji zoe x fem reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant