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The woman made her way down the hall, standing tall with her shoulders back and her head held high, her dual lightsabers gently bouncing against her thighs as they hung from her belt. The corridor leading to the council chambers was nearly empty, while the rest of the temple was full of Jedi, padawans, and younglings milling about, as well as the occasional soldier and temple guards. She'd always loved being inside of the temple, the calmness of the pale marble building always comforting her, absolutely enjoying how it was lit with natural light from the large windows that lined the building.

As she approached the doors of the council chambers she took a deep breath, unsure as to why she'd been called upon. After taking a moment to recenter herself and set aside the feeling of nervousness, she gently pressed the button on the wall, the doors before her sliding open. She took a step into the large room, taking in the council members who were present and bowing, hands clasped together behind her back. "Masters, how may I provide assistance?"

"Please, be at ease, young Orion." Master Mace Windu hummed, leaning back into his chair. "We would like to offer you a position to help ensure this war will end as quickly as possible." The statement had taken her aback, to say the least. Yes, she was a Jedi knight, but she hadn't expected to be given a position of leadership aside from helping train younglings, let alone with something so important as the current war. "Master?"

"As you know, our army has been developed and trained on the planet of Kamino." Master Shaak-Ti stood, and as she did the large windows became covered, the room darkening as a hologram appeared in the middle of the room showing the planet in question. The elder togruta woman stood beside her, soon having zoomed in on the city where the clone army was being developed. "We have been in contact with the Kaminoans who are working with the clones, and we're aware that Mandalorians have been assisting in the training of the soldiers. Though, we are not completely aware of the way they are being trained, or what the clones are fully capable of. That, my dear Riona, is where you will come in."

"Faith in you, your old master has. Suggested you for this mission, Plo Koon did." Master Yoda hummed, gesturing to the Kel Dor male across the room. Riona Orion turned to face her old master, offering a smile as she bowed to the man. "Thank you, master. What is it that you need me to do?"

"We need you to go to Kamino and aid in the training of the clones. Report to the council if you sense that anything is off, in the clones or in the kaminoans. You are welcome to have anyone accompany you on this mission if you feel that they are needed, and at any point in this assignment." Master Plo Koon explained, shifting to place one leg over the other as he leaned into the back of his chair. "Keep in mind, young one, you will be the first Jedi these clones interact with. See how they react to you, pay attention to their actions and their mannerisms."

"Yes, Master Plo. I will help train the clones to the best of my ability, and will report to the council after every seven rotations." Riona nodded, bowing her head ever so slightly. "When am I to leave for Kamino?"
"At the start of the next rotation." Master Kit Fisto responded, causing the woman to glance out the large windows that had since opened as the hologram was shut off. It was nearing dusk, which meant that she needed to go to her quarters and pack as soon as possible. Turning her attention back to the council members, Master Yoda waved a hand. "Dismissed, you are."

"Thank you, masters. I will not disappoint." She bowed once more, turning on the heels of her boots and beginning to walk out. As the doors opened she heard the voice of Shaak-Ti, the smile clear in her tone as she said "We know you won't."


Riona was making her way towards the hangar, her bag thrown over her shoulder as she pulled her robe closer to her body. The temple was always cold so early in the morning, the tan-skinned woman taking a deep breath, working on mentally preparing herself for this mission. As she entered the hangar, she glanced around the large room until her eyes landed on her fighter, her blue and copper astromech beeping excitedly. "Hello, Cobalt." The unit had met the woman halfway as she made her way over to their matching colored fighter, and she patted the top of the droid's dome with a grin. "Ready for a new adventure? You gotta be careful on this one and not wander around without me, we're gonna be staying on a water planet for a while." She hummed, beginning to climb the ladder up to the cockpit of the small ship, though she stopped as she felt a familiar presence in the force.

"That is why you were chosen for this mission, Riona. You're so kind." Plo Koon stood at the base of the ladder, looking up at his old padawan with his hands behind his back. After taking a moment to set her bag on the floor of the cockpit behind her seat, she'd made her way back down. "Good morning to you, too, master."

"Have you got everything you need?"

"I believe so." She nodded, watching as the R2 droid used its small thrusters to get himself settled into position. Turning back to her master, he'd raised an eyebrow at the young woman. "What?"

"You're missing something, as I knew you would." He hummed, moving to stand behind her and begin to gently pull her waist length, black hair into a low ponytail. "You always seem to forget to pull your hair away. I'm surprised this is the one bad habit you've never grown out of."

"You could've just said something, you know. I'd have done it myself." She rolled her eyes, though a grin was plastered across her face. Riona was well aware that attachments were forbidden in the world of the Jedi, but she just couldn't help it.

"When you do it, you put it too high and can't get your pilot's helmet on." The Kel Dor hummed, taking a step back as she'd huffed softly, knowing he was right. As she turned to face him once again, she took in his appearance, remembering how as younglings everyone had thought he looked scary with his breathing mask and goggles. Everyone besides her, that is. Even as a child she was simply curious as to why his species wore them, and what he looked like beneath. She could still remember the excitement she felt when she was assigned to be his padawan and train under his expertise. Taking a step forward, they'd embraced each other in a tight hug, as they always did before one would go on a mission now that Riona was granted the position of Jedi Knight, and they no longer consistently worked together.

"Good luck on this assignment, my little star. Keep me updated on your progress." He said softly, gently rubbing her back as she pressed her face to his chest. "I will. Thank you for this opportunity, father."

As they pulled away, Plo Koon slipped something into the pocket of her robe, the action going unnoticed by the woman as they said their goodbyes. Once in the seat of her fighter, Riona and her astromech exited the atmosphere of Coruscant and connected to their hyper ring, now setting off into hyperspace for the outer rim planet of Kamino.

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