There was a knock at the door but neither of us moved.

"You gon gon get it?" Vadah asked after they knocked again.

I stared at her for a cool minute until they knocked for the third time.

I scoffed getting up, "This not even my house."

The was onto the fourth knocked when I opened the door. It was this man I didn't know holding a black box.

"Fuck you want bro?" I asked irritated. He just stood there holding the box, and he didn't say a word.

"For Chris," he finally spoke while holding the box out for me to take.

"From who?" I asked looking at the box suspiciously. The smell of blood leaking from the box.

"For Chris," he said again.

I took the box, and he just stood there looking at me.

"Open it Chris," he said not taking his eyes off me. I don't even think this nigga has blinked since I opened the door.

I decided to open it in front of him just in case he playing with me, so I can snap his neck.

I opened the box and an arm was sitting in it.

"Bro what the fuck," I said looking back up at him. He was holding a knife to his neck.

"672 Royal street," he said. "Come alone or the next thing you'll get is a heart."

With that, he slit his throat. Before he could fall to the ground, I vamp-sped to him and dragged him into the apartment while closing the door with my foot.

"Who was at the do-," Vadah said walking and seeing the dead man in my arms.

"What happened?" She asked shocked at the image before her.

"I don't know. He was compelled to drop this off over here then kill himself," I said pointing to the box I had sat on the table before going over to the man.

She walked over to the box. "Ain't that Kevin's tattoo?"

I walked over there and sure enough it was his cross tattoo he has.

"I didn't even notice that," I said examining it more.

"What we gon do about him?" She said as blood was still coming from his neck. "He's staining my floors."

"I'll call my pops to come help clean this up," I said walking into the room.

I changed out of the bloody clothes I had on to something more fit for the attire.

I changed out of the bloody clothes I had on to something more fit for the attire

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"Where you going?" She asked coming into the room with some gloves on.

"Whoever this person is which is most likely Ace wants me to meet him somewhere," I said putting my jacket on.

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