Chapter Nine

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The days went by quickly, and the classes at the horrid school of U.A went from disgusting, to the regular. I avoided Todoroki as much as I could, always never being alone with him, or in a situation where I needed to talk to him. I had nothing to say, and Dabi had been right the entire time about our old family. Here I was wanting to meet them, and already my introduction to my twin was a nosey asshole who cant keep his hands to himself.

I should have known to listen to Dabi. I never should have second guessed his choices. We made it this far by trusting each other, and I wasnt about to just stop that.

Todays class was more interesting, because one of the people I hated most in this miserable world came in to teach us, the hero class of 1-A.

"I am here! Walking through the door like a normal person!" came All Might, storming through the door, costume and everything.

The green haired broccoli kid (who I found out his name was Midoriya) instantly began squealing and jumping up and down "All Might!"

No shit it wasnt superman.

All Might told us he was now starting to teach one of our classes to do with heroics, and that we had to follow him to a training ground.


After we changed into our hero costumes and met at the training grounds, we were told to be paired up and play roles of heroes and villains in a training exercise.

Now this lesson was interesting.

In the end I was paired up with Ojiro, whos quirk seemed absolutely pointless and pathetic to me. he literally had a giant tail the size of his body. It made me want to barf right there.

We were playing the role of the villains conveniently, which made me want to smirk. Stupid fucking non-existent emotions!

The heroes versing us were none other than Todoroki and Shoji, who had arms sprouting almost everywhere. Weird.

We approached the exercise and the villains were told to get in and prepare.

"How should we handle this, Shigashi?" Ojiro asked me, putting his hands on his hips as we reached the top level.

I rolled my eyes internally. These people had no idea how to properly think the mind of a villain, although how can they when their thoughts are all clouded up from heroics and all that crap. I pulled out my earpiece and dropped it onto the floor, where I then stepped on it, smashing it into oblivion. Ojiro stood there shocked.

"H-how are we going to communicate now?" he snapped back angrily, tapping his earpiece.

"Destroy yours, and then we talk strategy." I replied in my monotone voice. The truth was it was definitely smart to communicate between members, but I knew that All Might was the other one who could hear our conversations, and like hell I wanted that.

Ojiro opened his mouth to object, but after staring at my unmoving emotionless face, he let his anger go and sighed, before crushing his with his tail.

"Ok, whats the plan?" he sighed again.

"Well, if you want to win this you have to think smart," I started, my gaze still not breaking from his slightly shaking figure. "The heroes are expecting the bomb to be at the top level right?"

"I guess, I mean it takes longer to get there so it makes sense to-"

"That's where you're wrong. They will all be expecting the bomb on the higher levels, which takes longer to get to. I suggest that we hide the bomb on the very first level, that way the hero team wont even think to look for it and head above, where we can then attack from behind."

Ojiro seemed to stand frozen and shocked by my words. That was actually a really smart plan.

"Woah – I mean, yeah sure! Sounds cool." He responded.

"Oh, and leave Shojis quirk to me, Ill be able to divert our location to make it seem like we are above." I replied, walking away. We decided I would be at the bottom with the bomb, guarding it while also protecting the location of the bomb and I from Shojis many ears and eyes.

I knew I wasnt supposed to use any more than one quirk, but today, I was going to use a smaller quirk All for One had given me, one that lets me send heat signatures and sounds elsewhere. He thought the quirk was handy for me if I was ever in a situation where I had to hide and escape, although it was strictly forbidden to use it against him.

Ojiro was up on the second level to the top, and before we knew it, a loud horn was heard to start the match.

Bring it on, Shoto Todoroki.

Word Count: 825 words

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