Chapter 30 - Family

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It wasn't until we were sitting at the lunch table in our new home together, which was as foreign to me as the children and also the employees, that I really realized what was happening. I suddenly overnight and unexpectedly got a husband and two kids. Buy one and get two free, something like that.

So we were sitting there at the table, which had been set lavishly, and I was looking at my new family and feeling as if that was, at that moment, exactly what I had always wanted without actually knowing it. I was incredibly happy to see myself and my family sitting at a table and eating.

When we went outside after lunch together and Zhan and I watched the kids play, Zhan told me that he took Yuan in just a few weeks ago. He was the son of a cousin of Wen Qing, he said. This cousin apparently died in an accident and there was no one else for little 4 year old Yuan. And since Zhan already knew him and Yuan always felt comfortable with him, Zhan took him in.

It was also at that moment that we really talked about Wen Qing and Wen Ning for the first time. Whereas Zhan didn't have much to say about the two of them. They apparently always went their own ways and wanted nothing to do with the family. Unless they were getting money. They didn't care about anything else. "The two of them still think Wen Rouhan killed their mother." Said Zhan when I asked him why they didn't want to have anything to do with the family.

"I also heard the rumors at that time that Wen Rouhan killed not only his first wife but also his second wife." Replied.

"Well now. Wen Rouhan's first wife died of a heart attack at the age of 42. Wen Rouhan was so shocked by his wife's sudden death that he himself demanded an autopsy. He never accepted her death from heart attack. Because he never understood how an all around healthy woman, could die of a heart attack at that age. So it was not murder. And his second wife, the mother of Wen Qing and Wen Ning, committed suicide. She was severely depressed, so Wen Rouhan usually never left her unattended and regularly took her to the psychiatrist himself. But all the therapies and medicines were ineffective. And then, when he was away for a night, for a business dinner, she took the opportunity. She made tea for her guard and added sleeping pills. She was so twisted by then that she put several sleeping pills in his tea and he didn't fall asleep, but died from it. She secretly left the house and drove off in her car. She drove into a wall at top speed. However, since Wen Rouhan had well hidden and concealed Qing and Ning's mother's depression, even after her death, they always thought Wen Rouhan had killed her. Even when they found out the truth later, they still blamed Wen Rouhan."

"Why, even when they knew the truth, did they still blame Wen Rouhan for their mother's death?"

"Well, it's just easier to blame someone else you hate anyway than to accept that your own mother was sick and took her life, leaving her children behind knowingly. What child would find it easy to believe that their own mother committed suicide? Especially when the children only found out afterwards that she was depressed? They accused Wen Rouhan that he should have taken her to a psychiatric hospital and not kept her at home. But it's not that simple either. Because she had been in a clinic. For three months, even. And yet it was of no use."

"I see. And since their mother's death they've hated him?"

"No. They hated him from the beginning. No matter how good he was to them, they never accepted him. Although, thanks to him, they had a very good life and also liked to take his money."

"Now I understand all this too. The biological sons had been uncontrollable. The stepchildren hated him. And then only you were left. That's why you had been Wen Rouhan's favorite. You had always been smart, hardworking and respected him. You were his pride and joy."

"In that way, yes. He put all his hopes in me."

"And thus he dragged you into his criminal business."

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