Chapter 5 - And you are?

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Since last year, I have often wondered whether my decision to become a special agent was really the right one. I could also have become a prosecutor, like my mother. My mother, who is now a chief prosecutor at the court in Beijing, would have been happy if at least one of her children had emulated her.

At that time, I also always thought I wanted to be a lawyer. I don't know exactly when my mind changed and I followed my father, but suddenly from one day to the next, I suddenly didn't want to be a lawyer anymore and like my father, became an agent.

Now that I think about it, I also remember how it was with my brother back then. He used to want to be a state official, but never really knew in which field. And then, just before he finished school, he changed his mind and told our parents that he wanted to study agricultural management.

My parents were shocked and even had to go on the Internet to find out what this course of study was all about. However, they let him study what he wanted. But after a year at the university, he broke up his studies when he ran away with this Meng Yao. God I hate this Meng Yao!

When my brother ran away with him, our perfect world at home collapsed. My mother didn't want to believe that her eldest son would just disappear like that. And my father believed, as I did, that Meng Yao must have done something and my brother wanted to protect him. My mother beat my father and me up when we told her about our theory. Heavens, she yelled us together, because she was so angry.

But after two months of no contact with my brother and all the rumors about my brother and Meng Yao, my mother slowly changed her mind. Especially when her job was suddenly in danger. Because the chief prosecutor at the time, her superior, had also heard these rumors that my brother was hiding his criminal boyfriend and that my mother was supposed to protect the two of them with her position as a prosecutor.

The chief prosecutor even suspended my mother and demanded proof from her that she was not protecting my brother and Meng Yao. However, how was she supposed to prove it? My brother had been untraceable and could not answer her questions. So she had no choice but to go to the highest authority and ask them to annul the suspension.

My mother was really suffering from all this at the time and broke down several times. And that was only because my brother just ran away. He had always been her everything. Just like I am for my father. And when my brother suddenly ran away, it felt to her like he ripped her heart out. She kept saying that, and she still says it today.

So if in the course of the investigation I find my brother, I will, no matter what, I will bring him home and he will have to face our parents.

But back to my actual topic. As I said, I have already questioned several times whether my career choice was the right one, when I realized that I can no longer go out with friends as I used to, just without worrying. Since I could be recognized at any time.

Back then we met at least twice a month, went to bars or clubs and had a lot of fun. But at some point, I actually ran into a target once and was just able to hide. Since then, I haven't gone out with my friends because I don't want to put them in danger. And at the same time, I don't want to take any risks and maybe get caught after all.

Anyway, today is Saturday and after this exhausting first week in Yiling Police Station, I will go to a bar. Jong and Shiyan have recommended one to me. It's a little further from the dorm. I just have to make sure that I get back by midnight. Otherwise I would have to spend the night outside or spend money for a hotel room.

Because punctually at midnight, the doors are locked and no one comes in until the morning at 6 am, when the doors are opened again. What is absolutely ridiculous, if you think that in this dormitory live exclusively men. In addition, all the men here are police officers or serving the state in some other form.

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