13.) Sealing

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"I can't believe I agreed to this." Kurama sat on the grass under the sun, leaning over the black-haired boy. "You've never done a sealing jutsu as complicated as this. Kid, your great-grandfather had to perform a demon sealing jutsu just to do this type of sealing. We can't guarantee you'll be alive after we attempt this."

"I know but I'm willing to try." Saruto dropps the scrolls and books he was reading. The Uzumaki clan is the clan who made the original Eight Trigrams Sealing Style, the mark that kept the nine tails inside the seventh hokage. Saruto put his palms together and performed the hand signs for the seal.

Once finished, the jutsu worked and the sign burned through Saruto's shirt and onto his chest. Saruto smiled for a moment before everything went black.


Kurama looked at the boy in surprise. He didn't believe someone at that age with little experience would be able to perform such a hard jutsu. Saruto succeeded but Kurama's instant moment of happiness vanished when Saruto's skin started coating the nine tails chakra. Frightened, Kurama poked the boy with his long finger nail.

"Saruto!" Kurama yells at the boy. "Get ahold of yourself." Instead of responding, Saruto forms a tail. Then another. Then another. Then a fourth. Kurama stepped back but the boy, being taken over by the nine tails chakra, had already torn through his skin and showed a black coating. It wasn't orange or red or yellow. It was black. Kurama's eyes widen at this. This kid is not fit to be a proper jinchuriki. Kurama touched the boy with one tail and sucked a large amount of his own chakra back to his normal body. Saruto was back to normal on the ground but with burned up skin and with little chakra left.

Kurama remembered when Naruto went to train with the Raikage's brother all those years ago. Killer Bee had put Naruto in front of the Waterfall of Truth. Naruto had fought his evil side and became pure. Kurama was afraid Saruto would never be able to find his good side because like most people, he knew. He knew this kid wasn't on the good side.

Instead of thinking negatively, Kurama remembered Naruto's smile.

One of these days, I'll get rid of your negativity, nine tails.

Those words rang through his ears and Kurama decided it. He'll train this kid to be good like his hero in the past.

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