The fiery skull of a devil.

"Woah, heey. I know that s-symbol. I was just messing round dude. Diddn't mean no harm."

"Too late. You've seen my face. If I let you go, the police will find out what I look like. . . And that'll just ruin the surprise I have lined up. Can't have that."

"Hey no dude. We-we're bro's yeah? I won't rat you to the fuzz."

Deku barres his teeth in a smile, ignoring the man's words. "Welcome to Hell." One last thought and the symbol disperses in small rockets, consuming the man gaping at it within seconds.

Deku throws back his head and tunes out the screams of the man at the mercy of the flames. He breaths in the morning crisp air, setting his mind straight. That is right. That's today, isn't it? He smiles at the thought and opens the old metal door in the alley.

He makes his way through the pipe filled room to the origin of the bright white hues in the distance.

"You're back already my boy?"

"Yeah. I was getting bored just waiting around."

"I heard screaming out there, what happened?"

Deku scoffs. "Just some idiot got on my nerves. Nothing more."

"You best be careful out there on the streets. Draw any more attention and you just might get found."

Deku rolls his eyes at All For One, tired of the same old lectures. "Those morons? Not likely."

"Your quirk?" All For One rasps as turns away from one of his screens. "Are you able to control it yet?"

Deku snaps his fingers and watches as the small flame slowly grows out of control, the remnants of his anger taking command. "Not quite. But that won't matter for much longer." He snuffs out the fire and sighs. "There is someone I finally get to see again."

"I see. Well, it hasn't even been a year yet. Your quirk is a powerful one; that is to be expected."

Deku nods his head lazily and looks around. "Where's Toga run off to?"

"She's in her room. You should stop by more," All For says as Deku makes for his exit. "I've got great plans for you."

"I'll think about it," Deku waves over his shoulder. "but don't hold your breath old man." He makes his way deeper into the dark hideout. Past the tubes and wires connected to All For One and to the small rooms they call home. Passing the room that is supposed to be his, he opens the neighboring door.

Another Deku comes rushing over and jumps into his arms. "Baby!"

The clothes and skin melts as Deku spins Toga around. "Hey little spark. Ah. . ." Deku grabs Toga's wrist before her needle pierces his skin.

Toga grins wickedly as she pushes Deku back and forces the door closed. "So, what did Shiggy want?" She asks to divert Deku's attention.

Deku grabs her other wrist and blinks lazily. "You naughty girl," he says with a smile. "When are going to learn?"

"Was it because of all this talk about All Might teaching at UA?"

"It might." Deku feels a slight tug on Toga's exposed skin and raises her wrists, keeping her needles well out of reach from his body. "It might not."

"Aw come one you can tell—"

Deku lowers his head and presses his lips against Toga's. "Would you shut up already?"

Flustered, Toga's cheeks redden. "What was that for?"

"No more talking about Shigaraki and his plans. Okay? It's on my mind enough as it is." Deku backs away from the door and lowers his head again. "And do I really need reason to kiss the girl who saved me?"

"No. But the least you could do is give me more blood," Toga pouts teasingly.

"Aw you poor baby," Deku says with a smirk. "How did you—" the com sitting in Deku's ear begins to static, a sign that someone turned on the channel. "What is it Kurogiri, I'm busy."

"It's time."

Deku's eyes flash at those words and he lets Toga go. "Is it now? Sorry little spark but my time's up."

A warp gate appears behind Deku and Toga steps back, waving goodbye with a large grin. "Go string some puppets, juicy sweet!"

"They won't be calling me that for much longer," Deku says with a laugh. "Here," he tosses a small vial of a thick red liquid over his shoulder, the warp gate slowing closing around him. "if I know you, you've probably already run out. Be a good girl while I'm gone and you'll get some more where that came from."

Toga's eyes widen in delight as she catches the vial. "Really? Oh thank you Deku! Do your best out there," she hollers through the remnants of the gate.

The other side comes into view as Toga's words echo in the gate.

What seems like a hundred other villains with a bone to pick with the heroes are all gathered outside of one of the League of Villains laboratories. Deku looks to side to see Shigaraki and Kurogiri sanding next him. Standing if front of him though, is their strongest player. Even stronger than the number one hero.

Deku cranes his neck up at the large Nomu, a sly smirk lining his lips.

"Villains," Shigaraki says to the crowd. "the reign of the symbol of Peace, is over."

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