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I arrived at the destination where Stevie's captors left her, and I came alone, just as the guy instructed. 

Slide out of the car to glance around in the dark, but it's too dark to see anything. My heart sank as I ran my fingers through my short hair, taking in a few deep gasps. 

Panic takes me over as I grab my mobile to use the torch and scan the area where I stood.

My breathing is heavy and my body trembled as I strolled around, pointing my torch, hoping to get a glimpse of Stevie. "Stevie," I shouted, but I get no reply. 

I stop to scan around me when my eyes focus on a silhouette of a person curled in a foetal position, and I rush over, sliding on my knees. 

My heart was racing as I moved the hair from her face to see Stevie in a deep sleep. Take a deep breath and check her over, not wanting to set the bomb off. "Stevie, I'm here, baby. I'm right here," I said, lifting her onto my lap and rocking with her.

Kissed her head and tried to wake her, "My god, I love you so much; please wake for me." Cradled her in my arms, waiting for the sun to come up so I could get her to the hospital. I just want to take her now, but if I do, I put Stevie in danger.

The guy who took her from me said if I tried to take her before the sun came up, he would set the bomb to detonate. 

Glanced at her hand with her mobile in a tight grip shake my head, wanting this nightmare to be over. "Stevie, did I ever tell you how much you mean to me?" Smoothed her hair as I talked to her, "Baby, you are safe." My tears fall onto her cheeks as I rocked with her in my arms.

Buried my face in the crook of her neck as guilt eats at me for what she's been through. I could only imagine what she's endured with her captors, but deep down I'm afraid for her.

Afraid I will lose her just because I'm a wealthy guy and famous. I don't care how much wealth I have. It's not worth losing her over it. 

Held her in my arms as the sun rose in the sky and rise to my feet with her tight to my warm frame. 

Laid her limp body on the back seat and got in the driver seat to race out there towards the bomb squad who are waiting. 

Peered over my shoulder to make sure Stevie is all right when my mobile rings. "Yes," I answered, "Dominic, I was watching, and what a sweet reunion," The guy said. "Please, just leave her alone, you got the money, what more do you want?" I'm angry to the bone at what this guy did, and the nerve of him to contact after he got what he wanted. It's nothing to do with the money, it's Stevie I'm concerned for. 

Checked my mirrors before pulling onto the main road, "Dominic, it's not about the money. But like I said, I have done this more than a few times. I will be in touch," He ends the call. 

Glimpse at Stevie with my heart pounding in my chest, "Baby, we are almost there." My voice is panicked as my eyes return to the road and I continue driving.

I ache from head to toe with fear we are not going to make it in time, and all my efforts will be in vain. 

Take a deep breath as the car came to a screeching halt, and a guy from the bomb squad moves towards us. "Mr Davenport, step away from the vehicle," The guy said and I shake my head. "I'm not leaving my wife," I shouted and opened the back door of the car.

Slide my hands gently under her body to lift her and hold her tight as the guy disarmed the bomb. 

There was no way in hell I was leaving her, not when my entire body ached for her.

A PERFECT STORM A LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now