Part 18 - Mother under suspicion?

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Even two days later, I still don't know what to say about the conversation with Zhan. It's hard for me to just say Wen Rouhan shouldn't have done that. Because if I put myself in his shoes, I probably would have reacted even the same, if not worse.

When I woke up in the morning, Zhan had already left. One of his maids had brought me breakfast and told me that Zhan had to leave early because of an appointment.

I honestly couldn't believe it. Zhan has been shot and should still be resting. But instead, he's carrying on as before and acting as if nothing has happened. I really don't understand him. And it made me a little angry, too. I would have liked to kick him in the butt for that.

After I had eaten my breakfast, I also went on my way. Not back to the dorm, though, but to my Dad. I drove from Zhan, on a direct route, all the way to the Agency and presented my father the envelope by which Zhan had provided me his answers.

I told my father what Zhan told me about my mom and Hai Kuan, and what Hai Kuan himself had told me on the phone. I kept the Wen Rouhan thing to myself.

When my father looked through the documents, he almost snapped and asked, "How can this woman do this to us? Has she gone completely crazy? She lied to us for years and fooled us!"

"Regrettably, you're right. And I honestly didn't even want to believe it. But then I talked to Hai Kuan myself and he told me everything. I don't know what to say about it. I'm disappointed in Mom and Hai Kuan and I'm pissed off."

"Believe me son, I'm pissed off too. Really pissed off, in fact! However, let's not tell your mother we know the truth for now. I'll call your brother myself and talk to him. I think it's time we looked a little closer at your mother."

"You think mom is suspicious?"


"Wow, really?"

"Yeah. She's been lying to us ice cold for years. She lied to the former chief prosecutor and even to everyone else. Here we have the evidence of her lies. She sent Hai Kuan away instead of giving him a chance to prove he was innocent. I could have helped him! He's my son too, after all!"

"I know dad. And that's another thing I don't understand. You, as a special agent, could have helped him back then to prove that he had nothing to do with Meng Yao's crooked dealings. Then he would never have had to leave. Sure, that's how he met his husband. But still, that's really too much, what he and Mom pulled."

"Right. But now tell me, how are things with you and Xiao Zhan? Now that you have your answers, do you still want to go into the deal?"

"Yes I do. It was a deal between the two of us and I'm going to stand by it."

"Okay. If anything comes up, contact me here."

"I will dad."

"So now tell me, what do you personally think of Xiao Zhan? From what I was told, you two had two hot nights together. And last night you also slept at his place. Do you perhaps have feelings for him?"

"I can reassure you Dad, it was just sex, very good sex, but there are no feelings involved." As I said that, I suddenly hiccupped. Very strange.

"So you're kind of like friendly enemies who share a bed every now and then?"

"Something like that yes."

"God, the world has really changed in the last few years. In the past, that would have been unthinkable."

"Even today, homosexuality is still condemned in this country. And so are consensual affairs. Even if both are single."

"Um, yeah. I meant more the thing about being friendly enemies. But okay, thanks for the clarification. And how are you doing otherwise?"

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