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Jungkook crawled out from the bed slowly, only making his move when he was sure Jimin's father (who quite frankly didn't deserve that title), was gone.

"Jimin? Baby?"

Tiny sniffles continued resounding throughout the room as Jungkook climbed back onto the bed. Jimin's eyes were red and swollen, but just as piercing as ever.

Jungkook reached a hand towards Jimin. When Jimin took it, he pulled him into his arms.

Jimin looked up, eyes wide and glowing with sparkling tears. He tilted his head in question.

Jungkook sighed, petting his head.

"We have to get out of here. You're not safe here right now." he breathed. "And I'm even less safe."

Jimin nodded slowly, still sniffling softly as Jungkook took his hand, murmuring encouragements in his ear.

"We can go to my place for now. Lock your bedroom door from this inside so that you're father won't know you're gone for a while." He breathed. "Mum can get you some food. When did you say the last time you ate was?"

"C-camp dinner. Yesterday."

"Holy shit Jimin. Let's go."

Jungkook tugged Jimin's hand, pulling him with him back out the window he'd come in from.

Jimin took a deep breath once he was outside. The air outside was clear and had a bit of bite to it, a complete contrast from the sweltering mustiness of inside his room.

The sun was slowly setting, falling beneath the rolling green hills on the horizon. Tall pine trees swayed in the breeze, gradually becoming nothing but silhouettes in the distance.

Jimin and Jungkook trudged through the tree lined road towards Jungkook's house. No words were exchanged. The two communicated only through worried glances and reassuring head nods.

Eventually they arrived at Jungkook's door step. With no time to waste, Jungkook pushed the door open and tugged Jimin inside.

"Junghyun! Junghyun?!" he shouted.

A loud groan resounded through the house in response.


"Junghyun get over here right now! Where's mum?"

A small black haired head peeked through the living room doorway. A lanky body followed, stepping out into the room.

"Hey Jungcoc- wait, Jimin?"

Junghyun dashed over to the pair quick as a flash. He smirked at Jungkook.

"I see what you meant when you said thicc. Good job bro."

Jimin flushed as Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"This really isn't the time Junghyun. Jimin's in trouble, and we need to find mum right now."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Mum, Junghyun."

"Out at the clothesline.. I'll get her then?"

"Yes!! Hurry!"

Stressed was an understatement when it came to Jungkook. The thought that Jimin's father could be at Jimin's bedroom door smashing his way in was plaguing his mind, taking over all rational thoughts. His palm was sweating in Jimin's clutches.

Just when he thought his mind was at it's breaking point, his mother entered the room, a look of worry evident in her eyes.


He sighed, looking towards her.

"Hi mum.. Um- I think we need to call the police."


a/n- yes i'm alive. i hope you guys haven't given up on me yet lmao.

i reFUSE to discontinue this book. never. so just so y'all know, no matter how long i take breaks for, this book isn't gonna go anywhere. i won't give up on it if you don't. the updates will be more irregular now i'm at school and literally dealing with daily mental breakdowns but they'll still come eventually.

anyways i have absolutely no idea what i'm doing with this plotline and it's getting a bit out of hand pls help me.

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