Chapter 21

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Jacob POV:

We stayed with each other for another hour before Thea started to cry so we had to head back. I put the kids to bed before going to my vast empty room that once had so much fun and lovable memories within it. Every time I walk in it's like I'm hit in the chest by multiple bullets, and each time it gets stronger.

I walked over to her dresser and once again sat down, my hand tracing the make-up and perfume that she left behind, with it finally stopping next to the draw with the letters in. I need to do this; it was something she would want.

I took out my letter and carefully ripped the top of the envelope. I took a deep breath and opened it up to reveal her last words to me.

My love Jake,

If you are reading this, I'm no longer with you. I knew this would happen, but once you woke up, I couldn't bring myself to tell you, hence why I'm writing this. If our baby is born before I get to meet them, if it's a girl Athena, or Thea for short. A boy, Adriano.

Please forgive me for not telling you this, I just wanted to spend our last time together happy and worry free. You gave me that and I will be forever grateful.

I felt tears start to fall as I continued to read.

I want you to take care of the twins for me, train them as I did and keep them safe, raise our baby just like them, they will all need each other after this, especially Elliot, the only person he will be open to is Rose. Just give him time.

As for you, take care of yourself. Make sure you try to heal. Try to find happiness or wait till we meet again one day, do what will make you happy. Just don't join me to soon because those kids need you.

I love you so so so much and nothing will ever change that. Do me a favour and make sure Elijah gets what he deserves.

You changed my world for the better Jake, and gave me a beautiful child. I will always love you and watch you from above.


Bella xoxo

After I read it, my hands went numb and the letter fell onto the vanity. Oh Bella, of course I forgive you, and I will always wait for you. I took her words into consideration. 'I want you to take care of the twins for me,' I will raise those two as my own and let no one harm them.

I got ready for bed, climbing into it with the vacant space beside me cold. Why did you have to leave Bella?

I decided that maybe Eli and Rose should have their letters, it gave me some closure and comfort, perhaps it can do the same to them.

The next morning

I was sat in Thea's room cuddling her when Eli walked in. He saw me and quickly went to exit again before I stopped him.

"Elliot wait, please" I said motioning towards the empty seat next to me. He rolled his eyes and sat next to me. I got the letter from beside me and handed him it.

"Your old enough to know what happened, and you should have this, it might give you some comfort, I know I got some off of mine." I said before turning back to Thea. He took the letter and looked at it, giving me a nod and leaving.

Elliot POV:

I walked back to my room so I could be alone and see what mum had left me.

I sat on my bed opened the letter and started to read.

My dearest Elliot,

You are so strong and you don't even know it yet, I know I left you and I'm so sorry. You will understand more when you are older. I never wanted to leave you but sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do. Promise me that you will grow up and try to avoid bad lifestyles. Everyone makes bad mistakes, but in the end, good will come out of them.

Keep up your training with you sister and new sibling. Please don't blame the baby, take care of them like you take care of Rose, and never lose the bond the three of you will have.

Jake is going to take care of you, go easy on him, he is new to this whole dad thing, help him through it. Most importantly, take your time to grieve. Don't push away those emotions because that's what makes you Eli, Elliot my boy, who loves his mother and sister. If you lose that, get it back. But NEVER lose it for good.

I don't mind if you stay within the mafia but please think before you go making rational decision and consider all your options before settling for it. I have set up a bank account for you that you can access once your 18. I don't care what you do with it, just do what you do with it wisely.

I love you Elliot Rossi, and I always will. I'll always be a part of you and always listening, so if you ever need someone to talk to, I'll be there, no matter where it is.

Remember your greatest weakness within this world is your siblings, but that is also your greatest strength, and strength always trumps weakness.

Love you always,

Mum xxx

I felt myself start crying as I put the letter back into the envelop and placed it into the draw next to me. I put my head into my pillow and allowed the tears to fall, just like mum said to do.

Rosalie POV:

I was sat eating breakfast when Jake came in and handed me a letter that my mum had wrote before she passed. I took it and went to sit in my room, where I knew I was guaranteed privacy.

I was now sitting in the silence of my room, letter in hand, finding the strength to open it. I finally tore the top off and started reading.

My precious Rose,

I'm so sorry I'm not there anymore. Sometimes people have to go, but they are never fully gone. I will always be with you in spirit. If you ever need someone to talk to, just talk because I will always be listening. You were always so pure and innocent, never lose that. It may be seen as weak, but it's not, it's what makes you, you.

Look after you brother and new brother or sister. Take care of each other like you always have. I'm so sorry I brought you into this lifestyle, you can leave it if you wish, but you are just as strong as those blood suckling men out there. Don't let them bring you down. If you choose to stay within the mafia, be the best out there, don't take their garbage.

Keep up your training because I will rest easy knowing you know how to defend yourself and throw a punch. Don't take crap from no one.

Take your time to grieve, but don't make bad choices while you do or blame your new sibling. You had the chance and joy to meet your mum, even if it was cut short. They won't.

I have set you up a bank account with money in it, you get it once you turn 18. Do what you want with it, just please don't spend it stupidly.

Remember your greatest weakness within this world is your siblings, but that is also your greatest strength, and strength always trumps weakness.

Love you always,

Mum xxx

I started to cry and just let the tears continue to fall. I miss you so much mum, and I will try my best to please you. I love you to.

We will get through this as a family, together. We will honour you mum and we will make you proud.

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