20-Tetsurō Kuroo

Start from the beginning

"Hey good looking," he spoke again, this time referring to you. 'Shit, the flirty type.' Now, usually this would annoy you, but order some chicken nuggets because you were McLoving it. (I'm sorry-) "Who's the hottie?" the boy asked. Your cheeks were on fire at this point and you couldn't even form words. Luckily, Bokuto was quick to answer him.

"This is our friend y/n," Bokuto said with a big smile. You saw Akaashi face palm. You didn't understand why Akaashi was being so weird... until Bokuto spoke once more. "Y/n, this is Kurro!" he said with a smile. Your mood suddenly changed to confusion and anger. 'Goddamit. Of course my enemy has to be hot.' Kuroo held out his hand to shake. You stood there awkwardly, before putting your hand out. Akaashi could see the pain it caused you to be shaking hands with your best friend's enemy. You took a breath and looked him in the face.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, fucking bastard," you hissed with a sour tone, using the same name he used on Daishō. He looked at you confused. "Sorry guys, I need to quickly help Suguru-kun," you said, looking at Bokuto and Akaashi and only those two. You said your goodbyes and made your way over to where your team was setting up.

"What was up with her? She seemed to know who I was when Bokuto said my name," Kuroo asked, looking in your direction.

"We, I tried to warn Bokuto-san, didn't I?" Akaashi groaned.

"Yeah, but I don't get why," Akaashi sighed and turned his gaze to Kuroo.

"Y/n is best friends with Daishō. They're super tight," Kuroo's expression dropped as pieces began to place together.

"Right. He's told her about me and she has it in for me. Makes sense why she calling me fucking bastard now,"

"Oh... I didn't know you all hated each other... sorry," Bokuto mumbled.

"No, it's fine. I just have to show her I'm more than that and win her over," Kuroo said, smirking once more. Akaashi rolled his eyes.

"You really think you have a chance?"

"Yes. Yes I do,"


You sat on the bench as you watched your friends play their game of volleyball, glad that you were finally away from Kuroo's flirting and Daishō ranting about him. It was strange, when you were standing near Kuroo, you hated his guts, well, excluding when you were falling for his charm, which, you got over. Totally. But when you came back to Daishō, he kept whining and complain about Kuroo to extremes that you felt like Kuroo wouldn't go to, and you suddenly felt bad for Kuroo and mad at Daishō...

"Hey sugar, good game?" a voice asked from behind you. You didn't need to turn around to know it was Kuroo. You suddenly went back to being mad at him. When you didn't reply, nor turn around, Kuroo sighed and came to the front and sat beside you on the bench, which you hoped he wouldn't do, yet, here he was. "Who's winning?" he asked once more, hoping now you'd reply. As much as you hated him, you hated ignoring people, so, you just gave the flattest response possible.

"You forgot your glasses at home? The scoreboard is literally just there," you said, pointing beside Kuroo without looking at him in fear you'd swoon for his looks again.

"Oh. Well, it seems like your team is winning, that's great. I was rooting for you guys to-" he began before you interrupted him.

"No, you didn't. Fukurōdani has your friends whereas Nohebi has your enemy, yet you were rooting for Nohebi? That's a fat lie and you know it. How dumb to you think I am?"

Kuroo groaned before he spoke again, "Look bubs, I-"

"Stop with the petty nicknames,"

"Fine. Look, I'm just really trying to be friends here,"

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