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Jungkook had just been getting comfortable in his tent, ready to read under torchlight since it was getting darker outside, when the obnoxious dinner bell began ringing in his ears.

Jimin, who had been lying down next to him, pushed as far away as possibly, shot up, hitting his head on the ceiling of the tent. Jungkook smiled at him, endeared, and Jimin pouted slightly.

"Um..." Jungkook started, "we should probably head out.."

Jimin rubbed his head and nodded.

"Wow. You don't say.. but sure, I'm famished."

Jungkook nodded and stood up, hunching so he wouldn't hit his head just like Jimin had so adorable just done. He climbed out of the tent and into the temperate night's breeze, torch in hand. The sound of chirping crickets immediately filled his ears.

Jungkook huffed as the dinner bells clanged irritatingly once again, and trudged through the grass with Jimin trailing only a few steps behind him. The smell of grilling meat filled his nostrils as they neared the brightly lit shed.

When they arrived, to Jungkook's delight, two already smoking barbecues were set up in front of the large dining tables. The tables were lined with bowls full of every vegetable imaginable, and in the middles of them sat giant plates heaped with golden, crusty bread rolls.

Jungkook sighed, inhaling the aroma of grilling steaks and sausages.

One by one, his classmate began filing in, faces going slack with surprise at the feast. Maybe this was glamping after all?

After everyone had finally arrived, the teacher and camp supervisors exited the small kitchen, brandishing a variety of different sauce bottles.

"Looks like everyone's here." the teacher piped up, smiling at her class. "now I want everyone to give our parent supervisors a big thank you. They've taken time out of their day to come here and cook for us, so let's give them a big pat on the back."

Choruses of thank you and claps overtook the shed for a moment, before they were silenced by the teacher yet again, this time prompting the students to dig in, but only take their fair share..

Jungkook truly took those words to heart, and dig in he did. Jimin, on the other hand, daintily bit into his perfectly assembled steak burger with a knife and fork.

Who the fuck does that, thought Jungkook.

Jimin. Jimin did that, apparently.

And Jungkook didn't mind one bit cause he was cute as fuck.


Dinner seemed to speed by, and before Jungkook knew it, the sky was pitch black and the students were being herded off to their respective tents.

Jimin was already gone by the time he had finished washing his dishes and was ready to leave. The boy always seemed to be joining out of nowhere, before leaving just as fast.

Jungkook crept back to the tent, crawling in through the tiny entrance when he arrived.

Jimin was curled up into a ball, facing the side of the tent so only his fluffy blonde hair was visible to Jungkook. He was pressed as far away from Jungkook's sleeping bag as possible.

Jungkook climbed around him, snuggling up into his own sleeping bag and closing his eyes. He reached a hand out and tapped Jimin on the back.

Jimin turned around, doe eyes glowing under the dim light of Jungkook's torch. Pretty eyes. Jungkook thought. Wonder if they were his mum's or his dad's.

"Night baby." he whispered.

Jimin blushed and turned around, shuffling further away from Jungkook.

He closed his eyes and buried his face in his pillow again. When he responded his voice was muffled, only just concealing the breathiness of it.


That night, the two boys fell asleep back to back, facing away from each other. One of them was trying to get closer, and one of them trying to move away, despite how much he wanted to snuggle up in the other's arms.


a/n- thoughts on this chapter? are things moving too fast?

anyways i'm typing this in class and for some reason the boys keep moaning really loudly for no reason.



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^ yes that is my face

it was from almost 5 years ago ok and my friend took it without my permission. i like to think that i had a glow up.

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