14-Tobio Kageyama

Start from the beginning

'Uh hey! It's y/n. Hinata gave me your number after class. I hope you're ok, you looked really worried.'

Kageyama's cheeks went red. Hinata told him that he had phased out, but the fact that you were worried about him made him embarrassed. His phone buzzed again.

'I was wondering if you wanted to catch up today so we can talk about the project? It's ok if you can't or anything though :)'

Kageyama smiled. This was his chance. He only hoped he wouldn't seem like a creep this time.

'Sure thing. Practice ends in half an hour, then we can go meet at the milkshake place maybe?' he sent back, not knowing how happy that made you.

"Ooo Kageyama, is that a girl?!" st asked, nearly jumping on the poor boy. Kageyama's face went bright and he nearly threw his phone away.

"What?! No!"

Kageyama made his way inside of the small café and nearly immediately saw your h/c hair. He gulped and made his way to you.

"Oh hey Kageyama-san! Good to see you," you said, gesturing for him to sit in the seat in front of you and he did so. 'Don't screw this up Kageyama.' he thought. 'Tobio, you're taking to long! You look like an idiot. SPEAK! Oh, great, you screwed it. Now you're a fricking idiot. Good job.'

"Hey sorry, hi," he said. You luckily had barely noticed the hesitation from his mouth, you were just happy to hear his voice again. "I'm sorry about what happened after class... and that incident with the vending machine... I- I'm creepy when I stare," he said, looking down in shame.

"Oh no that's fine! I know you must have a lot on your mind will school and volleyball. And I don't find it creepy, I think you're rather cute," you said, not meaning for all that to come out, but not regretting it either. The boy's face went bright red and he quickly looked down at the drinks list. You let out a soft giggle. "So... you like milk a lot huh?" you asked and he nodded. You both ordered a drink, and, not to your surprise, he ordered just plain milk and some cookies.

You surprisingly had a really nice time with Kageyama. You had sort of developed a sort of crush on the boy since you both met and getting an excuse to talk to him was pretty awesome. You both had decided what you were going to do for your assignment and decided that he would come over to your house that weekend to work on it before his volleyball practice in the afternoon.

Now, not to say you didn't do the work while he was over, but a lot of the day was spent doing other things. You showed him how to make homemade milkshakes, which he loved, you both played some video games and watched funny YouTube videos. You also made a funny joke that made Kageyama laugh so hard, milk came out of his nose. It burned, but you both cracked up laughing at it. You loved his laugh. You wanted to hear it more often... but you decided maybe save the jokes for a time when he's not drinking. You honestly had such a fun time that when he had to go, you asked him if you could come to his training with him. You had asked before your brain could stop you, but luckily he said yes.

You liked his team. There was two second years who were spurring out compliments to you, and the vice-captain asked you if you were Kageyama's boyfriend, which made you both get flustered and repeatedly denied it. It was fine until you began talking to Hinata. Kageyama felt jealously spear through his heart. He knew you two knew each other since you all were in the same class, but seeing you two so close like you guys were close friends annoyed him, and he couldn't even understand why. 'What if he likes her? Or worse, she likes him?'

And that's when he had his realisation. 'I don't want her to like him... I want her to like me... I want her to be with me,'


"Y/n... may I ask you something?" Kageyama whispered as the teacher explained somethings. It was now the day you had to present your assignments.

"Mm?" you hummed, honestly fully expecting it to be related to your presentation.

"Do you have a crush on Hinata?"

You nearly choked on air and everyone in class looked at you. You said you were fine and the class continued.

"What? Why do you think that?"

"I... do you though?"



You were so confused but shrugged it off when you two were called up to present. You both were really proud of your work and even the teacher was quite impressed. After class, you headed to the vending machine to get a milk box. Well, two. You knew Kageyama was running after you, and when he arrived, you handed him one.

"Cheers to our amazing work, and, our A+!" you said, both of you laughing. You both talked for a while before you asked him about your brief conversation in class.

"Why did you think I liked Hinata?"

"I don't know, you both seemed close,"

"Why? Were you jealous?" you joked that you followed with a laugh.

"Yeah..." he muttered. You looked at him shocked.

"Oh, I was just... I was joking..." Kageyama sighed. 'Now or never Tobio.'

"I'm not... Y/n I... I want to go on another trip to the milkshake café, but, this time, you know... as a couple?" you were at a loss of words.

"I..." you nervously took a sip from your milk box then tried to speak again. "Is that why you asked about Hinata? You like me?"


"Aww Kageyama! I like you too! And I'd love to go on a date with you!" you hugged him and he smiled, hugging you back. He breathed a sigh of relief. 'Damn Tobio. Smooth.'


Author Notes

I had no idea what happened here but ok-

I'm so sorry about the milk thing. I know a few people out there hate the whole Kageyama and Milk thing, but I seriously love milk with a passion so you couldn't stop me. So, sorry, not sorry. :)

oH lOoK hInAtA aNd KaGs FiGhT aGaIn OoF, sHoCkEr.I really don't know how I do this but let's go with it.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, and see you all soon xx

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