Chapter 8

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Arabella POV:

"Well, we both want the same thing," I paused before carrying on, a smirk forming on my face knowing he will be intrigued by my offer "We both want him dead."

I could see his expression change from anger to interest as he raised his eyebrow at me.

"How do you know I want him dead?" he said to me after a few minutes of silence.

"I know everything about you, Jacob King, leader of the Kings Cobras, the English Mafia, and I mean who doesn't want him dead is the question you should ask. So, will you accept my offer or kill me." He looked so shocked that I knew who he was, again

"I will accept your offer but you will be living with me while whatever this is, happens." He went to walk out the room after that. I stopped him, I need to phone Lay or Ange and tell them not to bring the twins back just yet.

"Wait," He turned around, no expression on his face. "I need to make a call."


"Well then your deal is off." I looked him dead in the eye telling him I was serious.

"Who do you need to phone so badly, you gonna get someone to attack us." Urg this man is getting on my last nerve. Doesn't he know about privacy.

"No, and anyway that is none of your business, you stay out of mine and I'll stay out of yours." I gave him a look that said I wasn't joking and he told me no, again! This man is gonna be the death of me.  He was about to walk away out the room and I had to give in to pride for my twin's sake.

"Urg fine you win, I need to call Layla or Anjali and tell them to keep the twins in Spain a bit longer." I rolled my eyes dropping them to the floor and gave him a slightly annoyed huff. He stopped walking and pivoted to face me again.

"What twins?" he said as he started walking towards me, his eyebrow (once again) slightly raised, curiosity clear in his voice.

"How stupid can you be, my twins." I said in a mocking tone back to him emphasising the my.

"I didn't even know you had children." I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, I have children, 2, one boy one girl, you happy now." He never even answered back before he walked out of the cell, locking it behind him.

I had been listening for a few minutes for footsteps and movement, but heard nothing, I realised there must be no guards outside the cell, or at least very few. I brought my foot up to my mouth, opening the secret pocket where my knife was stored, I kept the knife in my mouth and tried to reach the lock that held chains around my wrists. After about five minutes of struggling, I finally got the knife out of the side compact in my shoe into the lock, thankfully I'm a bit flexible. I wriggled it around until I heard a click and quickly grabbed the chains so they wouldn't fall on the floor and echo throughout the cell.

I peeked round the corner and saw there was one guard to the left and another to the right. Two guards two knives, perfect. I took a breath and threw them at the same time. I heard a couple of muffled breaths and then silence. I walked out the cell and took out my knives from both the guards (I don't usually but when you have limited recourses you use what you can). I also picked up one of their guns and walked towards the door.

I checked to see if the safety was off on the gun and before proceeding to put my ear next to the door, I couldn't hear anything so I'm guessing that nobody is there. I slowly opened the door being ready in case I need to shoot.

No one was there. Luckily as I didn't really feel like shooting people today.

I walk out the door and closed it behind me. I carefully crept forward, step by step up trying not to make the floor creak. I turned the corner to come face to face with a vast flight of stairs that was at least six people wide and seemed as lofty as a skyscraper. They were never ending up or down. I checked the stairs and decided to go up as I remember going down some stairs when I was first taken to that room.

I remembered walking about 3 flights down so I walked 3 up. I got to the door which should be the door I came through. I opened it carefully, wary in case it squeaks. I poke my head through to see a hallway of rooms and a door right at the end with natural light behind it. I looked like a grand secure door so it must be the entrance.

I made my way past each door stopping to listen if anyone was in there before carrying on to the next door repeating myself. I finally made it to the last door. I went to open it when I heard someone shout stop. I spun round to come see another guard and threw my knife. Right in the neck. I was so busy with him I forgot to check if anyone was behind the door and I swung it open quickly before running through it, only to find myself in another room with roughly 10 people in it.

I looked around and saw it was some sort of gym and there was a trainer stood up front about to start training the class (as none of them looked like they were sweating yet). I quickly took advantage of the situation and walked to the front.

"Hello, I'm your new teacher for today, everyone get in your stances." I said to the class. I saw them get into their stances and you could tell they needed a lot of work.

"Erm, excuse me, but who are you?" urg I forgot about this man.

"I'm the new coach for this lesson. Your boss had someone tell me to teach this lesson and told me to tell you that you should sit back and observe me and take notes so at the end you can give them to him." I lied, lying comes almost natural to me as I've had to do it most my life. He was staring at me trying to figure out if I was telling the truth.

"Well, I wasn't told anything." He stopped and I held my breath hoping he would believe it. "Then again, it's happened quite a few times before, so go on teach." He had a smirk on his face as he walked away, again another man who underestimated me. Will this ever change I roll my eyes and turn back to the class. I look at them all carefully some of them laughing and sniggering while others were taking it seriously. There was no time for people like this.

"You, you, you and you. Never come back, you haven't got what it takes." I said in a harsh tome and all their smiles dropped.

"You can't do that." I heard one of them speak up.

"Oh, I can, and I did." I focused my attention to the rest of the class.

"Now show me your stance. I want you to hold it, when I come in front of you, punch me if you can." They all got into their positions and I started walking around the room, I first landed on a girl about 5'5, ginger hair, blue eyes. She had the best stance out of them all. She went to punch with her right hand as expected but at the last second switched to her left. She was fast but I was faster, I caught her fist mid-air and gave her a smirk.

"Nice technique, but not quick enough." I heard whispers from around the rest of the room and proceeded onto the next person.

I was now stood in front of a male, that had at least 4 inches on me, waiting for him to initiate his punch. He thrust a jab my way but I managed to catch his hand twisting it and throwing his whole body over my shoulder. Still having hold of his hand, I turned and twisted to face him to give him his feedback, that's when I noticed him. Jacob. Tearing through the trainees like a predator tears its prey. 

Before I could blink to see if his angry face was actually there, I felt a hand on my hair dragging me out of the room. I tried kicking and swinging at him. I manage to swipe him once but that just made him angrier, so I just let him take me to where ever he wanted.

Jake POV:

I went back to Bella's cell to give her the phone she asked for, when I saw my men dead on the floor. Annoyance and betrayal spread rapidly through my body before embarrassment became the more dominant emotion. Three of my men were killed by a woman. A woman for fucks sake! I alerted all my men and I got a text straight away from one of my trainers matching her description. Got you.

I stormed through the hallways thinking how this woman could do this, nevertheless I shouldn't forget who she is. Bellona. One of the most feared fighter and assassin in the world, yet she is under my roof which means she plays by my rules.

I rip open the doors as she has one of my students' hand in a tight grip and flipping him over her shoulder. For a second I forgot what Bella had done and was just in awe of her until reality came back to me and I walked, well more like marched, up to her, barging the students out the way keeping my eyes fixated on her. I grasped her hair and clutched onto it, dragging her out of the room. She started trying to punch me and only achieving that once which pissed me off even more. She seems to sense this and stopped squirming.

I won this round Arabella.

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