Chapter 10

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Arabella POV:

Me and Jacob carried on chatting for a bit, he was telling me more about the Kings Cobras and how he runs it. They don't allow trafficking of girls, so after finding out what his brother did behind their backs, Jake said it was unforgiveable. I agree, it's one of the main reasons I don't join gangs. Most of them are in that type of business, or simply just filthy men who think with their dicks and not their heads.

"So, I guess you will be wanting this back." He hands me my phone and I see I have many missed messages and phone calls from both the girls.

Lay – 5 missed calls

Ange – Hey where are you text me straight away. I have big news.

Ange– You have to get back to me quick.

Ange – 2 missed calls

Lay– If something has happened, I swear I will hunt down the person that did this.

Lay – This isn't funny now, but the kids are fine. Just please be ok, for Rosalie and Elliot at least.

They are so gonna kill me.

Phone call

Ara – Hey guys, sorry I got held up doing something. How are the twins.

Lay – They are fine, but what about you? Where have you been for a day and a half. You were meant to call when you got the job done. How are we supposed to know if you are alive if you don't phone?

Ara – Will you just calm down. I'm fine. I got into a situation which could be in our favour. Listen, there should be a private jet waiting for you at the airport now so don't get on the plane we booked, Okays?

Lay – Ye okay whatever, Anjali wants to speak to you, but bitch if you ever do this to me again, I will personally kill you if you're not already dead and if you are I will re kill you.

Ara – Ye ye okays. Luv you to.

Ange – Heyy Girl. You had us all worried sick, where were you? Anyway, it doesn't matter. Guess what.

Ara – Hey Ange, at least someone seems to be happy to see me. Anyway, what's the big news?

Ange – I got you a fight against some champion. Names Kopper. He's only just started emerging.  Never lost a fight. Neither have you. There's gonna be big money on this and because you weren't answering me, I just entered you in. Don't be mad but this could put you on top of the world.

Ara – Omg you're the best. Thank you thank you. Listen I've got to go but speak to Lay about what's happening ok. Oh, when is it?

Ange – Tomorrow night 7 o'clock. Byee gurl.

Ara – Bye.

I finally have another fight. I need this. I should help me clear my mind about the whole situation that's happened.

"So is everything sorted." I heard Jake's voice. I forgot he was even sat here.

"Ye, listen I need you to have two extra bedrooms ready for me, oh and do you have a like gym or somewhere I can train." He just laughed.

"Ye we can get two extra rooms made up, and as for the gym, we're the fricking mafia of course we do. Come on." A smirk appeared on his face and he stood up motioning for me to follow him.

He first took me to my room so I could get a shower and get changed ready to work out.

He opened the double doors at the end of a corridor to a room that was the same size as my bottom floor in our old house. It had a huge Texas King sized bed in the middle of the room draped in grey and white quilts, blankets and pillows. Facing the bed was a huge mirror that had a marble fireplace on it that covered the bottom and a 60' t.v that covered the top half of it. To the left of the door as you walked in the room, was huge rounded windows, reaching from the floor up to the roof. From the windows, you could see the garden which was covered in green plants, trees and bushes. There were two other double doors on each side of the widows which lead out to the garden. Above the bed was a vast lighting system that by the looks of it could change colour. To the left-hand side of the mirror was a pair of open double doors which led to a walk-in closet. It was draped with clothes of all different styles and even had gym wear and my fighting gear in it.

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