Chapter Two

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I grumbled under my breath a variety of words of many colours as I packed my bag. I was going through my room, trying to find anything I could that would be useful at U.A.
I paused to look at a picture hidden under my bedside table, my heart sinking at the photo. It was a photo of my whole family together - all of them. Everyone was there: Endeavour, mother, my older brother and sister- and even Shoto and Dabi, Well, Touya.

"You sure know a lot of words there my friend!" Toga hummed, her back leaning against the frame of my door.
I looked toward Toga, let go of the memories that photograph was causing, and dropped it deliberately as I walked out the door with Toga, my bag on my back ready to go.

I was nearly at the end of the corridor when I noticed Toga hadn't followed. I turned, noticing her usually figety figure as still as a statue as she looked at something in her hand- your photograph.

"Sky?" Toga started, her eyes flicking to the image, to you and back again, as if trying to compare.


"Are they your family?" She whispered, which caught me off guard for a split second, as Toga was never quiet. I quickly regained my cool composure and stared right into her eyes, which I could tell was starting to make her uncomfortable as the seconds went by and I didn't blink.

"The league is my family." I said simply, before walking up and snatching it off of her. Turning around I then threw it across my room, where is smashed into the wall, causing the frame to break and crack as it fell to the floor from the impact.


She was clinging to his arm again, begging through sobs for him to stop.

He never listened. 

He turned around and slapped mother across the face, the impact causing her grip on his arm to loosen as she sagged to the floor, yet another red mark on her face.

"They are so little- they are children!" She screamed, but he ignored her.

Endeavour, my father, slowly turned away from mother and stared straight at us - Shoto, Touya and I. We were scared out of our minds, and seemed frozen in place. Shoto and Touya began stepping away from our father as he approached - but I didn't. He looked down on me, his glare one of pure hatred that promised pain. I dared to step back, but before I could father grabbed my wrist, his fire still burning rapidly from his anger.

I screamed in pain, trying my best to break free of his strong grip. His hand was burning my bare skin more than he had ever done before, and my screams seemed like music to his ears. He held my now limp and frail body up in front of my other siblings, his grip still as hard as iron on my wrist.

"This, children, is what happens when you disobey me," Endeavour thundered, showcasing my pained state like a trophy for all to see. "Do not let it happen again."

"Fricken hell Skyla!" Yelled Mr Compress. My vision was slowly coming back, and it didn't take you long to remember why I were there - I just had a habit of day dreaming whenever.

"Sorry, what did I miss?" I asked in my usual emotionless monotone voice.

"Master pulled a few strings and got you into U.A, the hero school." Explained Tomura, his hand-mask on his face again to stop him from stressing out and scratching his neck as much as possible.

"You begin today, as you know Skyla Shigaraki," All for Ones voice came through the screen yet again. "I trust you got some sleep. I apologise again for springing this onto you at the last second, but you're the only one their age."

"But Tomur-"

"Tomura is older than you by a couple of years and you know that."


"Toga is already at a school, Skyla."

The conversation ended and I was handed a uniform and got dressed. It was now time for me to leave.
I hugged Dabi tightly, and I wished I could feel the emotion of love. I still couldn't feel emotion. The best I could do was scream or let our anger, but I cannot shed a tear or smile. I didn't know why - not one soul did nor do they do now. It a a mystery. 


After saying my goodbyes to everyone, I began walking to the train station. When I arrived I sat down in a seat closest to a window, where I then noticed shortly after a tall, fat drunk walk up to me before sitting down in the spare seat.

"Hey lil' lady" he sneered. I wanted to kill him right then, like so many I'd  done before. But I couldn't. I had to pretend to be a hero in order to fit in. The man reached a hand toward me, but as he did a strong hand grabbed his arm and yanked him off his butt, causing him to fall and then hit his head of the side seat, imobilizing him for the time being.

"Sorry you got caught up with that bastard, you good?" Asked a familiar voice. You turned and saw a boy with blonde spiked hair and red and black backpack.

Katsuki Bakugo.

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