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The police station was cold.

Jungkook didn't like it.

It was cold and empty and reminded him of all those times he'd had to bail his friends out because they took it a little too far and long with the spray paint. Reminded him of why he was clutching Jimin's hand so tightly.

But at least it was safe.


His mother was at the front desk, talking to an officer animatedly, stress visible in every word she said. Junghyun was not far away from her, fiddling with the slightly loose threads on hem the of his hoodie.

Nobody was particularly excited about the prospect of talking to a policeman, but at least they were safe.

They were safe. That was what Kageyama kept telling himself as Jimin squeezed his hand, fighting his own fears.

The two boys shared a look, one filled with longing, doubt, and a pinch of fear.

It was good while it lasted, but before Jungkook knew it Jimin was being whisked away into a back room by another officer, and he was alone again, his source of comfort extinguished

I'm safe. he thought yet again. Jimin's safe. That's what matters right now.

It became his mantra, brain repeating those words over and over again until his heart started believing it.

Jimin was away from his father. He was out of the house. He had eaten a big, sugary, delicious jam filled donut which he sure as hell needed and deserved even more. He was smiling slightly at Jungkook's jokes, no matter how dry they were. He was safe.

Those thoughts were Jungkook's small piece of consolation as he sat in the waiting room, awaiting Jimin's return.

He could almost see it through the walls of the station. Jimin's eyes watering as he struggled to speak to the officer. To explain the corrupt life his father was forcing him to lead.

It wasn't a pretty picture. It didn't make Jungkook's insides feel any prettier either.

But Jimin was okay, and as long as he was, so was Jungkook.


a/n- it's been a while guys..

as you can probably tell by now, the end of this fanfic is slowly drawing near.

ik it's kind of out of nowhere, but it needs a good, heavy edit. i'm pretty happy with ending it soon, because i have other works waiting for me after, and i feel like i've got a few good ideas for an ending

dw, there's still at least a good 5 long chapters left!!

(also yes this update is short but AT leAst thEre Is OnE)

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