Chapter 1

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Arabella POV

The smell of sweat and blood fill my lungs as I look over to my 6ft opponent with his nose crooked to the side and the gush of blood pouring out from the blow to the face I just gave him. His head dripping in sweat from trying to get multiple punches at my face, I blocked all but one where he got me in my hip, well that's goanna hurt tomorrow. He's panting and I take my opportunity and spin him around before kicking the back of his knee making him collapsed onto the ground, making it shake from his weight. I twisted him over and straddled him, giving him four powerful blows to the head, he was too weak to get me off and before I knew it, I heard my fighting named called out throughout the arena. The once 6ft man who looked as though he could've killed me was knocked out cold on the floor blood now also streaming from his head.

I jumped out the ring to the crowd cheering my name.

"Bellona" "Bellona"

A weird name I know, but it means the Goddess of war. I fought my inner demons and won. I've fought my outer real-life demons and won. I'm a fighter and I've won every war I've had to face so far, and I intend to keep winning until my last breath,

I walked to the back and collected my money, $1000 just for that fight. I throw on my sweatpants and hoddie over my now bloody fighting clothes which is a black sports bra and black Adidas booty shorts with my trainers and a black mask with a gold around the eyes going through each eye to keep my identity hidden.

I pull up outside my house and I see Layla open the door as she walks out to meet me on the porch. Layla has been there for me since the night I was raped as she was the one who found me dumped in the ally passed out and brought me back to hers and help me until I was physically ok again and the rest is history. She had been watching the kids for me while I was out fighting. It was about 11 so I knew that the kids would be asleep when I felt my phone vibrating as I usually turn it on silent when I fight. I had forgot to take it off. I took it out and look at the caller ID. It was an unknown number but I answered it anyway.

"Hello?" I asked with curiosity

"Hello sugar, have you missed me" The voice replied to me and I felt a shiver run down my spine. The memories of the few days he held me against my will, came crawling back like a painful nightmare, except it was all true. I fought back tears in my eyes as I couldn't let him get to me. Three days of his torture was enough to scar me for life. He abused me, physically and mentally. He raped me. He even threatened my kids' lives. What for you may ask. Well all for me to join his stupid mafia, because I'm the best in America and one of the best in the world. I finally managed to escape and moved to the other side of the country. I thought I could have hidden better. Turns out your demon will always catch up to you!

"How do you have my number I replied?" my voice internally shaking but I didn't let him to know that.

"Your twins, Rosalie and Elliot are tucked up nicely in their bed!" he replied and I could feel his sickening smirk grow through the phone.

I dropped my phone and ran to the twin's bedroom and woke them up, I grabbed what few clothes I could and made my way down stairs to a safe under the floor. I grabbed what money was in there all while Layla is looking at me with a confused but kind of knowing look on her face. We all jumped back in the car as I handed Layla my laptop before strapping the twins into their car seats. She looked at me and realisation hit her as she knew what was happening. Her fingers swiftly started typing away and, within a minute, said,

"Right, we have a flight booked to England in the next three hours, Anjali said to pick her up and then we can go." I looked at her gobsmacked, I didn't want her and Anjali to drop their lives for me and before I could reply she said,

"We have already both decided and anyway who would babysit and book your matches and in general be your best friends of we didn't come." A smile slipped onto my face and for the first time in half an hour I felt a sense of happiness and relief wash over me before it was quickly being replaced by worry and anger again. He had found me. Elijah Knight had found me


This is my first ever book, the chapters will get longer and better, but thank you for chosing this stroy, it means a lot, please if you have any advice i'd be happy to take it.

When I picked the names I didn't realise that they were like the twilight names and it wasn't until half way through I noticed and couldn't be bothered changing it

Ruby xoxo

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