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"junghYUUUuUn!!!" Get your flat ass over here RIGHT NOW!"

The floor of Jungkook's room was covered in clothes in every shade of gray and black imaginable. Dozens of assorted items were strewn over every surface. From makeup to matches to an iron man printed hairbrush that was matted with blue hair, everything was there.

A big black duffel bag lay on Jungkook's bed, surrounded by the junk. Inside it clothes were bundled and scrunched up carelessly into balls.

Jungkook wasn't exactly the lightest or neatest packer.

The sleepaway camp, which was the next day, was drawing nearer by the minute. And Jungkook, like any disaster gay, had no idea what to wear.

After about 2 minutes of Jungkook mindlessly screaming out his brother's name, Junghyun finally stormed into the room, sporting smudged makeup and a very angry expression.

"You little shit. You made me smudge my fucking eyeliner."

"Irrelevant. Your makeup looks like clown paint anyways so I was just saving you from the pain."

"You're one to speak. Look at you- a fucking walking cliché is what you are."

"Clichés are clichés for a reason. Anyways love I need your help picking outfits for camp."

"Oooh. Jungkookie wants to look buff and sexy for Jimin."

Jungkook snarled as Junghyun cackled wildly.

Once Junghyun calmed down, he looked at Jungkook seriously.

"In all seriousness though Kook. It's a camp. You can't wear 8 layers of chains and dangly earrings. Think practically. You can still look hot wearing a normal tee shirt and jeans."

Junghyun paused, thinking.

"Well, maybe you in particular can't look hot in a normal tee shirt and jeans, since you look like the human equivalent of a naked mole rat, but you get my point."

"I would argue with you, but I have packing to do. Bye bitch. And wipe that clown shit off of your face."

"Will do."

Junghyun exited the room, leaving Jungkook to deal with the mess on his own.


I should've made him pack up with me.


Finally, after what had seemed like a millennia, Jungkook squeezed the very last hoodie into his bag, smiling proudly at his work. The camp wasn't going to be his most organized moment, but at least he'd look stylish.

And as much as Jungkook liked to deny it, Junghyun was right. He was kind of dressing to impress Jimin.

But there was no harm in that, right?


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