Chapter 15

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Arabella POV:

I sent the twins on an overnight trip to Liverpool with Layla and Ange; I don't want them here in case something happens. We had finished going over the final details of our plan an hour ago, and now it was time to suit up.

I thought I would wear something different this time so he might not guess it's me straight away. I wore black leather pants with knife holders on the side on my thigh (easy reach). I wore a black long sleeve top and on top of that a corset belt for my guns (with their silences of course), I also had black leather gloves on were my fingers poked out the top of them. I wore a black balaclava on my face with a strand of my blonde hair falling over both sides of it. I thought it would be fun to wear a big hooded cape to add more suspense and fun to this night so I combined that with my outfit to.

I made my way down to the weapons floor, where I bumped into Jacob who was just walking out. We gave each other a nod and carried on in our directions. I had knives and guns stashed all over me with multiple rounds so I wouldn't run out, but I hadn't decided what my main weapon would be. I was walking around the room, my eyes not drawn to something instantly like they usually are, but that's when I saw it. Tilly, one of my newest and favourite bows. I had only got her a few months ago, but I had been training most days with her. I don't know why I never thought of her before, I manage to get bull's-eye on all my targets and she is lightweight.

I grabbed the bow and made my way out of the room, ready to call and say goodnight to the twins.

One Hour Later:

We were all in positions, ear pieces on, guards up, on alert. We arrived early as usual but it was nearly time, time to capture and kill the bastard.

"Guy's is it just me or anyone else nervous, I mean, yes I'm ready, but this is Elijah Knight. What if something happens, what if we get shot?" I heard Terrance over the intercoms

"Terrance if you don't shut the fuck up and play your part, it won't just be their bullets you will have to worry about." I said in a serenely manner. This must have scared him even more as I heard a loud and very big gulp.

"Looks like someone needs to change their diaper" I heard Noah next. I let out a small snigger and shook my head even though no one could see.

It went silent after that as everyone went back to concentrating. I was hidden inside a big container with a hole big enough for my arrows, bullets, knives and eyesight to fit through. There was also an opening up top I could escape from in an emergency, without giving my position away too much.

I was lightly drifting around it from hole to hole to check if I could see something or someone. I had already lost count of how many times I had done that when a bright flash came into view not too far away.

"Heads up we've got company." I whispered into the ear piece.

"I see them." I heard Jake respond back.

I placed my arrow onto my bow and got it into the firing position.

"Alright, weapons ready to fire on my command. We wait first to see who it is, it's most likely the dealer, but be ready just in case." Jake said calmly over the intercom.

I watched as the car came into the container terminal, before coming to a complete stop, just to the left of the container I was in. The lights went off first, but you still couldn't make out who or how many people were in that car.

They waited a few minutes before steeping out, probably checking the perimeter, which they done a terrible job of course. A black lace up trainer was the first thing to emerge out that car, followed by blue jeans and a very fat man. He had sunglasses on at two in the morning, a beard that looked black under the moon, and a frown plastered on his face. His hair combed back with a mountain of gel on it. This man looked like your typical snob and wannabe in this world but from just looking see he lacked many of these qualities. He was the only person to step out that car.

We all watched him as he leaned against his driving seat door after gently closing it and lighting a cigarette which flame lit up his face. You could see his features a lot better but they looked the same they did in the dark.

"It's okay guys, it just means he is still coming and won't be too much longer." Alex said trying to bring us back in the mood after hearing mine, Jakes and Kan's sighs.

It was about another five minutes before another set of bright head lights rose out of the darkness. There was a lot of cars this time, maybe around five, it was hard to make out at such a distance.

I hadn't moved my bow from its position and I felt my heart skip a beat from excitement. This was it; Elijah Knight was going to get what was coming for him.

The cars pulled up behind, in front and all around the first car. They wasted no time getting out, as we saw all men in black, each equipped with ak-47's and multiple rounds which hung off their belts. The ones closest to the right-hand side door formed a barrier around it as it opened to reveal the Elijah Knight.

"Target acquired. Wait for my signal to move" Jake said in a hushed tone.

I raised my bow, firing ready.

"Any time now Jacob." I replied.

"Patience woman." I gave a huff down the mic and waited, if this was to be messed up, which it shouldn't, I don't want to be the reason for that.

We watched as Elijah approached the man and started taking in low voices. Abruptly Elijah wrapped one hand around the man's neck picking him up from the floor, he muttered something and dropped him. A thud could be heard from the quietness that now fell around us. That was broken when the man on the ground got up and moved towards his car.

He beeped his car and the darkness around us lit up from his car lights. The arms dealer stepped away and revealed his trunk to be full of explosives and heavy ammunition.

"Erm, Jake, it's now or never" I called out. If we hit him and he already has those weapons there will be no stopping him.

"Fuck it. Alright everyone move it" With that command I pulled my arrow back and released it just as fast. I continued to do that making sure to miss the boys and be their back up.

Jacob POV:

"Erm, Jake, it's now or never" I knew she was right. If we didn't move now, he could over power us.

"Fuck it. Alright everyone move it" I shouted over the intercoms.

Me and Kan emerged from our hiding places and started shooting left and right. I saw arrows flying all around us. Arabella. I looked up to see Elijah running back for his car.

"Kan, Elijah." I shouted across.

"I'll cover you." I heard him through the intercom.

"Same here" Arabella shouted too.

I refilled my bullets and moved from the container I was hiding behind towards Elijah.

Bang, bang, bang, bang.

I took out Elijah's guards one by one. He turned shock evident in his face, although fear was overcoming him pretty quickly as well.

"L...l.. look, I don't want no harm" He stuttered out.

"Leave the bullshit here, nothing you say will change your past or your future." I say, my gun never leaving his head.

"kneel!" I commanded.

"W... w... what, I don't kneel, especially not to you." He snorted out. Why does this dickhead think he has a choice.

"Are you really in a position to be making demands." I smirked at him and he slowly started going down. I pulled the chloroform cloth out of my pocket and place it to his face. The distant gun fire had died down to nothing. Elijah Knight was finally ours. We finally had him.

"Mission successful, now let's get out of here. Arabella get to the car." I said, Kan came up to me and helped pick him up. Terrance had driven the car round so we didn't have to carry him long. I can't believe it; Elijah Knight is finally ours. I let out a sigh as we drove away, each of us unharmed.

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