10-Wakatoshi Ushijima

Comenzar desde el principio

"That and getting stuck in one. Guess this is my lucky day..." you muttered, crying again. His finger rubbed your arm a little and you could tell he was trying to comfort you without being too close to you. There were more questions he wanted to ask like why you were in here or how severe your claustrophobia was, but now wasn't the time. You were on the edge of having a panic attack and he knew that.

"I'm here, we'll be ok. I'll call someone," he said, pulling his phone out and moving his hand away. Quickly, you reached out and grabbed his hand with yours. He looked at you with worry and confusion.

"I'm sorry, I just... it helps," you replied, making his cheeks glow a deeper red. He began to wonder if he was crushing on you. He nodded, understanding your request. With his other free hand, he opened his phone and clicked on the first contact he had. It began ringing when the elevator jolted and you screamed. He quickly moved to hold you against his chest in a hug, calming you a bit again. The person on the other line picked up but Ushijima spoke to you first.

"Is this too close?"

"Nono, please stay," you muttered.

"Damn, got a girl with you Ushi?" the voice on the other line spoke.

"Yes Tendou,"

"Oooo Ushi's getting busy with a girl," Tendou joked. Ushijima didn't quite understand his friend's jokes, but now wasn't the time to ask.

"Are you still on your way to my apartment?"

"Mmhmm, nearly there. Why? Getting impatient?"

"The elevator is stuck. I need to tell the reception and get help,"

"Ok, I can. Why do you sound like you're in a rush?" Tendou asked, picking up on his tone.

"You remember y/n? Cheer Captain?"

"Your crush, yes?"

"I'm not sure, I think..." Ushijima began, but dropped it when he remembered you were in his arm. He felt your hands grip on your shirt as the elevator jolted again. "Tendou, be quick, she's with me and she has a fear of elevators,"

"Okok, I'll be there soon,"

"Thank you," he ended the call, put his phone away and held onto you. "I called Tendou and he'll be here soon to help," you nodded. You were beginning to panic now. Your breathing was becoming heavy and your heart rate was rapidly increasing. You were grateful you had run into Ushijima though, if you had been stuck alone or with a stranger, you knew you'd be losing it, and, surprisingly, his presence was calming you. The elevator went down suddenly really fast. You couldn't hold in your scream and you let it out. It jolted to a stop again, this time between levels 37 and 38. You stopped screaming and began to loudly sob. You were convinced that Ushijima would be weirded out or think you were some weirdo cry baby, but he still held onto, holding you close and not speaking. His hand still holding yours gently squeezed yours for a moment and he began to stroke your hair with his other hand, calming you down slightly. It also made you blush a little, but you weren't sure why. The elevator made a dinging noise as though it had arrived at the next level, but once again, the doors weren't opening. You were kind of grateful because you weren't even at a level. You began to hold your breath subconsciously.

"Hey hey, please remember to breathe. That's important," Ushijima said, catching onto what you were doing. You nodded and breathed again, but it soon turned into hyperventilating. He felt your hand squeezing his as you did. "Breathe slowly. Follow me. In, out. In, out," you followed your breathing with his words and it was actually calming you down. Once you were calmer, you looked at his face, which was plastered with a small smile. Suddenly the elevator began moving again, but at a much slower pace. You realised it was going down and somehow that made you feel at ease. You heard a buzz coming from Ushijima's pocket. He looked at you that at your hand still intertwined with his. "Still need it?" he asked and you nodded shyly. He gave you a smile and you could feel your heart begin beating in your chest. He pulled his phone out with his other hand and opened up the message from Tendou. He breathed a sigh of relief. You looked at him questioningly. "Tendou's spoken to reception, so I assume that's why we're going down. Are you ok?" he asked. You smiled.

"Yeah, I'm calmer now. Thank you for helping me,"

"Oh, it's ok. I'm not sure how much help I would have been," he replied as the elevator stopped moving and the doors opened.

"No no! You really helped, thank you!" you said, kissing him on the cheek, making his cheeks flush. You both looked into each other's eyes and he smiled too.

"Now this is when you confess your love for her and ask her out," Tendou's voice echoed into the elevator and you both looked up to see said redhead leaning against the entrance with a worried looking receptionist behind him talking to a construction worker. You and Ushijima both stood up and walked to the redhead and out of the goddamn elevator.

"I don't think she would like-" Ushijima began, before you interrupted.

"If you want, since I've now missed my cheer training, I'd be happy to go get a drink or something?" you asked, catching on from Tendou's hints that Ushijima wanted to go out with you. Tendou smirked and gave you a thumbs up.

"Uh, like a date?"

"If you want it to be," You answered. You had never seen the captain so flustered and it was pretty cute.

"I'd like that,"


Author Notes

So do you guys like my totally original title? I had no idea what to make it and I mean it works?I at first was completely at a loss of how to write this story, so I just went with a comforting kind of story? I don't know, but I mean it's not all that bad right? I also have no idea how elevators work and I have only mild claustrophobia so I hope this was ok...

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, and see you all soon xx

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