Part 29 - Against my own mother

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Four weeks pass quickly and in four weeks, a lot can happen. For example, winter seems to finally make way for spring. It is now always daylight at half past five and does not get dark until late. Nature awakens to new life, new leaves and buds grow, the first flowers can be seen, the birds eagerly build their nests and chirp even at night.

Or, four weeks in which Zhan slept with me every night, but we are still not officially a couple or he said to me, I love you. But, I was allowed to call his daughter every day for three weeks and got to know her a little bit. She is looking forward to meeting me in person soon during the vacations.

Two weeks ago, the business dinner took place. We met a Japanese and a Korean in a tea house. The Japanese seemed to be from the Yakuza and the Korean from a Korean mafia. Zhan didn't have to tell me so I would know. He wouldn't have needed to, with all the Japanese and Koreans with expensive black suits guarding the teahouse.

I was beginning to think it was going to be like with the two men from the Russian mafia again. But it wasn't. This time it was about a cooperation between us, the Japanese and the Koreans. And no normal person would believe me if I told them that these heavily criminal organizations, as I would like to call it, were working together and had founded an aid organization in order to be able to bring children who had been illegally abducted abroad back to their home countries.

There I sat, prepared for the worst. And they're talking over tea about how far along they each are with building their orphanage and how the cooperation with the authorities is going. And I learned that the only illegal thing is the way the children are brought back. Namely with false papers. Without identity documents they can't travel back to their countries. So the identity documents are "procured".

In addition, there are also those groups that free these children from the clutches of various other "organizations". They are not afraid to free the children by force. Zhan explained to me and the others: "In order to make the whole thing a legal matter for the respective countries, we are planning to cooperate with several free agencies. My assistant and I even want to found our own agency." Now I also understood why Zhan wants me to be a special agent again. He wants me to help him save the poor children.

Once again, I had been impressed by Zhan and finally saw what he had been working on for more than a year.

Well, and then there was the court hearing, of which I can say it was a huge theater stage for all present. But it had started like this. Zhan and I arrived at the court at 9 am. He put both hands on my shoulders, looked deep into my eyes and said, "Yibo, I want you to go in there now and show them that your mind is working properly. I will follow in a few minutes. No matter what happens, try to adjust quickly and don't let any surprise show."

"Mhm, all right. But I really would have preferred if you told me your plan." I replied nervously.

"Then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore haha."

"Oh how good that at least one of us can laugh."

"Don't worry Yibo. I'm here and we can handle it."

"I trust you."

"Very nice. And Yibo?"


"I love you." At that moment, all my tension and nervousness disappeared, leaving me with a crazy feeling of happiness. For the first time, Zhan told me he loved me. So really and not just implied. I wrapped Zhan in my arms and kissed him. I didn't care who could see us.

Finally, I replied, "I love you too, like crazy."

Zhan then sent me into the courtroom where the hearing had already begun. My mother was sitting there talking about me when everyone turned around to the door and looked at me, startled. Zhan had also gotten me a lawyer, who immediately took the word and said, "If there is a hearing here today regarding my client's state of mind, my client should also be able to attend and defend himself. If you don't hear him, I will press charges."

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