"Don't. You can't kill him." Enzo managed to say while he gritted his teeth.

"Oh come on..." Kai rolled his eyes, "he took your girl, he killed me, we both want a little revenge"

"I don't want to be part of your twisted plan."

"Oh ..." Kai paused, "Option B then..."
Suddenly, before Enzo could react, the heretic placed his hand forcefully on the wrist of the British vampire, then began chanting the lyrics of a spell, "Harae tamau kioku yomigaerashi tamae"

Enzo's eyes filled with darkness, his pupils grown to the size of his whole eye before returning to their original form. "What... what was that?"

"A hex" Kai smirked, "Have fun with it"

Bonnie and Leo opened their eyes gasping for breath.
"No... that... that can't be true." The Bennett said with pleading eyes, "Tell me you're lying Katherine!"

"I tried to tell Kai not to do something like this..." Katherine shrugged, "but I am excited to see how it plays out"

"How do we cure him?" Leo asked, taking Bonnies hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"The only cure, my handsome conquest" Katherine moved closer to Leo, "A wooden stake through the heart, it never fails"

"We're not killing Enzo" Bonnie spoke loudly, "There must be another way."

"Would you look at that" Katherine folded her arms smugly, "She would choose Enzo's life over yours"

"No... I'm not saying that." Bonnie shook her head, "But he doesn't deserve to die, not again"

Leo knew that the outcome of this situation was not going to be pretty, but he wasn't going to let Bonnie suffer. "It'll be okay, we will find something Bonnie, we can get through this..." He said before placing a soft, quick kiss on the back of Bonnies hand.

"Now I'm jealous." Katherine stood up and strutted to Bonnies side of the bed. "I'm just so sick of people having what I want..." As Katherines hand moved towards Bonnie, Leo shot up and sped his way over to Katherine, grabbing her by the throat and slamming her against the wall.

"Don't you ever lay a hand on her" He spat

Katherine bit down on her lip as she moved her gaze from his eyes, down to his exposed naked body. "Oh wow..." Her eyes lit up, "Why did I waste so much time on your brothers?"

"Don't play them games with me Katherine" He moved his hand back and slammed her head once again against the hard wall, "I'm not Damon or Stefan, and just so you know..." He moved his lips next to her ear, "I won't find it as hard as they did to kill you..."

"God! you're hot" She purred, letting her hands touch down his abs until he pushed himself away.

"Now get out!" He pointed to the door

"See you later" Katherine winked as she walked out of the room, however she couldn't help but take one more quick glance at the sight of Leo's naked body.
New Orleans
As the morning glow of the sky beamed through the windows of the Mikaelson home in New Orleans, Klaus sat on a comfortable chair, a glass of bourbon in his hand as he wore a serious yet worried expression on his face.

"I didn't sleep either..." A soft voice came from the entrance of the room.

"Is there an original vampire who has had a life long vendetta against you, coming after you?" Klaus looked over at Camille, he knew who it was straight away, the voice he had missed so much was miraculously back again, and it was like music to his ears.

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