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Rowing. The first proper activity at camp. The tent groups were going to be sticking together throughout the activities, which meant he and Jimin were going to do it together.

Now, Jungkook liked to think that he was good at everything. Self confidence was key when it came to him, and being hot and talented was definitely handy.

But there were just a few tiny little things he hadn't exactly mastered.

One of them, as Jungkook had discovered  a few years ago on an eventful road trip with his old best friend Namjoon, was rowing.

Jungkook didn't exactly have the best history with rowing and kayaking. It was strange, since he was normally great at sports.

Ask him to play footy with his mates down at the park? Yeah he will you bloody legend.

Track and field at the sports carnival? You could bet that Jungkook was winning blue ribbons in all the events available.

Swimming? Dancing? Taekwondo? Boxing? He was all good.

But rowing? Oh, no no no no.

It wasn't that he was weak, he just hadn't practiced in so many years. Not since he was 3 years old at the most. And he wasn't going to count the time Namjoon overturned their kayak while they were kayaking down fast moving river rapids.

Don't boat drunk kids.

Jungkook just hoped to god that Jimin was better at rowing than he was.


Jimin was not better at rowing than he was.

The two boys were out on the lake, drifting further and further away from the others.

It was peaceful. The water was sparkling, rippling slightly and glistening in the sunlight. The lake was surrounded by thick woods that were buzzing with the squeaks and chirps of birds, possums, and maybe even the odd cassowary.

The other students were so far away from them. It would've been peaceful if it weren't for Jungkook's obnoxious, panicked wailing.

"Jimin! No, don't turn that way!! You're gonna overturn the boat!!"

Jimin was struggling with his oar while groaning in irritation, arms straining to keep ahold of it. In any other situation Jungkook would've found his battle with the oar adorable. But they were drifting further and further away from the group by the second.

"Okay okay okay." Jungkook mumbled, trying to take control of the situation. "Here, move your arm like this." he said, grabbing Jimin's forearm and moving it into what he thought was the right position.

Well, you should never trust Jungkook with an oar in his hand apparently, since as soon as he twisted it slightly, the canoe flipped straight over, slamming him and Jimin into the water.


a/n- that cliffhanger thoooo-

yoongi here is an actual representation of me at school surrounded by the heteros

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yoongi here is an actual representation of me at school surrounded by the heteros. i'm not kidding when i say i'm the only out gay kid in my entire school. fml.

are there any straights reading this? if you do happen to be a hetero, please consider not.

Be like Jungkook. Be like Jimin. Be like me. Be gay. Today.

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