Part 22 - I am sorry

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I wasn't allowed to leave my parents' house until Monday morning. But only to go with my father to the agency, where I should talk with special agent Masu about my new mission.

On the weekend, which I actually wanted to spend with Zhan, Seungyoun brought me my things from the dormitory. He drove Zhan's car back to Yiling and no matter how many times I tried to call Zhan. I just couldn't reach him. Meanwhile, the battery of the cell phone died and I don't have a suitable charging cable at home. My cell phone was taken from me by my father.

When Seungyoun came to my room because he wanted to talk to me and also gave me my suitcases, I was so angry that I immediately threw him out of my room. I yelled, "Get out of my room. Get out of my life. Don't ever contact me again. We are not friends anymore! You knew all along why Ran really came and you lied to me. You all lied to me and used me. I don't want to see you anymore! Just go away!"

He tried to calm me down, but I just pushed him out of my room. I stayed in my room all weekend. When my brother called home, my dad handed me the phone and he asked me why he couldn't reach Zhan. I just said, "Ask dad, I have nothing more to say."

And the hell continued today on Monday morning. When my dad and I walked into the Agency, two agents met us in the hallway. In their midst, handcuffed, was Zhan! He looked at me very briefly and then avoided my gaze.

I tried to make eye contact with him to signal that it was not my fault and that I was sorry. But he didn't look at me. And that was the worst thing ever for me.

After Masu told me about the new mission, I passed the time in the Agency waiting for a good opportunity to go to the prisoner cells. When the opportunity finally presented itself, I went to the cells.

I was looking for Zhan. He was sitting in a cell with his father. I tried to talk to him, I told him I was sorry and that I never wanted or planned this. But Zhan didn't even look at me. His father also ignored me. In the other two cells, were his brothers Wen Xu and Wen Chao. They just laughed and Wen Chao shouted to me, "Once my little brother writes someone off, you won't get a second chance with him! You messed up and now he's punishing you for it. Just you wait, you won't get off that easy."

I ignored Wen Chao as much as I could and went back to addressing Zhan. He raised his head, came to the barred door, looked me in the eyes with a sinister look and said, "I will kill you Wang Yibo! I will hunt you down and I will kill you! Now get out of here!"

I grabbed Zhan's hand and said, "I'm sorry Zhan. It's my family. I didn't want this to happen. I can't let my mother go to jail, can I?"

"I don't care about any of that. Now let go of my hand before I break it."

"Listen, I'll figure out a way to get you out of here. You and your father. If you tell me what your daughter's name is and exactly where she is, I'll make sure she's okay."

"No need! You think we're not prepared for situations like this? Who do you think we are. Amateurs? Oh special agent Wang, we're not. And I promise you, as soon as I get out of here, I will hunt you down. I'll show you what happens to people who betray my trust. And you better stay away from my daughter! Don't get too close to her!"

I was about to say something else, but then Wen Rouhan suddenly collapsed with a roar. He was lying on the cell floor holding his head, screaming. I pressed the alarm button and help came immediately. Wen Rouhan was taken to the hospital. And before I left the cell block, Zhan shouted to me, "Die, my father. Die your whole family too!"

Two hours later, I learned that Wen Rouhan had a brain tumor and didn't have long to live. I already suspected that he was sick. These hints from Zhan, made me wonder and I was right in my guess. And I also learned that Zhan and his family, had already been in the cells since the day I left him for work.

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