6. Hi Old Friend ( Edited)

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  " Zeus !" I exclaimed upon seeing my furry friend . From the corner of my vision I saw both of the adult's head snap up to see me . Zeus was now up on his paws and looking at me .

Zeus looked apprehensive to approach me and unsure if I was a threat . I took a hesitant step forward , I wanted to pet him and hug him . Any contact I could get .

Then , he started barking and snarling at me , showing me his canine teeth .

Startled by the sudden action and noise , I flinch and took a step backward . "Sorry ! " I said , thinking I did something wrong or I went too close for his comfort .

I know what that's like.

The woman holds her hand up and Zeus immediately stops his barking  . "No it's okay , it wasn't your fault . I think he just felt threatened . " The woman started petting Zeus on the head and I felt a pang of jealousy shoot through me .

I wasn't here for him. Not mine anymoreDamn.

" Hi , my name is Janet. Zeus has been under my care while you were... gone . " Janet  said , with a small kind smile on her face, which I guiltily returned.

She stood up to unclasp the leash from Zeus' collar. I now saw a bag of stuff containing what I presume is Zeus' belongings on the seat that was beside hers .

I saw a cream coloured bed , some toys , and food bowls . That was as much as I could see . 

Janet the walked toward me as Zeus was now patiently sitting on the floor , staring at me .  She handed me his leash. " He's been a really good boy , really obedient . You're lucky to have a dog like him. " Janet said .

"Ceni, parvulus sedem. " (Come , take a seat little one.) I heard my father say while patting the seat next to him . I went to sit next to him as Janet started informing us on what were the important things that must be in Zeus' daily to do list .

She told us that he needed to go on walk everyday and long runs , once a week . "Is Zeus going to be sleeping in your room ? Or do you have other arrangements  ." Janet asked , looking at me directly .

  I panicked and looked at my Dad for an answer . We hadn't discussed the arrangements,  I had only found out yesterday about Zeus' return .

Seeing as I was stunned , my Dad answered for me . "I was thinking of letting Zeus stay in Alessia's room. Is that going to be a problem? "

"Not a problem at all . Zeus is kennel trained , just an FYI . He doesn't necessarily need a kennel , seeing as he has his own bed ," Janet gestures to his rectangular shaped bed beside her .

" personally ,  I think it's best to not put him in a kennel so he can spring into action any time and not be confined. " Janet adds . 

We both just nod along to what Janet's saying , fully agreeing with her . "That's all . I'll leave you to reconcile with Zeus . Just approach slowly and let him sniff you . He will no doubt remember you. " Janet says with full certainty, that it makes me believe her for a second .

"With that, I'll take my leave .Mr Striker , Alessia . " Janet says , giving us a slight nod and a small smile . With one last pet to Zeus' head , she walks toward the door and opens it .

" Thank you . For taking care of him for me . " I say , before she left the room . I show her a grateful smile and she returns it. She gives me a wink , before making her way out the door again . Weird.

Now for the hard part.

"Im 'iens ut darem tibi soli simul cum eo. Si bene quid laudabunt u tantum opus est? " (I'm going to give you alone time with him . Just shout if u need anything okay?) My dad says to me with a gentle smile to which I return . He walks out the door with long strides .

Looks like he needs to tend to something important. Eh whatever . I do too.

Wonderful, it was so wise to leave me in a room with a dog that barely knows me and wanted to bite my head off a few seconds ago.

I turn to Zeus who has been silent this whole time since he barked. But he's already looking at me , his head tilted . He no longer looks apprehensive.  More like he's trying to figure me out .

Nervously , I take small steps towards him and crouch down a little . I hold my hand out to let him sniff . Half praying he won't bite it off. I see Zeus bring his nose to my hand and he sniffs it . His cold,  wet snout touching my hand . It shoots an unwilling shiver up my arm.

Zeus freezes . I do the same , afraid of what he was about to do next.  One second I was crouching down infront of Zeus , my hand out for him . The next I was flat on the floor , Zeus mercilessly licking my face off .

He didn't forget .

The panic I felt just a few seconds ago long forgotten. Instead , it's replaced with pure joy .  I laugh and cover my face with my hands. Zeus' front paws are right next to my head . He is still licking me , but now my hands .

"Okay okay , easy . " Zeus gets up off me . I push myself up off the ground as Zeus lifts his front paws off the ground as what I used to call, " a playful hug " . I start petting him , beaming and laughing .

Never thought I'd see you again .

"Hi old friend . " I whisper to him , then start petting his fur again . As if he could understand me ,  he licks  me  one last time and stand on his paws again. I see his tail wagging left to right fast . I chuckle and shake my head .

I take the bag to Zeus' belongings and bring it up to my room . I don't even need to tell Zeus to follow me , as he trots after me , out the dining room.

Some things never change.

On the way up the stairs , I see Luca at the top , just coming down. 

"Oh hey . I was wondering where you were , you weren't in your room . " Luca said as soon as he saw me . His eyes drifted to my right,  where Zeus is.

His eyes widen in what I think is surprise.  A huge smile overtakes his surprised one. "He's back? " Zeus seems to remember Luca as he trots up the stairs to where Luca was standing.

Oh right because Luca was still here before he got sent to training.

Luca crouches down and starts running his hand through Zeus' fur . Zeus' tail wagging back and forth repeatedly , I couldn't help but let out a small laugh .

"He's staying for good now . " I say , still smiling at both of them . I start to walk up the stairs . "That's great . Now the whole family is here . " Luca says with a huge smile as he turns his attention to Zeus once again  , that smile still evident on his face .

"Except for Mum ." I say under my breath.  "What? " Luca asks and I just shake my head and give him a small smile .

He didn't hear . I hope.

Apparently Mum died during the attack 3 years ago, I don't know how, no one would share any details , except she died from a bullet to the head.

When I asked , I could clearly see that they were still affected by it . Their wounds never healed . Kind of sad if you think about it . The girls in the family.  Both gone . Stolen . But i'm back now.

"Well I should get going . I'm meeting up with some friends at the mall . " Luca says .  "Have fun . " I reply,  and give him a wave good bye before walking down the hall towards my room .

" Alessia !" I stop in my tracks to look back at Luca . " I'm stealing him later . "He says with a grin. With that, Luca skips down the stairs . An unexpected laugh and an eye roll escapes me as I open the door to my room .

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