Chapter 2

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Arabella POV:

We were an hour away from one of the biggest changes of mine and the twin's life so far. All the way through the flight I had been booking a hotel for the first couple of nights until I can buy a house and getting us set up at school and searching where the nearest underground fighting is. Rosalie was sleeping with Anjali and Elliot was sleeping with Layla. I'm so grateful for them both, for all four of them. It was the twins which kept me going, that night I was about to end it all. I couldn't cope that my boyfriend left me after he raped me because I was damaged goods, but just I as was about to free myself from all the pain, I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I felt ill for days so went the doctor to have it checked out and found out I was pregnant.

We collected our luggage and walked outside where I had bought a car which was to be dropped off at the airport for us. It was weird driving on the other side of the road but I will get used to it soon enough. We pull into the Hotel, it was a Saturday, so tomorrow we can go house hunting and buy clothes. We walked into the room we were going to share as I put the twins straight to bed and jumped in my own bed, as soon as my head hit the pillow darkness consumed me. I didn't realise how tired I actually was.

Sunday morning. I left Rosalie and Elliot with Layla and Anjali as it would be quicker to go out by myself. I was driving around when something caught my eye. It was a beautiful two-story house with drive and garage and by the looks of it a good-sized garden for the twins. It was white with black laced windows and doors. I called the estate agency it was under and made then a very generous offer. That night, we were all sat there watching the t.v in our house.

I glanced down at the twins who were both cuddled onto me, one on either side, and guilt washed over me. Guilt for not being able to fully protect them. Guilt for dragging them into this life. Guilt for them having to drop everything they ever knew just so we could move. Anjali then looked over to me and she must have seen my expression change as she said to me,

"Bella, you do everything for these kids, they are so lucky to have you, don't you dare tell yourself different." That little pep talk made my spirits go up again as I replied to her,

"Thanks, can you help me get them to their rooms." She nodded. I took Elliot and she took Rose. We tucked them in and I stood in the doorway looking at them both. How am I so lucky to have these two?

I wake up to Rose jumping on my bed.

"Mummy, mummy!" she shouted. I quickly grabbed her and started tickling her making her scream with laughter. I let her go and she started talking again.

"Mummy come on, we have to get dressed, we have school!" I smiled at her.

"Okay, okay" I said to her and we went to wake Eli up.

I dressed them in the school uniform I had enrolled them in on the plane. Their school is the building next to mine otherwise I probably would have had some sort of bodyguard for them. I came downstairs with them to see Lay and Ange already down there so I left the twins with them while I got dressed. As it was university, I could wear what I wanted. I didn't want to draw attention to myself so put ripped jeans, a white plain tank top, white converse and a jacket for my shoulder. I let my blonde hair down wavy and put on some mascara.

I strap the kids in and Layla gets into the passenger seat with Anjali in the back in the middle of the twins. I pull up to the gates and it's seems alright, so I walk them to their door and kiss them goodbye watching them walk in before getting off to go across the road to our school. We pull into the car park and step out of the car. I look up to see everyone looking at us. I roll my eyes and walk in with Layla and Anjali on each arm as we go to get our timetables. I had business first while they both had fashion.

I was looking through my timetable when it felt like I had walked in to a wall, which wouldn't surprise me.

However instead of a wall it was a man who looked roughly 6'2, (compared to my short ass he was a giant) who I had bumped into. I had a good stance from all the fighting so I didn't really stumble. I looked up from my timetable to say some sarcastic comment, but as I looked up my blue eyes met his green piercing ones that felt like they were searching my soul. There was no doubt about it, they were gorgeous, but they showed no emotion. My attention quickly turned to his lips when he licked them. His slightly plumped lips that more or less matched the colour of his skin. I felt a shiver run down my spine. I thought it was from his presence instead, he had placed his hand on the back of my neck bringing me closer to his face. Our lips centimetres apart. I could feel his warm breath on my ear as he whispered to me.

"Usually, you apologize for bumping into someone love." I quickly snapped out of the trance like state he had put me in and thought of a comeback.

"Maybe you shouldn't be so big taking up the whole corridor." I mentally face palmed myself. Really Arabella this is the first thing you could come up with. This man isn't even fat. He looks like he works out at least twice a day. I noticed the once smirk he had on his face had dropped, making him look like he was ready to kill. I'm all too familiar with this look so before he could do or say anything that could get him arrested.
"I value my life, so here's my apology, sorry, but I'm going now." I said half sarcastically and with that I walked away I could feel his death stare on my back making it go heavier as if I had chains around my neck and down my back. I turned the corner and let out a breath that I didn't know I had been keeping.

Jacob POV:

I was late to class again because of gang stuff. I was walking down the hallway on my phone answering my mum's messages when a girl walked into me. I looked down and she barely moved her feet back from walking into. People usually fall to the ground when they bump into me, but not her. I looked down at her, she's roughly 5ft 5 maybe 4. She's gorgeous. Her glistening blue eyes looking at me with curiosity, I'm trying to read her but all I'm getting is a glimpse of hurt, which she tries to hide through her eyes. Her blonde wavy hair shaping her face making her look like a goddess. Wait, what am I saying? I've never said this about a girl before. I had the urge to have her close to me, so I grabbed the back of her neck, still making sure to be gentle. My eyes were draw to her lips which were smothered with a light pink lip gloss making them shimmer in the light. I need to control myself around her. I put my lips close to her ear and whisper,

"Usually, you apologize for bumping into someone love." As I pulled away, I saw her facial expression change from curiosity to offense like she was about to blow but managed to keep her calm.

"Maybe you shouldn't be so big taking up the whole corridor." I was taken aback by this. No one has ever talked to me like this. I felt anger take over me and she must've saw this when she said,

"I value my life, so here's my apology, sorry, but I'm going now." I'm confused. How did she even know what type of face that was? I glare at her walking off. I want to know everything I possible could about this girl.


Thank you again guys it means a lot

Ruby xoxo

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