Think Izuku what memories come next?

Being hugged by a boy. Seems to be the same age. They were in a park
and he was crying? The other boy has a bloody nose and blond spiky hair. The hero boy? From the goo that Midoriya made him watch. Thinking back now that he's seen Midoriya, that boy in the memory looks just like him. Is that what Midoriya ment when he said he was the original? Was that why he's being shown this?

Keep going find another!

Being made fun off when the blond was away. Why isn't he around? Izuku was 6? Running off and finding a private garden with beautiful flowers. Looking closer and finding another boy asleep in a bush. He was beaten up so Izuku hugged him until he woke up.

Who was that?
Who cares find more! Find more!!

Izuku was 10 he was the only quirkless kid in the school. He had the blond friend he called "Kacchan" and a note book?

It's Kacchan the blond is this Kacchan he and Eri where talking about. Midoriya must have a connection to him. He's seeing all these memories from Midoriya's perspective!

Izuku and Kacchan were 13. Izuku had led the blond to the garden to meet the other boy. Izuku had called him shochan? He wasn't as beaten up today yet Izuku still fussed about.

Okay two names to two faces. This is good.

Izuku was 14 and running at a villain. He has Kacchan stuck and was suffocating him. The heroes weren't helping! Why weren't they helping?

This is a familiar one. One he's seen too many times. Even after he'd been forced to watch it, it would still creep into his mind. And now with the knowledge of himself and Midoriya, and deku and Kacchan-

"Need some help kid?"

Izuku made a deal.

Oh god. It all makes so much sense. So many things, so many gaps and inconsistencies. This wasn't real. He wasn't real. Midoriya- deku- Izuku was right. "I'm a clone."  Izuku whispers. He was made. Tailored to his fathers liking. That's why his hair is white. Why he's called shigaraki. His sickly body was all intended. His father- was he even his real father?

"Yes. He is. I wish it wasn't true but he's definitely our father. We look identical to his brother. We look similar to him. And the records. How he talks about our mother.

We may be an only child but he is still our father."

Oh. Izuku feels his heart break. He's being tortured, tormented all for his father's amusement. And he had no idea? How many times has his father had to start over because Izuku remembered something he wasn't supposed to? Will he be terminated now that he knows? Can he hide it?

Izuku snaps out of his thoughts just before he saw the face of the person he made a deal with. "No," he whispers. Longing for the memories to come back. "Let me find him." Izuku begs. "I can't keep living like this."

He looks around spooked when Loud heavy footsteps sound. They echo off the wall followed by a voice. It's yelling out? More like projecting. Father. Father's back.

"Izuku." That's his name.

"Izuku." 'Is that you! You're back! Where? Where were you! Are you okay?' A memory overlaps in his head. Triggered by the word.

The boys heard a few mumbled 'please please please' in his head, that rattled with a voice from his old memories. Not Midoriya's, a much later memory. One where he was already dead but not in this hell hole.

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